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This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.

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Stones River Market:  Market is OPEN -- See you Wednesday on the CURB!

Welcome to this weeks Stones River Locally Grown Online Farmers Market. The Market is open from 8:00 am on Sunday Morning and closes 10:00 pm Monday evening. Order early before quantities available run out!

The Market is OPEN…..hope everyone is ready for some wonderful, delicious and helpful and new items on the market this week.

THANK YOU Customers for your patience during our second ‘Curb Service’ in front of Quinn’s Mercantile. Several of you had your name showing as you arrived, very helpful and appreciated.

For those that didn’t see last week Weblog, we made the suggestion: to put your name on your side window. It was very helpful for the ‘Porch’ Assistance’s to see when you drive up. (Sort of like picking up your child at school!) It will help them assemble your order with less waiting.

A special thank you to Tracy Toy owner of Quinn’s Mercantile for hosting the Stones River Market and providing us a place to share and promote the local growers and artisans within the Murfreesboro area. Although the Mercantile is closed during the quaranteen period, you can order unique gifts for everyone, including clothing, home decor, balloons, paint, pet products, and gifts from their website

We have Delivery Service available within a 10 mile radius of Murfreessboro and will deliver to Woodbury to a host location.

News from Some of Growers:

Welcome Emerald Acres located in Eagleville. She will be providing the market with flowers and later in the season produce. This week she has a beautiful bouquet of Ranunculus that will surely brighten your day during this quarantine time.

Carole’s Herbs (CS3 Farm): We have more Miners Lettuce, Forage Greens, Red Pepper Hummus, and some brand new Herbal Honeys!…..Want an alternative to your typical salad? Get our Miner’s Lettuce, full of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and Iron. Our Forage Greens are tasty, nutrient dense, and quite delicious, too….. Try our new Spearmint Honey and Spring Tonic Honey, with Violets, Dandelions, and Orange Blossom Honey.

Mama D’s Bakery: We make donuts, cookies, breads, rolls, pies, cakes, muffins, danishes, scones and more. We use healthy fats such as avocado, coconut and olive oil and butter, and we sweeten with organic raw sugars, honey, and maple syrup.

Dogwood Valley Greenhouse: The 10" Lettuce Bowls, a great way to get your salad mix, are gorgeous! More perennials are blooming, including carnations, dianthus, creeping phlox, geraniums, and pincushion plants. Needing some new landscaping? Try our azaleas! For the herb garden, we have spearmint plants and creeping rosemary, with more coming. The tall variegated and dwarf Solomon’s seals will really brighten your wildflower garden.

Oakview Farm: We have fresh and dried herbs, along with turkey, chicken and duck eggs. If you haven’t tried a turkey egg, they are scrumptious! They have a big beautiful yolk; great on a burger or a biscuit. One turkey egg is about the size of three small chicken eggs and they only lay in the Spring. Get them while you can. We are waiting for our microgreens to grow to baby salad mix and our spinach to grow to maturity.

Wedge Oak Farm: has come up with a new, fresh Springtime sausage! Wedge Oak Farm pasture-raised pork, salt, pepper, wild onion, wine and hog casing.

Flying S Farms: Low Sugar Peachy Jam and Low Sugar Strawberry Jam is now available. Enjoy our Sour Cream or Buttermilk Biscuits with almost anything!

Look forward seeing you “At the Curb" of Quinn’s Mercantile Wednesday April 11th from 5:00 – 6:30pm, please contact me if you are unable to make delivery or are running late, please phone, email or text me so we can make arrangements to get your order to you.

How to contact us:
Email: [email protected]
Locations: Quinn’s Mercantile on Wednesdays: 301 North Spring Street, Murfreesboro

Dothan, Alabama:  April 4, 2020 M@D Newsletter

Market at Dothan is open to accept orders.
Orders close Tuesday at 5pm
We use the word “Sustainable” over “Organic” because you can grow organic without being sustainable, but you cannot be sustainable without utilizing organic practices.

A Different Perspective
Market Chitchat
Grower Notes

Thank you for your continued support of our local farmers. We count it a privilege to serve you!

Open Letter from ER Physician

Editors Note – what follows was written last week by the E.R. Physician husband of one of our Market customers. Please share it as you see fit! We appreciate both Basford’s so much and encourage you to pray with us for all of our medical front line soldiers and their families.

Dear America,

I am sorry that you are struggling in this time of uncertainty and quarantine. Death does not care about your suffering, but I do. I want deeply to help you through it. I want to ease your suffering and free you from fear. I am not quarantined. I am an emergency medicine physician, and I am not alone. Along with me, thousands of healthcare workers and hospital support staff are braving work each day for you. We go to work because of you. We ask that you stay home for us.

I say braving because, like you, we are afraid. We are afraid because each patient that we touch may be the one that gives us this virus, this uncertainty, and this fear. We touch you because you are afraid, and at the very depths of what we do, we want you to be free from this fear. Each day, when I come home from work and I kiss my wife, I fear that this singular act of love will be the one that kills her. Every member of my hospital staff feels the same way. The fear is palpable. We fear for our own lives, but more than that, we are afraid because of our love for those around us. We deserve to be free from this fear, and that is why I am writing this.

You are right to say that this virus is not as deadly as Ebola or the bird flu. You are wrong to say that it is no worse than a bad seasonal flu. People in contact with this virus are more likely to contract it and somewhere between 5 and 10 times more likely to die from it than the seasonal flu. Not only do symptoms last longer that the flu, you can give it to your loved ones without knowing it, as some who are infected barely develop any symptoms; those that do succumb die of suffocation.

But you are young, America. You are not Italy, Spain, or China. You are healthy and vibrant. Your liberties and your freedoms set you apart. Your government has no right to make you stay home or arrest you if you don’t (they do have this right, though). You are unique in the world. You are right that this virus will likely not kill most of you. As I write this, current projections suggest that as many as 150,000 Americans will die directly from this disease before the end of summer. This number will be much higher if we don’t stay home, but so many of these deaths can be prevented by just staying home. The economy will recover. It will recover sooner if we end this plague now.

Social distancing isn’t about letting the virus fizzle out over time—social distancing will draw the disease out for quite a while, but that isn’t the point. The point is, that if we don’t let the virus fizzle out over time, our hospitals will not be able to take care of you, your spouse, your children, or your parents. If our hospitals are overrun with respiratory disease, we will not be able to take care of the healthcare problems that don’t stop just because the emergency department is busy with COVID 19. I will not be able to take care of your mother having a heart attack or your infant child with a seizure. When a drunk driver hits you on the way home from the grocery store, I will not be able to take care of you. I will have to tell your mother that her daughter died because I didn’t have any room to take care of her. You or your family might die because I am sick at home because I didn’t have a facemask.

In a few weeks, our capacity to take care of COVID 19 patients may overwhelm our nation’s hospital capacity. If and/or when this happens, people will die. They will not necessarily die solely because of COVID 19, but they will die from all of the other things that kill Americans—heart attacks, strokes, car wrecks—they will die because our liberties made it seem more important to prove that we are all Americans than to keep our families alive by just staying home.

If you care about your family, stay home. If you care about your freedoms, stay home. If you want this to end, stay home. If you care about America and the freedoms on which She was founded, stay home.

If you are still having pool parties and barbecues to prove that you are not afraid, shame on you. If are still holding church services to prove a point, shame on you. If you think that shopping or visiting your friend is more important than the health of your fellow man, shame on you. If you are so arrogant to believe that these rules do not apply to you, shame on you; you are the reason that I and my colleagues are afraid to go work. Surprisingly enough, though, you are also the reason that we still go to work.
Grace and Peace,
Jesse Basford



Red round radishes
Spring Onions


More covid-19 procedures: This week we added a couple of things to our arsenal against infection. We now have a hand washing station at the Market Shed and now have masks. Of course the masks are not medical issue but they do the job of keeping the bulk of our own germs close to us and not you. And if nothing else they are cute.


I guess it’s ok to mention that your Market manager has been in contact with other farmer’s markets around the state because our business model and new pick up procedures are working so well for the current situation. Some of this came to fruition Friday when Elizabeth Thompson who runs the farmer’s market in the Decatur area visited us Friday. They are working to implement a similar system for their farmers and customers. Unfortunately covid did not allow most of you to meet this delightful lady. We wish her and her market family there well as they take this bold step!

On a different note, we learned from our developer that he’s been swamped helping other new locally grown markets like ours around the country get up and running.

More closures ordered by the Governor: If you are wondering they do not affect Dothan Nurseries or Market at Dothan.

What follows is a “tweaked” reprint from last week’s newsletter for the benefit of our newbees.

I. Order Payment:
1. Voluntarily prepay by 6 pm Thursday if possible using this PAYPAL link. This eliminates passing paper currency back and forth or handling of debit/credit cards on site. Your invoice will be marked PAID and pickup is fast and easy.

2. You may use PAYPAL curbside on Friday. Not quite as efficient as we have to verify receipt but it does work.

3. Debit/Credit – yes, we still take cards using our regular system. We just have to get within 6 feet for you to put your card in the chip reader. We do our best to avoid touching your card or you touching the equipment which means we sign an “x” for your signature.

4. Cash and Checks – please put them in a plastic baggie or bank bag. If you want to put them in your trunk/tailgate that would eliminate the need to come near the drivers window

II. Curb Service. It’s OK to pull up next to the building. In fact we recommend it as tractor trailers sometimes need to share that space. Have your trunk/ hatchback open and we’ll load you up!


We have the best Growers in the Wiregrass! Please learn more about them on our Grower Page.



Leeks! Decided to start offering the leeks. They are approximately an inch in diameter and will be sold in groups of 3. Fresh dug, with all those lovely leaves. Google “leek leaf uses” and you’ll get things like: stock/soup, chips, salad toppings and wraps! Let’s not waste them!

Spring onions. Apparently there are a myriad of definitions of that term. What I’m calling Spring Onions are young, not fully mature bulbing onions. An order will consist of young Kinston Sweets and Creole Reds.

Red round radishes are a nice size finally. They are listed again. There are some purple and green mini daikons growing alongside them that are just starting to bulb.

Asparagus are showing up daily but not in full production yet. A few bunches will be listed in the hope of better production this week. (Keep your fingers crossed.)

All the transplants of tomatoes,  peppers and eggplants are out in the field. Have some new greens transplants to plant out still. And it’s time for the 2nd succession planting of summer squashes. 

Be safe. Don’t eat all the goodies the first day! 
Big cyber hug from Wendy, Avalon Farms.

HORTONS FARM: What a day! We got to witness one of nature’s marvels in our front yard today. As a beekeeper having a swarm is embarrassing because it means I failed to prevent it. On the other hand, they’re just so cool to watch! These bees didn’t like my husband’s almond tree and moved to a flowering crabapple in the shade. I’ll be collecting them and rehoming them to a hive in the pasture a bit later today.



We would love to hear from you! If you have a favorite recipe, want to write a product review, have an idea or request for an article or information, let us know! You can reply to this newsletter or write [email protected].

Market Schedule
Order Saturday 5pm to Tuesday 5pm weekly for Pickup the following Friday
Dothan Pickup: 10am – 12pm, Dothan Nurseries, 1300 Montgomery Highway, Dothan, AL 36303
Daleville Pickup: 11am – 11:30am, Parking area behind Daleville Chamber of Commerce
Enterprise Pickup: 12pm – 12:30pm, Grocery Advantage, 1032 Boll Weevil Circle, Enterprise

Our Website:
Our Email: [email protected]

On Facebook:
Join our Online Discussions!
Be sure to use our hashtag! #marketatdothan

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!

Middle Tennessee Locally Grown:  New Farm, and New Items from Existing Farms

Middle Tennessee Locally Grown market

is open for your orders till Tuesday evening at 10 pm.

Petalland Flower and Herb Farm, outside Tullahoma, brings to us a wide variety of quality cut flowers, herbs, and herbal products. These items will be available for pickup only at the Tullahoma location, or for delivery to Manchester and Coffee Co. Please add delivery charge to your order and Linda will deliver your whole order – no need to get out!

Pint jar bouquet and Lavender Hydrosol.

At Dogwood Valley Greenhouse, the 10" Lettuce Bowls, a great way to get your salad mix, are gorgeous! More perennials are blooming, including carnations, dianthus, creeping phlox, geraniums, and pincushion plants. Needing some new landscaping? Try our azaleas! For the herb garden, we have spearmint plants and creeping rosemary, with more coming. The tall variegated and dwarf Solomon’s seals will really brighten your wildflower garden.

(L to R) 10 inch Lettuce Bowl; Salmon Azalea, available in two sizes.

Due to the Corona virus restrictions, if you would prefer home delivery of your order, please just ask. No charge during this time.

However, please remember that our market is much safer than any grocery store. All our products are direct from grower/producer to consumer, with no middle men handling.

Please share this information with your friends and help them to understand how safe our open-air markets are.

Click here for the complete list of available fresh local farm products for this week.

From CS3 Farms in Several Categories:

CS3 Farms has more Miners Lettuce, Forage Greens, Red Pepper Hummus, and some brand new Herbal Honeys!

Want an alternative to your typical salad? Get our Miner’s Lettuce, full of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and iron. Our Forage Greens are tasty, nutrient dense, and quite delicious, too. Try our new Spearmint Honey and Spring Tonic Honey, with Violets, Dandelions, and Orange Blossom Honey.

Top (L to R) Miners Lettuce and Forage Greens (both Growers => Vegetables)
Row 2 (L to R) Red Pepper Hummus, Golden Pecan Bites. (both Culinary Artists)
Row 3 (L to R) Fresh Lemon Balm, Spring Tonic Herbal Honey. (Growers => #3 Herbs; Herdsmen => Honey & Bee Products)
Bottom (L to R) Spearmint Herbal Honey, Boost-immune Smelling Salts. (Herdsmen => Honey & Bee Products; Candlestick Makers => Seasonal Items)

To Contact Us

Our Website:
Middle Tennessee Locally Grown
On Facebook:
Middle Tennessee Locally Grown Online Farmers’ Market
By e-mail:
[email protected]
By phone:
(931) 273-9708

Our Manchester pickup location is across the street from the Manchester City Schools administration building, at
216 East Fort Street, Manchester, TN

Our Tullahoma pickup location is inside “Nature’s Elite”, in the Cherokee Square Shopping Center next to Dunham’s Sports, at
1802 N Jackson St, Ste 800, Tullahoma TN

For a map, click on the address link.

AND We deliver!!!

Only the best fresh flavorful farm products for your family! No more week-old produce trucked cross-country. All the fresh local farm products listed come from your grower and maker neighbors in Middle Tennessee. The freshest produce is picked the day you receive it!

Your year-round weekly market is open for ordering from Sunday morning at 8 am till Tuesday evening at 10 pm.

Receiving options (please note changes in day and time for Tullahoma):
Thursday afternoon pickup (3:45 – 4:30 p.m.) – Fort Street, Manchester, pavilion.
Thursday afternoon pickup (5:00 – 5:30 p.m.) inside “Nature’s Elite”, Tullahoma.
Delivery on THURSDAY evening for a small fee, or other times by arrangement.

See the “About” page for details.

Please help us grow:
spread the word about our market.
share this newsletter with someone.
make my day and ask to hand out some fliers.
And if you are hungry for something special, just let us know, and we will do our best to find it for you.


Your Local Farmers!

Champaign, OH:  Here Comes The Sun

Here comes the sun, and I say
It’s all right…
(The Beatles)

Well, lovely market customers, we had a beautiful sunshine day, yesterday, and we are in for another, today…when the sun is shining, my soul is lifted, your souls are lifted, and it seems that for a moment in time, it’s all really all right…

And, well, it all will be all right, we know that. We know that it may take a bit of time, but little by little the sun will shine, we will all be released into the wilds, and allowed to roam, talk, congregate, and resume real life.

But, until then, let us be your sunshine. Let us be your light in the little local community. Let us bring you all that our market has to offer. And, remembering that Easter is coming up, next weekend, and while I know everyone will need to celebrate in a more secluded way, why not order special indulgences, from us, along with your weekly needed items. Make the Easter weekend as special as you can…

Sending all the love and sunshine, today, and a huge thank you, as it’s only Saturday, and the market is poised to break another record…

Many love vibes,
Cosmic Pam

Statesboro Market2Go:  Market2Go is Open!

THE MARKET IS OPEN. And it’s changing again! Please read carefully.

Our order process remains the same but we’re changing the pickup procedure in response to the overwhelming number of orders we received last week and the long wait times in the drive-through. (Thank you all for your patience and special thanks to those of you who offered help.)

NEW PICKUP TIMES! This week we will offer Statesboro customers two choices for picking up their orders – Thursday evening or Friday morning. Sylvania customers will have slightly expanded hours for pickup at their regular venue.

When you place your order, you’ll be asked to select the location/time of your pickup. You will not be able to finalize your order without choosing one.

  • Statesboro: Thursday evening at Uncle Shug’s on Main
  • Statesboro: Friday morning at Uncle Shug’s on Main
  • Sylvania: Thursday evening at Victory Garden General Store
  • To Your Home Delivery (must add delivery to cart and prepay)

Watch for the market UPDATE on Wednesday night to get specific details about pickup times. If you want us to bring your order to your home, add Home Delivery to your cart. (Pickup times do not apply to home deliveries.)

Place your orders by midnight Tuesday for pickup Thursday or Friday. To make our process more efficient and to better meet health guidelines, we’re asking all our customers to PAY ON LINE. Register your debit or credit card at My Account and click “Pay Now” when you check out. Check your cart and make sure you’ve actually purchased all items. You’ll receive an email verifying your order.

We have more vendors and products on line than ever before!

Enjoy lots of fresh, local, delicous vegetables like spinach, kale, collards, turnips and turnip greens, mustard greens, mushrooms, green garlic, and green onions, asparagus, strawberries, broccoli, and much, much more!

We offer a full line of fresh and delicious dairy – Milk, buttermilk, chocolate milk, cream, half and half, butter, and ice-cream from Southern Swiss Dairy. They are a family owned and operated dairy in Waynesboro that offers products with pasteurized, non-homogenized milk from their line of Brown Swiss cows.

In addition to fresh, local, delicous vegetables, we have plenty of items you need. You can buy locally grown pastured poultry and meat like beef and pork, and sustainable seafood.

There’s loaves of bread, already baked, or you can purchase locally milled flour and cornmeal and make your own.

Enjoy sustainable seafood! We have Doug’s Wild Caught Alaska salmon! Purchase from our annual winter stock while it lasts, or order Georgia Wild Caught shrimp or NC coast flounder from Prosser’s Seafood.

If you want a delicious meal made from market products, but don’t have time to cook, you can purchase a healthy prepared meal from Victory Garden, 4 & 20 Bakers, Caribbean Feast, or a soup stock from Ma’s Country Pantry.

Looking for more? We’ve got coffee, honey, grits and cornmeal. Plus homemade dog biscuits, candles, lotions, and soaps. Plus, there’s lots of sweets and treats from Sugar Magnolia, 4 & 20 Bakers, Cakes by Rosie, Jacob’s Produce, and Victory Garden General Store.

Thank you for your support of the market and of our dedicated local farmers and producers.

Northeast Georgia Locally Grown:  MARKET IS OPEN FOR ORDERS!

Good Evening Locavores, Northeast Georgia Locally Grown is open for orders!

COVID19: As far as we are aware, Northeast Georgia Locally Grown qualifies as “essential business” and will continue to help bring the best selection of local and chemical-free foods to you and your family as long as our volunteers feel comfortable and safe. Thanks for recognizing we can all do our part in operating in the safest way possible for upcoming markets. This market system may continue to be a good alternative for our community accessing food. We are and will continue to operate under CDC and federal guidelines to the best of our ability and knowledge. Be on the lookout for the order reminder email on Tuesday night with ways you can help minimize risk for our volunteers and each other. Thanks for your support!

Go to the market >>
Fresh Vegetables
Clean Meats
Baked Goods with Organic ingredients
Gluten Free goodies
Pastured Eggs
See all products

Market stays open from Fridays 9 p.m. until at least 9 p.m. Mondays!

Thank you for choosing Northeast Georgia Locally Grown as a way to support your local producers. This online farmers market allows you to buy directly from multiple farms committed to chemical-free and local produce all year long! CHEMICAL-FREE means produce and pastures grown without synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, or insecticides. LOCAL means within 80 miles from the market pickup locations (usually much much closer). Do you know someone who grows chemical-free food in the area? Get them in touch with us. Know someone who wants fresh food? Spread the word. Put the two together, and that’s growing organically!

PICKUP TIME is Wednesday from 5-6:30 p.m.

If you do not get an email ORDER CONFIRMATION right after you order then your order is NOT complete. Log back in and your order might still be there waiting for you to check out! If you have any trouble or questions at all, we are here to help; simply reply to this email.

Statesboro Market2Go:  Market2Go Delay

We will be opening a bit later this evening at 10:00pm and apologize for any inconvenience.








  1. OPENING DAY of the market will be different. Customers will be told where to park by a volunteer. Customers will remain in their cars. Volunteers will ask your name from a safe distance, and which vendor you have purchased from. Volunteer will bring your order to your car.
  3. Customers can shop and pay with our online market, gfm.locally or call your favorite vendor to prepay with pick up at the market starting Saturday’s May 9, at 9 am to noon.
  4. Customers: Please stay home if you are sick. Send someone else to pick up your prepaid, preordered merchandise.  ORDERS NOT PICKED UP BY NOON WILL BE DONATED TO THE FOOD PANTRY. NO REFUNDS GIVEN.
  5. We are accepting SNAP and will be doubling up to $20.
  6. Vendors: Please stay home if you are sick. Call your prepaid, preordered customers and let them know you will not be sending their orders to the market that week. REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN TO CUSTOMERS IF YOU CAN’T MAKE GOOD ON A DELIVERY.
  7. Please follow us on Facebook for Market Opening changes or guide line changes.

Once the Market is able to Open with Vendors

  1. Customers will be told where to park by a volunteer, wait until volunteer escorts them to a vendor, (ONLY 1 CUSTOMER AT A VENDOR TABLE AT A TIME) (6ft distance from vendor table.)
  2. No more than 10 customers shopping at physical market at a time. (no families, only one shopping for a family)
  3. There will not be any handling of produce OR products by customers. All produce, products will be prepackaged, priced and prepaid.
  4. Vendors will wear gloves, changed between customers. ALL tables will have a bottle of Sanitizer on table for use & Vendors will set up 6 ft. apart.
  5. Customers: Please stay home if you are sick. Send someone else to pick up your prepaid, preordered merchandise.
  6. Vendors: Please stay home if you are sick. Call your prepaid, preordered customers and let them know you will not be sending their orders to the market that week. REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN TO CUSTOMERS IF YOU CAN’T MAKE GOOD ON A DELIVERY.
  7. Please follow us on Facebook for Market Opening changes or guide line changes.

Russellville Community Market:  The Market Is Open!

To ensure your order is placed, make sure you click the “Place My Order” button once you have completed your shopping. You will receive a confirmation email.

Orders will be ready for pick-up from 4PM – 8:00PM this Tuesday outside the Downtown Russellville Train Depot. Your order will be brought to your car in full-service fashion!

Roasted chicken purchased from Farm Girl Meats and cooked by our most loyal customer, Jeannie Wichmann! Dry brine for 24 hours, rub with olive oil and blackened chicken spice. Bake in cast iron skillet at 350 degrees for 1 hour and 20 minutes. Internal temperature should reach 180 degrees.
WE HAVE CHICKEN! Welcome back Dunrovin Farm! We also have many different cuts of Beef, Pork, and Lamb, as well as Kale, Collard Greens, Fresh Sweet Leeks, Green Onions, Red Velvet Lettuce, Fresh Salad Mix, Live Plants, and a large selection of Breads and Pastries, and more, all listed on the market this week!

Russellville Community Market


Augusta Locally Grown:  The Online Market is Open at Augusta Locally Grown

What a beautiful day!

The market is open and pickup will be Tuesday.
AJCC Pickup is 4-6pm
Buona Cafe Roastery Pickup is 5-7pm

Please do not arrive early for pickup. Our staff needs as much time as possible to process your order and ensure safety protocols are in being upheld.

Also, ALG has waved the membership fee for using the online market. We have instead added a surcharge fee to help with the running of the market. We found that the membership fee was a barrier for some and I goal is to make locally-sourced sustainable food accessible for all.

Thank you for supporting ALG,

Rebecca van Loenen