The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Statesboro Market2Go: Order Before 10pm!
Remember to order before 10pm tonight!
We have a few quick announcements this week on Market2Go!
- First up we’d like to welcome our newest vender: Carve Out A Niche, who has lovely handmade spoons, cups, spatulas, and more!
- Next up, Ogeechee Peaches has fresh nectarines ( a mix between a peach and a plum) available for purchase.
- We now offer rabbit meat courtesy of Mill Creek Farms. Be sure to check out our recipe section for even more culinary inspiration, like Buttermilk Fried Rabbit.
- Blueberries, blackberries, peaches, and plums are all coming in – fresh, local, and delicious!
Martin's Farmstand: Strawberry season is now! Lots of picked berries today- u-pick tomorrow.
The strawberries are ripening much more quickly than I expected. We are opening for u-pick for the first picking of the season tomorrow afternoon (June 9,2021) starting at 2 pm. (No morning picking on Wednesday) There are many ripe berries out there- way more than would be expected for the first picking. This is an unusually early and quick start during a year that is unusual in many ways. Peter and Matthew just came back with 440 quarts of beautiful picked berries from some of the other no-spray growers that feed this stand. These berries are at the stand for sale this afternoon. We are overstocked with asparagus today. The heat also makes asparagus grow very fast. We cut the asparagus hard first thing in the morning yesterday. We cut it again after supper and there was about 8 inches of growth in 12 hours. Bulk asparagus is available for $3 per lb for the next few days. Get it now as it is soon time to end asparagus. There is a glorious patch of poppies and other wildflowers in the cover crop in front of the stand. We are continuing the free u-cut flowers policy that was last year. Be our guest and cut yourself a pretty bunch for the table or just take pictures. Poppies have a very short vase life but are so pretty for the moment they last. We will be continuing many of the changes from last year as they worked well. During busy times there will be an outside express checkout option for berries that are being bought by volume.
Hours for u-pick are Monday starting at 7 AM; Wednesday, start 2 PM (no morning picking on Wednesdays); Saturday, start 7 AM. This repeats through out the whole season. The patch closes when the berries are all picked or at 6 PM.
When you arrive you do not need to stop at the stand to weigh your containers if you know the empty weight already. Also you do not need to stop if you are picking into standard Quart or gallon containers.
You have the option of bringing your own containers or buy empties from us.(Quart boxes 25 cents each or $20 per hundred. Gallon buckets $3 each.)
We will do our best to spread groups apart in the field. I expect family/friend groups to stay together as much as is reasonable to allow for social distancing where it matters. NO DOGS in the field or stand areas. We will be using the same random picking pattern that we did last year. This means that you may start anyplace you wish in the patches that are open as long as you are not cutting in front of someone. It is mandatory that when you are picking that all the ripe berries are picked as you move ( No roaming or grazing type picking. A section of row must either be picked or not picked when you leave. We will be scouting the patch and kept suggesting where you will find good picking.
Pricing (u-pick) $4 per Quart if less than 8 quarts and $3.25 per quart if more than 8 quarts; $26 for 8 quart tray and $12.50 for 4 liquid quart buckets, water pitchers, bowls and other similar sized containers. All containers are expected to well filled but not heaped. We will adjust prices up or down as needed for over or under-filled containers. By the pound price is $2.20/# (limited to bigger containers or larger amounts); By using volume rather than weight when it makes sense we can bypass the stand for most of the berries and reduce congestion. Daniel
Miami County Locally Grown: Cherry Street Local Farmer's Market TOMORROW!
The Farmer’s Market season opens TOMORROW in Troy for Cherry Street Local!
Stop by 9am-Noon on Cherry Street, just west of the downtown Square, between Main and Franklin Streets! They’re open every Saturday morning til the end of September!
Can’t beat fresh local goodness!
Miami County Locally Grown: Last Week to Enter our Father's Day Giveaway!
We’ll draw the FIVE winners of our Father’s Day Giveaway after Market closes Saturday night!
Enter while you can :-)
Just ladies please leave the name of your father or husband – I think it’d look ridiculous if I say, And the winners of our FATHER’S Day Giveaway are… Susan, Leonore, Daisy, Mary, and Evelyn!
Miami County Locally Grown: Apple Brats Special, Beef Kabobs, Coconut Cream Pies, and More!
New 20% Special this week from King’s Poultry – over $1/lb off their delicious, Non-GMO Apple Chicken Bratwurst! If you haven’t tried, you’re in for a surprising treat!!
Also great for the grill – the Buehler’s Beef Kabobs and Smoked Pork Chops!! Mmmm :-)
And The Farmhouse Bakery is now offering their incredible Coconut Cream Pies in full size! 9" of decadence!
Stay cool this week – easy meals, fresh garden fare, and some serious running thru the sprinkler are on our agenda this week – makes pea-picking fly by, especially with all those little hands, although by the time we’re done, their bellies are full and our buckets are empty!! What gives?!
Plenty of things we’ll have enough to can, freeze and dry for later – but peas? Never! That garden candy was meant to be enjoyed fresh ;-)
Champaign, OH: Hey, Hey Tuesday!!
Good morning!!
Here’s to hoping your day is bright, and your lovelight is shining sunbeams, wherever you may go!
Also, just your last call reminder to get your orders in for the week…we close for ordering at 8am!!
So many great vendors with great products, all under one roof/market/greenhouse…
Cosmic Pam
Champaign, OH: One More Monday Note!
Just a quick note to let you know that Madison Ling will be on vacation, next week, so get her gluten free goodness before she leaves for the week!!
Cosmic Pam
Champaign, OH: Monday, Monday!
Good evening, lovely market customers!
This is your Monday evening reminder that the market will be closing for weekly orders, tomorrow, at 8am! Don’t forget to get them in, or it will be another week before you get all of our market love!!
And, remember that this is Blue Jacket’s only week, this month, so get that cheese!!
And…your market manager will be in vacation mode, next week, so that I can dedicate the week to preparing for the big farm dinner…An Evening Of Farm Elegance, that takes place on June 18! So…get all of your Cosmic orders in, this week!!
Much love to you all…
Cosmic Pam
Fayetteville Farmers' Market: ONLINE ORDERS STILL OPEN UNTL 6 AM WED
Online orders are easy and STILL OPEN!
You can order until 6 am Wednesday morning. No minimum order required.
Order at:
Green is still the vegie theme for now: kale, celery, collards,dandelion greens, head lettuce, mixed salads, napa cabbage, and sugar snaps! You can also find radishes, red onions and turnips.
Fresh herbs: dill, garlic, parsley and sage
Local fresh eggs are plentiful: small and large chicken eggs plus also duck eggs. Easy summer suppers, deviled eggs, and more.
Garden plants still available—vegie starts, herbs, and more. A variety of local meats (great for the grill), cheese, baked goods, chocolates, sweet treats, crafts, personal care items. Don’t heat up the house—try some amazing pastries and cookies for your summer desserts.
4:30pm to 6:30 pm on THURSDAY at Fayetteville Public Library Outdoor Parking Lot
NEED DELIVERY? DEADLINE TO REQUEST IS THURSDAY 9 AM. Instructions are in your order confirmation.
The OUTDOOR parking area at the south end of the new part of the Fayetteville Public Library. Approach on School Street and turn west into the outdoor parking lot.
Put your name on a piece of paper in the passenger side window and follow the signs to the pickup point in the lot.
Someone will meet your car, and direct you to a parking spot to wait a few moments while we bring out your order.
Thank you for your continued support of the online market!
Lathemtown Farm Fresh Market: Wet Week
Look like we’re in for a wet week! Good for all the veggies that are coming in now! The onions are ready to harvest this week – I will sell a few of them fresh, and the rest will go into the barn to be cured. I have pickling cucumbers that are ready that I will process for the stand this week, then will be available by the pound next week. Crisp muncher cukes will be in the stand as I am not sure how many I will have yet for pre-order. Beans are coming in now too. Watch the market on Wednesday and I will update quantities available.
With graduation behind us, I should be back to normal on prepared foods.
Have a wonderful week!
Farmher Chef Amy