The Weblog

This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.

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Washtenaw Organic Collaborative:  May 10-13 Washtenaw Organic Collaborative Open for Orders

The Washtenaw Organic Collaborative is OPEN AGAIN MAY 10-13. FOR PICKUP MAY 16.

1) Head to and login to your account.

2) ORDER Select “The Market” and begin placing items in your cart. When finished, select “proceed to check out”. There you can verify the quantity of items ordered, leave notes for your growers, and choose your pick up location or delivery option, and pay. You’ll receive a receipt by email. All submitted orders are considered final on Thursday.

3) PICK UP & ENJOY Every Saturday, pick up your individually packaged order. The Slow Farm pickup location is a no contact pickup – Please do not get out of your car. The Brines Farm pickup location is self-service off of farmhouse porch. Paid delivery option will arrive at your doorstep about midday.

Final Notes:
-Double check the pickup location noted on your receipt/invoice – and remember it for Saturday.
-Delivery as your pickup location must be accompanied by the $10 delivery item in your order basket.
-If we cannot fulfill an item it will be refunded.
-We cannot accommodate late pick ups or changes in pick up locations.
-Missed Pick Ups will be donated or returned to vendors.

-REGARDING SEEDLINGS AND TREES: Unless marked “5/16 Pickup”, Garden Seedlings & Tree orders are pre-order, available at a later date.

We appreciate your support! See you Saturday!

Miami County Locally Grown:  We close tonight at 9!!

Just 2 hours to get those last orders in for the week :-)

Thank you to all our long-time customers for continuing to show us your incredible support, and we’re delighted with all the new customers who are taking a chance on trying out our little local Market as we navigate all the changes this crazy world can throw at us!

In the midst of so much uncertainty it feels fantastic to be surrounded by wonderful people – we’ll continue to work as hard as we can to serve you with the same positivity and graciousness you always show us :-)

Happy early Mother’s Day to all our Moms, Mothers, Grandmas, Sisters, Aunts, Cousins, Friends, and Nurturers!!

P.S. Who’ll be the lucky few to snatch up the fresh asparagus which just became available from Pumpkin Patch? ;-)

Dothan, Alabama:  May 9, 2020 M@D Newsletter - Lots of VEGGIES this week!

Market at Dothan is open to accept orders.
Orders close Tuesday at 5pm
We use the word “Sustainable” over “Organic” because you can grow organic without being sustainable, but you cannot be sustainable without utilizing organic practices.

Heeeeeee’s Back!
Market Chitchat
Grower Notes: Richter Farms, Avalon Farms, & Casablanca Ranch

Thank you for your continued support of our local farmers. We count it a privilege to serve you!


Exciting News! SANDY VALLEY is rejoining Market at Dothan (M@D) this week. They’ve been on our grower page, sometimes active, sometimes inactive, for many years. It’s not that they ever really left, but owner/farmer/all around great guy Scotty also runs another business which sometimes interferes with his true love of gardening. Scotty is picky about the quality of his food and has grown beautiful chemical free produce for many years. So we’re excited things have worked out for them to return.

This type of gardening allows organic liquid fertilizer to be applied through irrigation lines. Hortons Farm has used this method in the past.

And here’s the deal – his garden is bigger than ever, and doing so well with this beautiful spring weather that produce is coming in sooner than expected. His products will be offered in both 1 lb and 5 lb sizes for those who wish to can, freeze, dehydrate or make pickles. With food shortages predicted this is a wonderful opportunity to be prepared.

This week Scotty has string beans, yellow crookneck squash, zucchini and pickling cucumbers. Cowhorn okra, eggplant and sweet corn will follow in a few weeks. Other vegetables are planted and we’ll let you know as they become available.

Welcome Back Scotty!


WELCOME NEW CUSTOMERS! We’re glad to have you on board and hope Market at Dothan works for your needs and lifestyle. If you’ve not had a chance please get to know us better by reading our Question & Answer page. Our business model is a bit different and we don’t claim to be like other food sources, but we do offer the absolute BEST products in the area!

New & Relisted
Sugar Snap Peas – Avalon Farms
Yellow Straightneck Squash – Sandy Valley
Yellow Crookneck Squash – Avalon Farms
Pickling Cucumbers – Sandy Valley
Jumbo Kinston Sweet Onions – Avalon Farms
String Beans – Sandy Valley
Red Round Radishes (new crop) – Avalon Farms
Zucchini Squash – both Avalon Farms and Sandy Valley
Zephyr Squash – Avalon Farms

It’s exciting that our state is going to start opening back up on Monday. We are cautiously optimistic that as the population continues safe practices that the “curve” won’t worsen. That being said – is anyone interested in classes this summer? In the past we’ve offered classes and talks on a variety of subjects and would love to do so again. Please notify us if there are any particular topics that would interest you.


This section is for the benefit of our new and returning customers.

I. Order Payment:
1. Voluntarily prepay by 6 pm Thursday if possible using this PAYPAL link. This eliminates passing paper currency back and forth or handling of debit/credit cards on site. Your invoice will be marked PAID and pickup is fast and easy.

2. You may use PAYPAL curbside on Friday. Not quite as efficient as we have to verify receipt but it does work.

3. Debit/Credit – yes, we still take cards using our regular system. We just have to get within 6 feet for you to put your card in the chip reader. We do our best to avoid touching your card or you touching the equipment which means we sign an “x” for your signature.

4. Cash and Checks – please put them in a plastic baggie or bank bag. If you want to put them in your trunk/tailgate that would eliminate the need to come near the drivers window

II. Curb Service: It’s OK to pull up next to the building. In fact we recommend it as tractor trailers sometimes need to share that space. Have your trunk/ hatchback open and we’ll load you up!


We have the best Growers in the Wiregrass! Please learn more about them on our Grower Page.

RICHTER FARMS I will be picking up fresh pork on 5/11! I will have ground, mild pan, chops, sliced ham, boston butt. As of now the smoked sausage, smoked ham and bacon won’t be ready until early June, (smoking the old fashion way)! I will gladly bring what I have if you let me or Ros know. I will try and list some but I am swamped with farm chores. Still have some smoked sausage left, reg, jalapeno and cajun, not a lot of each and will bring what I have Friday. Let Ros know if you want to add some to your order. 

I planted a garden so hopefully I can help supplement what Avalon Farms will be offering, she has been working so hard to have fresh veggies for you! 



Jumbo Kinston Sweet onions – Sandwich size onions for onion lovers!   These jumbo “Kinston Sweet”  onions are delicious on burgers! One slice will fit side to side on  a 4 inch bun.  Supply is limited!

Squash – it’s back in a big way! If you haven’t tried the Zephyrs you need to!!

Sugar snap peas – I’ve really struggled with these this year. I tried a new variety and the early heat wave took them out. My old faithful, Super Sugar Snap peas, were also hurt, but are making a small crop. They will only be available for a few weeks.

Asparagus – Asparagus has a short harvest window (usually 6 weeks). This will probably be the last week for asparagus.

CASABLANCA RANCH: Dear Folks, I wanted to let you know that some of our stock has been depleted with the recent run on beef—But believe me the cows are not bothered by Covid-19. They are happily grazing and chewing their cud and having calves that are running and jumping along.

We process once monthly and although we are out of some of our cuts, they will be replenished soon. Cows age for a certain amount of time before they can be packaged and that will take time. The next processing date is 5/21 and we will make it available as soon as we receive it. Maybe now it the time to try a new cut or make some bone broth as it is highly nutritious. Some folks have a hard time with our grass fed steaks being tough. Low and slow is the way to cook grass fed steaks and a marinade can make all of the difference.

I want to share my favorite marinade and my bone broth recipe. Hang in here with us while we all try to navigate this time resting assured that we can trust God for His guidance and help.

God Bless You


Bone Broth
Braise in oven at 450 degrees for approximately forty-five minutes or until nice and brown.Move to large stock pot and cover with water. Add flavoring of your choice. You may add onions and carrots celery etc but I do not always. Let them lightly simmer for a day or two,making sure they are covered with water and a lid. Discard bones and remove fat. Strain to catch small bones and vegetable parts. May add meat from bones back to broth. Use as desired or pressure cooker can. Delish!

This Korean-Style Short Ribs Marinade is our favorite for T-Bones and Ribsteaks.


We would love to hear from you! If you have a favorite recipe, want to write a product review, have an idea or request for an article or information, let us know! You can reply to this newsletter or write [email protected].

Market Schedule
Order Saturday 5pm to Tuesday 5pm weekly for Pickup the following Friday
Dothan Pickup: 10am – 12pm, Dothan Nurseries, 1300 Montgomery Highway, Dothan, AL 36303
Daleville Pickup: 11am – 11:30am, Parking area behind Daleville Chamber of Commerce
Enterprise Pickup: 12pm – 12:30pm, Grocery Advantage, 1032 Boll Weevil Circle, Enterprise

Our Website:
Our Email: [email protected]

On Facebook:
Join our Online Discussions!
Be sure to use our hashtag! #marketatdothan

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!

Champaign, OH:  Down On The Corner

You don’t need a penny, just to hang around
But if you’ve got a nickel, won’t you lay your money down
Over on the corner, there’s a happy noise
People come from all around to watch the magic boy

Down on the corner
Out in the street
Willy and the Poor Boys are playin’
Bring a nickel, tap your feet…
(Creedence Clearwater Revival)

As I was making my coffee, this morning, I decided it was a good day to listen to a little CCR, as I started the day, looking at the sunshine, sipping coffee, and getting ready to head back to the kitchen to bake the morning away.

I wanted to write a bit, this morning, to thank you, all, for the love, each and every week. This morning, I looked at the orders, and you guys are doing it, again!!

We have another week of the lovely asparagus, but it is limited, so get your orders in. Obviously, this weather, is not helping Harrigan’s Harvest with her production. So, each week, we are so thankful for any that she has to give us!

Also, I wanted to give a big Thank You to Old Souls Farm for coming up with yet another great product! If you missed it, they added individual salads, making it even easier to take your salad on the go!

Enjoy your day, lovely customers, and we look forward to seeing you, once again, at the market pick up on Thursday/Friday!

Cosmic Pam

Fayetteville Farmers' Market:  Online Orders Pick-Up

Good Morning Market Supporters!

We have had recent problems with the email you were receiving updates from and if you ordered for this week and do not have your order confirmation for today please check your SPAM file.

We hope this new email address will correct the problem going forward for all customers.

Here are the Pick-Up time Slots for today 5-9-2020.

The current schedule for pick-up is as follows:

Please help us with serving you the fastest way by coming at a suggested time or helping pick up orders for others by doing a carpool pick-up.

Car Pool Priority- Please let a parking attendant know that you are picking up 3 or more households orders and we will do our best to get you through a priority lane. Have Name Placards – Last Name, First Name in the drivers side of car for all orders you are picking up.

Suggested Time Slots:
10:00 – 10:30 am – A to B
10:30 – 11:00 am – C to D
11:00 – 11:30 am – E to G
11:30 – 12:00 am – H to J
12:00 – 12:30 am – K to M
12:30 – 1:00 pm – N to P
1:00 – 1:30 pm – Q to S
1:30 – 2:00 pm – T to Z

Customers can pick up orders at the Fayetteville Farmers’ Market—it is located next to the Dollar Tree on the south end of Evelyn Hills Shopping Center,1330 N College Ave, Fayetteville AR 72703. Look for signs with ONLINE PICK UP HERE and persons directing traffic.

Thank you for supporting the market!

Miami County Locally Grown:  A gem shared by an awesome customer...

I’ll admit I’m completely out of touch, so it’s possible I’m the very last person to have read this poem in our county, country, whathaveyou…

But I couldn’t resist sharing this after one of our incredible customers sent it to me today – and yes, I’ll be the first to admit, I’m completely biased! ;-)

— "They ran to the groceries, they filled up their carts,

They emptied the Tops and Price Chopper and Walmart,
They panicked and fought and then panicked some more,
Then they rushed to their homes and they locked all the doors.

The food will be gone! The milk, eggs, and cheese!
The yogurt! The apples! The green beans and peas!
The stores have run out, now what will we do?
There’ll be starving and looting and nothing to do!

Then they paused, and they listened a moment or two.

And they did hear a sound, rising over the fear,
It started out far, then began to grow near.

But this sound wasn’t sad, nor was it new,
The farms were still doing what farms always do.
The food was still coming, though they’d emptied the shelves,
The farms kept it coming, though they struggled themselves,

Though the cities had forgotten from where their food came,
The farms made them food every day, just the same.
Through weather and critics and markets that fall,
The farms kept on farming in spite of it all.

They farmed without thank you’s.
They farmed without praise.
They farmed on the hottest and coldest of days.

They’d bought all the food, yet the next day came more,
And the people thought of something they hadn’t before.

Maybe food, they thought, doesn’t come from a store.

Maybe farmers, perhaps, mean a little bit more."

The only thing I’d argue with is that we DO farm with thank you’s, because you’re the greatest group of customers ever – and we love you.


Statesboro Market2Go:  Market2Go is Open!

Thanks to all the Market2Go customers and vendors and our amazing volunteers for making this expanded market such a success. We’re modifying our pickup times to allow improvements in our order fulfillment process, so please read carefully below.

We also need additional volunteers for packing and loading customer orders. If you’re willing to contribute a couple of hours of your time on Thursday afternoon or Friday morning, please email us with your contact information and availability:
[email protected]

ORDER PROCESS. The Market2Go order process remains the same but with three important reminders. Place your orders by midnight Tuesday for pickup/delivery on Thursday or Friday. Look for a confirmation email after you complete your order.

1. Please choose your pickup time/location from the drop-down menu before you check out. Your selected location will be indicated on your order verification.
Options are

  • Statesboro: Thursday evening at Uncle Shug’s on Main
  • Statesboro: Friday morning at Uncle Shug’s on Main
  • Sylvania: Thursday evening at Victory Garden General Store
  • To Your Home Delivery (must add delivery to cart and prepay)

2. Please pay online to make our process more efficient and to better meet health guidelines. Register your debit or credit card at My Account and click “Pay Now” when you check out. Your card will only be charged after you have received your order, including any adjustments for missed items or other credits.

3. If you’re using the drive-through pickup, please display a placard with your name.

Statesboro customers will have a choice of Thursday or Friday drive-through pickup at Uncle Shug’s on Main (434 South Main Street). Pickup time slots will be reduced, but specific hours will be determined to optimize traffic flow, based on customer orders and location choices. Watch for a Market UPDATE Wednesday night giving specific pickup times. Your attention to designated pickup times will help us make the process smooth and minimize waiting for everyone.

New pickup time for Sylvania customers! Sylvania orders may be picked up in front of the Victory Gardens General Store at 124 W Telephone Street on Thursday afternoon from 3:45 to 5:15.

Home Delivery option. Statesboro and Bulloch County residents can have their orders delivered to their homes on Thursday afternoon by purchasing the item “Home Delivery” and selecting To Home Delivery in the drop-down location menu at checkout.

Start shopping! We have more vendors and products on line than ever before! Please take time to check out the wide selection of items in almost every grocery category.

  • vegetables, fruits; and nuts
  • meats and seafood;
  • eggs and dairy;
  • breads, cakes and pies
  • milled products and grains
  • mushrooms and foraged food
  • honey, jams, sauces and spreads
  • ready-to-eat dinners and casseroles
  • flowers and plants
  • soaps, lotions and candles


Northeast Georgia Locally Grown:  MARKET IS OPEN FOR ORDERS!

Good Evening Locavores, Northeast Georgia Locally Grown is open for orders!

COVID19: Northeast Georgia Locally Grown will continue to help bring the best selection of local and chemical-free foods to you and your family as long as our volunteers feel comfortable and safe. Thanks for recognizing we can all do our part in operating in the safest way possible for upcoming markets. This market system may continue to be a good alternative for our community accessing food. We are and will continue to operate under CDC and local guidelines to the best of our ability and knowledge. Be on the lookout for the order reminder email with ways you can help minimize risk for our volunteers and each other. Thanks for your support!

Donate to help offset extra operational costs during this time>>

Go to the market >>
Fresh Vegetables
Clean Meats
Baked Goods with Organic ingredients
Gluten Free goodies
Pastured Eggs
See all products

Market stays open from Fridays 9 p.m. until at least 9 p.m. Mondays!

Thank you for choosing Northeast Georgia Locally Grown as a way to support your local producers. This online farmers market allows you to buy directly from multiple farms committed to chemical-free and local produce all year long! CHEMICAL-FREE means produce and pastures grown without synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, or insecticides. LOCAL means within 80 miles from the market pickup locations (usually much much closer). Do you know someone who grows chemical-free food in the area? Get them in touch with us. Know someone who wants fresh food? Spread the word. Put the two together, and that’s growing organically!

PICKUP TIME is Wednesday from 5-6:30 p.m.

If you do not get an email ORDER CONFIRMATION right after you order then your order is NOT complete. Log back in and your order might still be there waiting for you to check out! If you have any trouble or questions at all, we are here to help; simply reply to this email.

Looking to pay for your locally grown order? Pay here using Square

Independence,VA:  Market is OPEN for May 15th pickup!


Good evening,

The Market is open and ready for you to order. Thank you for your continued support as we work hard to meet every customer’s need.

To Shop: Independence Farmers Market.

Please remember to schedule an appointment time to pick up your order using this link Calendy.

Be sure to let us know if you need to cancel an order due to illness. Thank you all for working together to keep each other safe and healthy.

Shout out to all of the Moms out there, have a great weekend!

Thank you so much for supporting the Independence Farmers Market!


Yalaha, FL:  Possibly Buying in some products

Here is a list of some of the many things I could possibly buy in as needed. If you want me to look up something, let me know. I’ve already started adding some of these products to the market but here is a list of things I have already checked out and could add quickly. Let me know if you want me to hurry up an add something that I haven’t gotten to yet. Most of it is NOT ORGANIC or Local unless labeled as such (example Zellwood sweet corn is local. Organic baby spinach is Organic.)

Red Cabbage -
Organic Green Beans, Clipped and Cleaned – 24 oz
Fuji Apple -
Parnsnip -
Hass Avocados -
Rainbow Pepper, Produce – 4/6 Ct
Mini Peppers
Nordic Blend Salad – 3 lbs
Organic Baby Kale – 2 lbs
Organic Baby Spinach – 2 lbs
Organic Super Mix – 2 lbs
Organic Spring Mix – 2 lbs
Blueberries – 6 oz
Blackberries, pint
Pink Lady Apple -
Lemons -
Strawberries – 1 lbs
Green Squash (Zucchini)
Yellow Squash

We do the Run to Orlando on Tuesday Every Other Week. So this week May 11th is the first week to order in stuff from the other distributors. We only do the Run to Orlando every other week!!!!
We can do pickup early!!! Like Wed or Thursday if you order stuff that we bring in on Tuesday.


Standard Ordering window below.
Order now through 7 am Friday May 15th for Sat May 16th Pickup, or tell me when you want to pick up, we usually have flexibility.

We Are Flexible, TELL ME if you want to make special arrangements for produce, I am open and willing especially now. I just like to know when to expect people to show up.

Remember to tell me when you want to pick up! (and if I don’t reply to confirm within a day, bump my e-mail or text me 407-342-8515. Though I have cleaned up my e-mail so hopefully I won’t Miss Anyone.)

Sign in to order.

You have to sign in to see the add to cart button. Then set the number and click the add to cart button on the items you want to buy (it is the little picture right next to the quantity box.) Remember you need to check out before your order will be placed.
Remember to let me know when you want to pick up on Sat or maybe even Friday late afternoon or on Sunday. (If I don’t send you an e-mail confirmation of your order and pick up time, please make sure you checked out and completed your order.)