The Weblog

This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.

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Russellville Community Market:  The Market Is Open!

To ensure your order is placed, make sure you click the “Place My Order” button once you have completed your shopping. You will receive a confirmation email.

Orders will be ready for pick-up from 4PM – 6:30PM this Tuesday outside the Downtown Russellville Train Depot! Your order will be brought out to your car in full-service fashion.

Photo courtesy of Sheepy Hollow Farm.
There’s never been a better time to support your local farms, farmers, and artisans. NEW this week – more Lamb on the market! Ground Lamb, Lamb Blade Chops, and Lamb Rib Chops.


Russellville Community Market


Augusta Locally Grown:  The Online Market is Open at Augusta Locally Grown

What a fantastic amount of support that you all showed our Augusta Locally Grown farmers last week. We are all truly coming together and supporting one another. Let’s all have a great market weekend!

A few items to note:

ALG Delivery is still up and running.

Is your neighbor an essential worker? Why not place an ALG order for them and place it on their doorstep!

The Veggie Park Market in Harrisburg is set to open April 21st. Remember, we double EBT.

Our credit card processing fees have been raised to cover our costs. The new fee is 3.5%.

Happy shopping!


CLG:  Location change - CLG pick up today 3:30 PM until 6pm.

Good morning,

In accordance with the current guidelines, we will not have more than 10 people in the lobby at any time. You can enter the lobby from the courtyard. We have four volunteers who can bring your order to your car if you prefer, just call or text 501-339-1039.

If you ordered plants, please bring a box to carry them home in.

This is a pickup reminder for those of you who ordered this week. Thank you for your order! You can pick up your order from 3:30 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. today at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church at 925 Mitchell Street in Conway.

If something comes up that you cannot personally pick up your order today, please contact someone to pick up for you.

Remember to bring your EGGSHELLS, glass jars for recycling, egg cartons, and bags for ordered items. Reduce, reuse, recycle! See you this afternoon.

Come early for the best selection from the EXTRAS table! Even if you didn’t make an order, you can come by to shop the EXTRAS table.

Champaign, OH:  Golden

We are stardust, we are golden, and we’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden…
(Woodstock-Joni Mitchell)

Well, last night was our first market, with record numbers, held at the farm, and I must say, with just a few adjustments to times of vendor deliveries…it was a smashing success!!! You, the customers, made for a seamless, enjoyable, and fun market pick up!

Curbside service was a breeze, and those of you who waited on your boxes to be brought to your car, told me how much you loved standing outside, taking in the view, the spring air, and the drive that brought you out.

The prepay system was a HUGE help in getting your orders out to you, in a timely manner, while keeping the traffic to a minimum inside the shop!

So, here we are, another week available for ordering, and we are so excited to welcome you back!

Yesterday’s market orders looked amazing, and you all left with shining, smiling faces…

Much love, much golden hued happiness…

Cosmic Pam

Champaign, OH:  Thank You

And so today, my world it smiles…
(Thank You-Led Zeppelin)

Well, market customers, that’s a wrap for the first market pick up held at Oakview Farm Meats!! It was a spectacular market with spectacular customers, and spectacular vendors!!

Thank you for allowing us to bring your orders to your cars, or, keeping social distance happening, inside the shop! The spirit of the evening was all about happy, and peace, and kindness.

I loved the customers who found such tranquility in the views, I loved the customers who were excited to take a drive out of town, and to get to know the new venue. We collected a whole lot of new customers, and we hope to continue the trend!

Thank you, for being patient, while waiting in your cars, and thank you for all of the kind words.

With that, I am opening the market, once again…we will continue to conduct the market, at the farm, with pick up times, 4pm-6pm.

Here we go…and, once again, from the bottom of my heart, we all thank you, kindly!

Cosmic Pam

Miami County Locally Grown:  Sales Galore, and Davidson Family Growers!!

King’s Poultry Farm is offering their individual-sized Chicken Pot Pies 20% off this week only!!

Check out the Sale on Papperdelle Pasta made with freshly milled, organic Whole Wheat flour, from 6635 StudeBaker!!

The Buehler family has several new beef and pork samplers and variety packs available, plus Canned Pork – coming soon!!

And this week we see the return of Davidson Family Growers, the hydroponic vendor from New Carlisle, to perfectly compliment the chemical free Greens from Piqua’s aquaponic Green Fins!!

Each season is exciting on the farm, but Spring just breathes new life into everyone – babies of all kinds being born, new buds opening every day, and produce offerings coming fast and furious.

Hope everyone has been soaking up all the sunshine this week, every time they can!!


Heritage Farm :  Online store link


The website is down but the online store link seems to be fine.

The link is

Let me know if any problems but it’s working fine from my end.


Statesboro Market2Go:  IMPORTANT UPDATE for Market2Go customers

Thank you for your support of Market2Go! We’re pleased to be able to offer online shopping and drive-through pickup for your fresh local food and essential products. Our first week of the drive-through was successful but not flawless, and this week we have twice as many orders! Please help us as we work to improve our delivery process.

We’re mindful of keeping ourselves, our vendors and our customers healthy by following CDC sanitation guidelines and maintaining social distance. Market2Go vendors are exercising care in the packing and handling of your orders, and delivering those orders to us in a low-contact drive-through process. We’ve redesigned our order pickups to minimize social contact.

Our pickup procedure has changed! Statesboro customers will still pick up their Market2Go orders at the Statesboro Convention and Visitors Bureau at 222 South Main Street, but you will not need to go into the building. Instead, the Market2Go staff will greet you at your vehicle, confirm your order and then bring it out to you.

New designated pickup times. To accommodate the enormous increase in orders, and to minimize customer wait times, we’re dividing the pickup times into 3 one-hour slots, and assigning one third of customers to each slot. Please observe these assigned pickup times to help us manage the traffic flow.

Last names A through G Pick up between 4:00 and 5:00
Last names H through O Pick up between 5:00 and 6:00
Last names P through Z Pick up between 6:00 and 7:00

Home delivery option. selected “home delivery” when you ordered, we will bring your order to your home between 6:00 and 8:00 p.m.. We’ll text you when we’re on the way and leave your order, including a FREE insulated Market2Go bag, at the entrance you designate. Pickup times do not apply for home delivery orders..

Here’s the new drive-through procedure.

  • Please arrive at the SCVB within your designated time slot, between 4:00 and 7:00
  • Drive around to the right (counter clockwise) toward the rear of the building, forming a line of vehicles. We’ll serve customers in the queue, starting at the end of the ramp.
  • A staff member will check you in as you arrive; please provide the customer name(s) for the order(s) you’re picking up.
  • Provide access to your vehicle and to the containers you want loaded (bags, boxes, bins or coolers); e.g., unlock the back door or pop the trunk, with containers inside.
  • Wait in your car for the runner to return with your order and load into your containers.
  • Provide credit card or check or remind us if you are prepaid.. (You may pay cash in exact amount, but to reduce money handling, any “change” from cash received will be credited to your account.

Remember that this service is new to us – it’s only our second week – and orders have increased exponentially. So please help us to be successful.

Here’s how you can help.:

  • Arrive during your designated time slot. You MUST be in the queue before 7:00.
  • Allow plenty of time for your pickup; be patient and be prepared to wait in line.
  • Help us maintain social distance and avoid contact with unsanitized items
  • Bring containers for your order (bags, boxes, bins) but leave them in your vehicle
  • Do NOT offer to return egg cartons, produce containers or other used items
  • Recognize that because of exceptional volume, some items may be sold out; your order will be adjusted and you won’t be charged for any items the vendors can’t deliver.
  • Bring a credit card or check for payment. For future orders, pay online with credit or debit card — we’ll help you register your card..
  • (Again) Be patient — we’re in this together.
  • Let us know if you have ideas to improve our pickup process.
  • Tell your neighbors and social media friends about Market2Go drive through.
  • Tell the vendors how much you appreciate their making good food available.

Independence,VA:  Market is OPEN for April 1st pickup!


Good evening,

Thank you to everyone who participated in our first curbside pickup. We appreciate your patience as we work out all of the kinks. A huge thank you to Caroline Clough for helping out at the Market tonight!

Again, next Wednesday, we ask that all customers stay in their cars and wait for products to be delivered to your window. If possible, please have a check ready with your total (if you order meat by the pound, your total will be different, Michelle will let you know on Wednesday what you owe). We also accept SNAP, if you can, let us know if you plan to use your SNAP/EBT card before you arrive so we can have the machine ready when you get to pickup. Feel free to text or call Abby at 541-243-3899 to let her know when you will arrive, otherwise, we’ll keep an eye out for you and have your order bagged and ready to go.

To Shop: Independence Farmers Market.

Upcoming Events:

Just kidding, stay at home and we can gather again when it’s safe to do so.

If you have any questions, let us know! Peace, love and hugs to each one of you!

Thank you for supporting the Independence Farmers Market!


Foothills Market:  Market Reminder

I made a mistake in the previous message on Sunday. Order pickup will still be on Thursday – it is not changing to Friday. (Sorry about that – don’t know what I was thinking….) We have extended our hours to 4:30-5:30 p.m. to allow for good social distancing practices.Pick-up will be at the west side of the courthouse square in downtown Clarksville.

Ordering on Foothills Market is open until 5:00 p.m. this afternoon, if you are still looking for some menu items. Place your order and we’ll have it ready for pickup tomorrow between 4:30-5:30 p.m. See you then!