The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Statesboro Market2Go: Weblog Entry
We had a very busy night at Market2go. If you are missing any items from order, please stop by Uncle Shug’s on Main, 434 S. Main St. Please come by before 11am. There’s no line!
Thank you.
CLG: Location change - CLG pick up today 3:30 PM until 6pm
Good morning,
In accordance with the current social distancing guidelines, we will not have more than 10 people in the lobby at any time. Please keep 6 feet distance. You can enter the lobby from the courtyard. We have four volunteers who can bring your order to your car if you prefer, just call or text 501-339-1039. Tell me where you are parked and what kind of car you are in. Open your trunk for contactless delivery.
If you ordered plants, please bring a box to carry them home in. We will have $1 plants on the extras table.
This is a pickup reminder for those of you who ordered this week. Thank you for your order! You can pick up your order from 3:30 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. today at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church at 925 Mitchell Street in Conway.
If something comes up that you cannot personally pick up your order today, please contact someone to pick up for you.
Remember to bring your EGGSHELLS, glass jars for recycling, egg cartons, and bags for ordered items. Reduce, reuse, recycle! See you this afternoon.
Come early for the best selection from the EXTRAS table! Even if you didn’t make an order, you can come by to shop the EXTRAS table.
Champaign, OH: Hey, Now!!
Tonight is a short and sweet weblog because your market manager is a tired Hippie girl…
But, you totally made this market an explosion of orders and love, this evening!! You touched my soul with all of the kind words, and you made me smile, and I not only felt the warmth of the sunshine, but also the warmth of what is now becoming a driveway party as we take all of your orders, to each of your cars, and have a safe distanced chat with each of you.
You have taken the market to new levels, and I love to the moon and back for that.
I will update more, tomorrow, but tonight I wanted to let you know that we are adding another new vendor back to our fold…Blue Jacket Dairy is back with their amazing cheeses!!!
We look forward to their products!!
Now, go, have sweet dreams, and get ready to order, again, as I open up the market…
Cosmic Pam
Siloam Springs, AR: Egg Inventory is Updated!
Egg inventory has been updated. There are 6 dozen eggs available, limit 2 dozen per family please.
Ground beef is also available with more selections coming soon.
Raised Rite Poultry had several 4-5 lb bags of chicken frames left and they are listed now for $6/bag. Makes great bone broth.
Vandevoir Farms will have updated chicken selections available online next week. This weeks went pretty quickly.
Remember you can purchase gift cards to our downtown merchants and support them during these difficult times. The cards can be used now or later. You could purchase them as gifts or for someone you know who is serving on the front lines right now. Many of our local restaurants are delivering locally and payment with a gift card makes it easy for all!
Thank you for supporting our local farmers, vendors, and businesses. See you Saturday!
Statesboro Market2Go: Sylvania
Customers – If you ordered and choose Sylvania as the pickup location, it has not changed. Please pickup as usual.
Vendors – if you have orders for Sylvania, please drop off in Statesboro with your other orders.
Thank you!
Champaign, OH: Spirit Of Your Town
Small businesses are the heartbeat of your neighborhood, the spine of your local economy, and the spirit of your town…
(A small business quote from, Knee High Agencies)
Happy Thursday Market Lovelies!!
Just a reminder that if you ordered from the market, tonight is your weekly pick up, 4pm-6pm, at the site of Oakview Farm Meats, 1645 St. Rt. 54, Urbana!
Just like last week, there is no need to leave your car!! I will be getting your boxes together, in the greenhouse, and can see you pull in, and you can either call me at 937-926-4833, or, if the line is not too long, just wave to me, and I will be right there.
Prepayments are great, and if you would like to do so, you may call me, today, with your information. Or, you may hand me a check, or your money…exact change, also, greatly appreciated!
If you would like to enter the retail shop to do extra stocking up on items, please adhere to our one customer, at a time, policy, and please stay within the designated spot, while Mark, your other market manager, will get all that you need!
Again…you have moved me to tears, this week, as you did, last week with your orders, and your kind words…
The market will reopen, this evening, for our next round of ordering fun…
Thank you, for loving us…
Your Market Manager
Cosmic Charlie Bread Adventures
Hippie and the Farmer, LLC
Sweet Jane-Style Agent
Old99Farm Market: Old 99 farm, Week of Apr 1 2020
Even a month ago I would not have anticipated the current conditions here in Canada and worldwide. Check my facebook page for what I select as high relevance news articles and science.
Old 99 is growing food. We have recently added two beeves in the freezers, stewing hens this week.
A new flock of 100 layers is settling in, already increasing our daily egg production. This time I bought white and brown layers, so your dozens will have a mix of both colours. Tell me if you can taste a difference! Dozens will be mixed size and weight, but averaging medium, large, extra large. Regular prices.
Nick LaMarsh is growing greenhouse and outdoor crops, he’s the market gardener for Old 99. He has onions, leeks, lettuces, claytonia, asian greens and much more in the ground. We all will be doing some growing, especially for the fall harvest and storage crops. Stay tuned for ways you might like to participate in that.
See the list at Locallygrown for what is available. Staples are kale, chard and collards among the greens. We are almost out of carrots, onions, potatoes and beets.
For your own gardens and flower beds I have mature composted ammended with rock flour (basalt), gypsum and volcanophos. The active microbial populations will boost the fertility of your gardens and increase the nutrient content of your produce. Available by the bag or bulk, delivery possible.
Remember: social distancing is going to make a big difference even when it looks like it isn’t, because the case load increases before it goes down. Many months ahead before we feel safe again. Wear your face masks, even homemade ones.
Here’s a quote from a Yale epidemiologist,
“In contrast to hand-washing and other personal measures, social distancing measures are not about individuals, they are about societies working in unison. These measures also take a long time to see the results. It is hard (even for me) to conceptualize how ‘one quick little get together’ can undermine the entire framework of a public health intervention, but it does. I promise you it does. I promise. I promise. I promise. You can’t cheat it. People are already itching to cheat on the social distancing precautions just a “little”- a playdate, a haircut, or picking up a needless item at the store, etc.”
Healthy eating,
Ian and Cami
Nick and Angela
Miami County Locally Grown: We love our nurses, our two newest winners!
Our two Customer Appreciation Gifts this week go to two long-time customers, Debbie Priest and Stacy Tolpin!
These special ladies are also dedicated nurses, working hard thru this critical time down at Grandview Hospital and Miami Valley Hospital, respectively. Debbie has also even been a staple as my volunteer at pick-up over the years! And Stacy, well, I’ll simply share her email (with her permission) because it’s just so sweet and fitting…
“First, I want to say thank you for recognizing nurses! Yes, I am a critical care nurse leader at MVH. My eyes filled up with tears when I read your email. It has been an uphill battle to say the least and I have worked non-stop ensuring my team is prepared and safe as well providing excellent care to the patients we serve. 2020 has been designated as The Year of the Nurse and Midwife by The World Health Organization, and now I know why. This experience has made me realize why I was put on this earth and has also allowed me to focus on what truly is important. I love the virtual market and have always received the highest quality products and services. Thanks again for reaching out to me and for all that you do!”
Growing up surrounded by nurses in our family, including my mom and grandma, I know how selfless and skilled these women are, and how underappreciated they often are as well.
On the front lines during these unbelievable, difficult times, we applaud their determined efforts and thank them for their service, compassion, and work ethic.
We are grateful to you ladies, and to the others out there in our community like you – THANK YOU, and please take good care of yourselves, too!! We need you and are so fortunate to have you :-)
Statesboro Market2Go: CHANGES THIS WEEK for Market2Go customers
Please read carefully as your pickup location and designated pickup times have changed.
NEW PICKUP LOCATION! Due to the high volume of Market2Go orders, we’re temporarily moving our Market2Go operation to Uncle Shug’s on Main (old RJ’s) at 434 South Main. At your designated pickup time, please drive in the market entrance on the far side of the lot and circle around the perimeter to the main restaurant entrance. Make your circle as wide as possible, and do not leave gaps in the line – social distancing not required for vehicles!
NEW PICKUP HOURS! To smooth the flow of traffic and minimize customer wait times, we’re providing customers with designated pickup times. Please arrive during the one-hour time slot assigned alphabetically by last name of customer order:
Last names A through G Pick up between 4:00 and 5:00
Last names H through O Pick up between 5:00 and 6:00
Last names P through Z Pick up between 6:00 and 7:00
We want all our customers to be able to get their groceries. If you have a serious problem observing the assigned time slots, please text 912.481.2263 with your order name and the time you can pick up your order, so we can adjust our planning.
HOME DELIVERY OPTION. If. you selected “home delivery” when you ordered, we will bring your order to your home between 4:00 and 8:00 p.m.. We’ll text you when we’re on the way, then leave your order, including a FREE insulated Market2Go bag, at the entrance you designate. Pickup times do not apply for home delivery orders.
- Please arrive at UNCLE SHUG’S within your designated time slot.
- Drive clockwise around the outermost perimeter, maintaining a tight queue, from the designated entrance to the front of the restaurant.
- A staff member will check you in at the rear of the lot; please provide the customer name(s) for the order(s) you’re picking up.
- Your order will be brought out to your vehicle from the main restaurant entrance as you wait in the line of traffic.
- Provide access to your vehicle and to the containers you want loaded (bags, boxes, bins or coolers); e.g., unlock the back door or pop the trunk, with containers inside.
- Wait in your car for the runner to return with your order and load into your containers.
- Provide credit card or check or remind us if you are prepaid.. (You may pay cash in exact amount, but to reduce money handling, any “change” from cash received will be credited to your account.
Remember that this service is new to us – we’re still growing exponentially and redefining our operation every week, including a change of venue this week. So please be patient and help us to be successful.
Here’s how you can help.:
- Arrive during your designated time slot. You MUST be in the queue before 7:00.
- Allow plenty of time for your pickup; be patient and be prepared to wait in line.
- Help us maintain social distance and avoid contact with unsanitized items
- Bring containers for your order (bags, boxes, bins) but leave them in your vehicle
- Do NOT offer to return egg cartons, produce containers or other used items
- Recognize that because of exceptional volume, some items may be sold out; your order will be adjusted and you won’t be charged for any items the vendors can’t deliver.
- Bring a credit card or check for payment. For future orders, pay online with credit or debit card — we’ll help you register your card..
- (Again) Be patient — we’re in this together.
- Let us know if you have ideas to improve our pickup process.
- Tell your neighbors and social media friends about Market2Go drive through.
- Tell the vendors how much you appreciate their making good food available
Independence,VA: Market Closed, Updated Vendor List
Good evening,
A huge thank you to everyone who participated in the Market this afternoon. We had a record breaking day and it was really great to see so much support in our community for local farmers. A great big thank you to Barbara Moncrief for helping to keep us safe by making us vegetable themed face masks to wear today!
Please stay tuned for Market updates. Right now we plan to close the Market for two weeks as an extra safety precaution to our staff and customers. We will reassess the situation and determine how we can best serve our community in the coming weeks.
If you find that you are in need of local produce and/or meats, here is a list of IFM vendors available for direct sales.
Pulaski Grow!
Lee Spiegel
[email protected]
Eona Farms
Helen Beamer
[email protected]
Quarter of beef (156 lb.) ready for delivery. First come first serve.
Peaceful Heart Farm
Melanie Hall
[email protected]
I have 2 beef quarters that are ready for pickup – first come, first serve.
Heaven on Earth
Laura Wright
[email protected]
Eggs $4.00
Mountain Memories
Mark and Dawn Rhudy
[email protected]
Text: 276-655-4744
For products visit our website:
We hope that we are being overly cautious and will not hesitate to reopen in 2 weeks if we feel we can do so without putting everyone at risk. Please stay tuned for updates and stay at home if you can. Looking forward to brighter days.
With love,
The Independence Farmers Market Managers