The Weblog

This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.

To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.

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Champaign, OH:  Monday, Monday

Monday, Monday, so good to me
Monday mornin’, it was all I hoped it would be…
(Monday, Monday-The Mamas & The Papas)

Good morning on this windy Monday morning!

Another week, another market, and another record crashed with such amazing sales entering into an early Monday with still two days of ordering left!

We just wanted to take the time to thank you, tell you that we think you are amazing, and personally, all of your emails of love, thank you statements, and your excitement over this little local market of love, means the world!

Go, ahead…take your day of social distancing, and settle in with our market, peruse what we have to offer, and throw us your orders! We are excited to see you, Thursday evening, at the farm!

Also…I went ahead and changed all location information on the market site to avoid confusion as to where we are located!

I’ll check in, later…

Cosmic Pam

Athens Locally Grown:  ALG Market Open for April 2

Athens Locally Grown

How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Twitter: @athlocallygrown
On Facebook:
On Thursdays: Here’s a map.

Market News

Hi there! We’re taking things week by week, day by day, but right now it looks like we can try this another week. Getting farm fresh food in your hands is more important than ever and we’ll be doing everything we can to safely get it to you.

Last week we pretty much were at capacity, though. Y’all are ordering far more than usual from the farmers (that’s a good thing!) but we really had no more room back there where we were organizing. I know there are even more of you this week, though, so we’re going to keep trying to wring every bit of efficiency we can out of time and space. o this end, I’ve made one very big change to how you order this week:

I’d like you to commit to an hour block you’ll be arriving on Thursday. When you go to place your order, on the last screen, there’s a new drop-down labelled “Pickup Location”. he only thing different between the options are the times: 5-6pm, 6-7pm, and 7-8pm. If you don’t choose one, your order will not go through (it’ll tell you why and how to fix it). If you place multiple orders, please choose the same time block for each. You can click on “Change Your Account Information” on the Your Account page to set a default for your account so you don’ have to choose a time slot each time.

Knowing roughly when you arrive will help us prepare things moor efficiently. I’m hoping you naturally spread yourselves out some and don’t all choose the 5pm slot. When you arrive has no bearing on what you receive, so there’s no reason to try to get there first.

Live plans will continue to be self-service, and will likely be even less organized than last week. Organizing the food will be our first priority, and if we have hands after that to organize the plants by customer, we will. All the pots are labelled, just like your food items, bu it’ll be up to you to get the right ones. We can tell you, but last week some of you ordered 20 plants and didn’t remember what you ordered, and that was pretty hard for everyone. Bringing a list or your order confirmation email will help out a lot there.

We’re still not accepting in-person payments unless absolutely necessary. We’ll have a drop box for checks or labelled envelopes of cash, but we greatly prefer Venmo payments to @athenslocallygrown or online payments through a card tied to your account. That last option has a 3% fee, and Venmo is free.

We do have a lot of options on the able right now, including moving to another pickup location altogether that can better handle the traffic. If that happens, I’ll send out another email to everyone.

Finally, keep in mind that while the parking lot there is decently sized, it’s still no shopping center and there are a lot of you coming and going. Take it slow, give yourselves lots of room to get around, and be patient with everyone. This is new territory for all of us, and we’re having to adjust on the fly. Last week saw several times the usual amount of sales for our growers, which would be logistically challenging for us in normal circumstances. Please be patient with us on Thursday if things don’t go the most smoothly, and if you see something we could be doing better, please tell us. We don’t know how long we’ll be able to do this, but we’ll keep it going as long as we possibly, and safely, can.

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!

RAF Buying Clubs :  Important Info About Our New Ordering System

Good evening! 

We are very excited to be launching our new website complete with an online farm store.

We will be discontinuing the use of our current buying club site ( and will switch over to the new system starting this week.

The new site is just about ready and we are aiming to make it live tomorrow. As soon as it is we will email everyone through our farm’s email list.

If you would like to continue getting email reminders for ordering, you must join our farm’s regular email list by clicking the link below. 

Email list: Signup Now!

The live site email announcement will contain all the information you need to use the new system. 

We are still doing dropoffs this Wednesday in Rivermont and Forest and all the ordering will be done through the new website, so stay tuned!

Restoration Acres Farm

Restoration Acres Farm Logo

Dawson Local Harvest:  8:00 is Opening Time for Dawson Market!

What’s Happening on Dawson Harvest


HERE’S THE NEWS. Beef and Chicken sales have been crazy, which has resulted in some temporary shortages. We don’t anticipate this lasting too long, though. I’ll keep you posted on this.

We also are having a bit of a Produce shortage, but a lot of this is the time of year. We do expect Lettuces next Market and some other cool-weather veggies like Broccoli & Cauliflower soon.

My Daily Bread is going full guns, Cultured Traditions has a full supply, Eggs from Bear Ridge are still available and should be more plentiful with warmer weather. Raw Milk from Little Brown Cow is also available.

Finally, Leilani’s has lots of organic Herb and Tomato plants listed, a great way to start your garden.

Thanks. Talk Next Week!

Foothills Market:  The Market is Open!

It’s back! Some of you have been asking when lamb will make a return to Foothills Market, and we’re glad to report Sheepy Hollow received a shipment from the butcher last week. You’ll be able to choose from several different cuts, including the very popular ground lamb.

Happy Horseshoe Farm also picked up a new batch of beef from the butcher this week, so we also have new listings of steaks, roasts, and ground beef available. That’s in addition to the regular offerings of fresh produce.

Browse the market, pick out your items, and click the button to place your order. Be sure to check the market on Monday or Tuesday also, because most of our growers are also selling on other markets and will adjust their offerings as they see what they have available.

Remember that we will be doing pickup on Thursday afternoons from 4:30-5:30 on the west side of the courthouse square in downtown Clarksville so we can all practice good social distancing.

Eat something fresh this week!

Russellville Community Market:  Ordering Ends at 10 PM Tonight!

To ensure your order is placed, make sure you click the “Place My Order” button once you have completed your shopping. You will receive a confirmation email.

Orders will be ready for pick-up from 4PM – 8:00PM this Tuesday outside the Russellville Train Depot! Please remain in your car during pick-up, as your order will be brought to you in full-service fashion!

Farmer Ric Holland at home with an old friend.
Thank you for supporting your local farmers’ market! Your health and safety are priorities to us. We will be taking every precaution to reduce the chances of any possible virus transmission. Check your email in the near future for more details.

Russellville Community Market


Magney Legacy Ridge Farm:  CSA #5

This week’s Preassembled Bag will contain Spinach, Lovelock Lettuce, Baby Beets with Greens, Parsley, and Swiss Chard. Orders may now be placed on the online market at:

Once again, we’d like to affirm that we intend to offer CSA so long as the farm team remains well, and we are permitted to do so by the orders coming from the state. So far so good on those fronts. As always, we are thoroughly committed to doing our best for your health and our community’s. It is our belief that nutritious vegetables are important to keeping bodies strong and resilient to things that might threaten them. We are grateful for the sensible legislature that has deemed agriculture a necessary industry and hope to continue serving you.

We are, unfortunately reaching a time of year where our selection will be somewhat limited. April is what we call a “shoulder season,” meaning it is on the cusp between seasons. Over-wintered plants are starting to be depleted and Spring/Summer plants, are yet too small to be harvested. This has been exacerbated by an extremely wet and cloudy March. Less light hours mean that plants can wind up a week or two behind where they should be. If you’ve been following the newsletters, you will recall we’ve pursued aggressively early plantings to try and prepare for this, but there’s only so much you can do when the sun doesn’t shine. Nevertheless, take this as an opportunity to enjoy the bounty of what’s available. The head lettuces are excellent right now. If you’ve ever wanted to try your hand at a grilled romaine this would be the perfect time to try!

Grilled Romaine Lettuce
• 2 heads of fresh and firm romaine lettuce, cut vertically (you will have 4 halves)
• 3 tablespoons olive oil
• kosher salt, divided
• black pepper
• one medium lemon, cut in half
• fresh parmesan cheese
1. Make sure grates of grill are clean and turn to medium high.
2. Brush lettuce halves liberally with 1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil, cut side and back side. Then sprinkle each halve with some salt.
3. Grill for 3 minutes, cut side down, pressing with your tongs to make sure the lettuce gets a good sear. Flip and grill for one or 2 more minutes.
4. Remove from grill. Sprinkle with more salt and pepper, drizzle with remaining olive oil. Squeeze fresh lemon juice over each half. Top with a tablespoon of parmesan on each halve.

Batavia Lettuce and Radish Salad with Oranges

1 batavia lettuce
4 oranges
1 red onion
½ bunch radish
2 tablespoons white vinegar
½ teaspoon mustard
freshly ground pepper
3 tablespoons olive oil

1. Divide the lettuce into leaves, trim, rinse, spin dry and set aside some beautiful small leaves to line the salad bowl. Cut the remaining leaves into bite-sized pieces.

2. Peel the oranges with a sharp knife, removing all of the white pith. Then cut out orange segments between the separating membranes, collecting the juice.

3. Peel onion and cut into thin rings.

4. Rinse radishes, trim and cut into thin slices.

5. Mix vinegar with mustard. Season with salt, pepper and about 3 tablespoons orange juice. Whisk in the oil and combine with the lettuce, radish slices and onion rings.
6. Line a salad bowl with reserved lettuce leaves, spread the prepared salad on top and sprinkle with the orange segments.

On a bright note, we did see some gorgeous sun lit days this past week. We recently installed two Bluebird houses on the farm periphery and were thrilled to see bluebirds at both. Bluebirds are beautiful, graceful fliers, and excellent predators of our pest insects. The sunlight and dry made good weather for preparing more outdoor beds and strong progress was made on that. The plants that have been in the ground a few weeks look very happy, and we’re excited to see them flourish in the Spring light.

As always, thank you so much for supporting our local organic farm. We hope our produce can bring some of that Spring light into your home this week!

The Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Team

Independence,VA:  Important Update and Market closes Monday night at 8pm!


Good afternoon,

Please place your Online Market order by 8 pm Monday night. After pick up this Wednesday, it is with heavy hearts that Michelle and I have decided to close the Online Market for two weeks.

In case you haven’t been checking the Virginia Department of Health page, there is a confirmed case of Covid 19 in Galax. The reality of the situation suddenly being in our neighborhood has forced us to reconsider keeping the online Market open. We all have families and many of our customers are in the high risk category. The thought of our actions making someone sick is truly terrifying.

We’ll be making a public announcement via our Facebook page tomorrow, but we wanted to give those already with active accounts a chance to place orders today.

To Shop: Independence Farmers Market.

Some of our vendors have requested that we share their contact information directly with you in case you are interested in arranging direct sales with them while the Online Market is closed. Here is the information I have below:

Peaceful Heart Farm
Melanie Hall
[email protected]
I have 2 beef quarters that are ready for pickup – first come, first serve.

Heaven on Earth
Laura Wright
[email protected]
Eggs $4.00

Mountain Memories
Mark and Dawn Rhudy
[email protected]
Text: 276-655-4744
For products visit our website:

We hope that we are being overly cautious and will not hesitate to reopen in 2 weeks if we feel we can do so without putting everyone at risk. Please stay tuned for updates. Looking forward to brighter days.

Thank you for supporting the Independence Farmers Market!,


Green Acres Atkins:  Good morning !

Good morning!

What a wonderful spring day! I am taking advantage of this beautiful weather I am updating the market with more cuts of meat

Please let us know how we can help with your order via farm pickup, home porch drop off, whatever helps with social distancing

Thanks for your support

Tom and kami

Yalaha, FL:  Who Wants more Payment Options?

Please let me know if anyone would like me to add online payment options to the online market? There will be a small convenience fee for online payment but it would allow for prepaying orders and allow for ding dong drop deliveries.
The additional fee would be just 3% of the order. We will still be able to do the cash or checks the way we always have for in person pick ups so if you like the way it is now, don’t worry, that won’t change.

Please let me know.
Market is OPEN and we are working on expanding availability to more people.