The Weblog

This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.

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Siloam Springs, AR:  The Online Market is Open!

It looks like winter is returning in earnest this week, so why not shop online from the comfort of your home? The Siloam Springs Farmers Market has a variety of meats, eggs, baked goods, coffees, and handcrafted items for you to choose from. Take a look and order from now until Thursday at 5pm, with pickup on Saturday morning at the Moss House. Happy shopping!

Lathemtown Farm Fresh Market:  This Week at the Market

We will not be open this week, but will resume next week for our trip around the world in food menus!
I’ll be catering for the Farm Bureau’s Shirley Pahl’s Retirement Party. She has been an invaluable asset for the last 30 years!! If you haven’t checked out the organization (not the insurance company) you can do so by attending this event at the Canton Chamber of Commerce this Thursday from 5-7pm as we honor her and hope to drive our membership! To learn more:

Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy

Old99Farm Market:  Old 99 Farm, week of Jan 20 2021

Check out our new webpage,

Here is one of my fav new oriental veggies. It’s called Tatsoi. We have a nice patch of it growing in the greenhouse right now.

How do we keep harvesting all winter? This is Lauren D, tidying up and prepping beds for replanting.

Here’s the harvest table last week:

Now don’t you want to drop an order off right here for this week? Surf to the online store here to place your order. Store pick up Thurs 4 to 6 or by arrangement.

No special on eggs this week but I will offer 15% off our round roasts. We cooked one in the InstaPot on Sunday, took an hour and it was cut-with-a-fork tender.

Healthy Eating
Ian, Cami and Lauren

Independence,VA:  Online Market CLOSES tonight at 8 PM!

Hello everyone!

This is your Monday reminder that the Online Market closes TONIGHT at 8 pm for ordering. Orders will be available for pick-up this Wednesday, January 25 between 4 and 6 pm.

I hope everyone is enjoying the snow (and that it hasn’t posed too much of a hassle!). Thanks to everyone who came to the Gro More Veg workshop this past weekend. It’s time to plan those gardens so if you missed it the IFM will soon have these workshops available in video form to help you have a great growing season this summer.

If you’d like to schedule a curbside pickup to conveniently have your box awaiting upon your arrival, please feel free to schedule a time using the Calendly link below. Otherwise, You can drop by and pick up your order inside the office any time on Wednesday, January 25, between 4-6 pm.

Thank you, happy shopping!

To shop:

Schedule Your Pickup Time (OPTIONAL): Calendly.
After you click “Confirm” on your time, be sure to enter your information and click, “Schedule an Event”. You will get a confirmation e-mail. If you do not receive a confirmation, you are not scheduled and need to try again.

Thank you for supporting the Market!

-Christian, Online Market Manager

Lathemtown Farm Fresh Market:  This Week at the Market

We will not be open this week, but will resume next week for our trip around the world in food menus!
I’ll be catering for the Farm Bureau’s Shirley Pahl’s Retirement Party. She has been an invaluable asset for the last 30 years!! If you haven’t checked out the organization (not the insurance company) you can do so by attending this event at the Canton Chamber of Commerce this Thursday from 5-7pm as we honor her and hope to drive our membership! To learn more:

Have a great week!
Farmher Chef Amy

Middle Tennessee Locally Grown:  Keep It Local!

Middle Tennessee Locally Grown market

will be open for your orders till Tuesday evening at 10 pm.

The market opened for ordering, as usual, on Sunday morning. Please be sure to place your order before 10 pm on Tuesday. Our farmers and bakers must have a full day to prepare your orders for market. Should you forget to order, shoot me a message and I will ask for – but not guarantee – a late order.

In our area are several retailers who advertise “local” products. Some are, some are not-so-local. We want you to know that every product you see listed on our site has originated within 30 miles of Manchester TN. Keep your supply chain short to avoid short supplies. Purchase from local farms! Below is a very small sample of some of the 300+ local products available this week.

Please share this mailing with a friend and invite them to become a customer and share in all this local farm goodness.

(Top, L to R) Mixed lettuce from Frontier Family Farm, Bone-in Pork Chops from Weaver Farms, Christmas Cacti from Dogwood Valley Greenhouse, grass-fed ground beef from Triple T Farms.

(Middle, L to R) Several bottled herbs from Cheryl’s Country Garden, Chicken pieces from Wayne Diller, Blueberry pie with sourdough crust from Merriwether Bakes, ground lamb from Solace Farm.

(Bottom, L to R) Goats’ milk soap from Solace Farm, Birdhouse from Valley View Farm & Garden, Goats’ milk from Aussie Acres, various tea blends from CS3 Farm.

Our Pickup Locations

Our Manchester pickup location is under the Coffee County Farmers’ Market pavilion, across the street from the Manchester City Schools administration building, at
216 East Fort Street, Manchester, TN

Our Tullahoma pickup location is in front of “Nature’s Elite”, in the Kroger Shopping Center, at
1905 N Jackson St, Tullahoma TN

Our McMinnville pickup location is outside Martin Chapel Fellowship, near the big water tower and the Warren County Farmers’ Market pavilion, at
110 Market Street, McMinnville, TN.

For a map, click on the address link.

Only the best fresh flavorful farm products for your family! No more week-old produce trucked cross-country. All the fresh local farm products listed come from your grower and maker neighbors in Middle Tennessee. The freshest produce is picked the day you receive it!

Your year-round weekly market is open for ordering from Sunday morning at 8 am till Tuesday evening at 10 pm.

Receiving options:
THURSDAY afternoon pickup (4:15 – 4:45 p.m.) at the market pavilion on Fort Street, Manchester.
THURSDAY afternoon pickup (5:30 – 6:00 p.m.) outside “Nature’s Elite”, in the Kroger shopping center in Tullahoma.
THURSDAY afternoon pickup (5:30 – 6:00 p.m.) outside Martin Chapel Fellowship, near the big water tower and the Warren County Farmers’ Market pavilion, McMinnville.
Delivery on THURSDAY evening for a small additional fee, or at other hours by arrangement.

See the “About” page for details.

Please help us grow:
spread the word about our market.
share this newsletter with someone.
make my day and ask to hand out some fliers.
And if you are hungry for something special, just let us know, and we will do our best to find it for you.

Fresh from our local farms to your table!
Shorten your supply chain!

Fayetteville Farmers' Market:  Online Orders NOW OPEN

Orders are open from now until 6am Wed morning. Easy drive by pick up in the outdoor lot at the Fayetteville library!



PRODUCE: Several growers (A&A, Dripping Springs, Rocky Comfort and White River Creamery) are away and not able to sell online this week. This is temporary.

AVAILABLE: Mushrooms, meats, baked goods, honey, tamales, processed products, craft items and other goodies ARE available

WEATHER PERMITTINGPICKUP TIME THURSDAY Jan 26 is 4:30-5:30. Note: if you know that you cannot make it by 5:30 pm, but you want to order this week, just reply to this email or text 479-935-5111 and we will work with you on a plan.

NEW: Fat Top has added dried mushrooms and broth!

SPOTLIGHT on our art and craft makers! In addition to wonderful farm and food products, our online market offers some great ideas for gift giving: handmade cards, handcrafted leather goods, locally sewn fabric items, wooden crafts, art prints and more!

All of our bakers have GREAT variety right now—including sweet treats, cookies, pastries, breads, granola and other goodies.

Fresh tamales (meat and vegie) are delivered hot and fresh on Thursday just before pickup. If you don’t feel like cooking on Thursday this is a great option. They can be eaten after pickup or will also keep fine in your frig until you are ready for them.

Local eggs are not available this week. Honey available. Meat available (including beef, beefalo, lamb, pork and chicken). Check out locally roasted coffee.

Special dietary needs? Check out vegan and gluten free baked goods and locally made seitan items. We speak from personal experience that all of these items are delicious and would please anyone no matter what their dietary needs are.

A UNIQUE GIFT: how about a certificate for local knife sharpening services? Can be redeemed at a local drop off location.

SEARCHING TIP: On large categories such as baked goods or meats click on the category to get a drop down of specific items in that category.

HOW TO CHECK ITEMS FROM A PARTICULAR SELLER? Scroll down on left side until you see “show specific growers”. If all the boxes are checked, you can click on “reverse all” then click the boxes on or off of those sellers you want to see. Then click “show specific growers” again.

BUYING TIP: If you see items that you want but not much available, order and pay and then log back in and continue shopping. Your orders will be combined and you will only be charged once.


SNAP CUSTOMERS ONLY: you may choose pay at pickup and bring your EBT card on Thursday. We will swipe your card and match up to $100 of your order. NOTE: please do not bring tokens or match cards to pickup at the online market.

NOTE: New customers and orders always welcome—no minimum order required, no weekly order required.


1) Sellers sometimes add more products later in the ordering period, so be sure to check back. The product list changes each week, even from the same seller, so it’s worth exploring the categories you are interested in.

2) Multiple orders from you at different times will be automatically combined into one order before pickup and you will only be charged once.

The OUTDOOR parking area at the south end of the new part of the Fayetteville Public Library. Follow the line of cars towards the building and stay in your car in line while we get your order.

Thank you for your continued support of the online market.

Reply to this email if you have questions

Foothills Market:  The Market is Open!

Weather forecasts for this week are calling for some chances of snow – is anyone else tired of winter? Fortunately, Foothills Market has a little taste of spring available, in the form of Spring Salad Mix from the aquaponics house at Happy Horseshoe Farm. It’s bright green, very tender and sweet (for lettuce).

Browse the market for lettuce, as well as our offerings of beef, baked goods, honey, and a few other vegetables. Order by 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, and we’ll have your order ready for pickup Thursday afternoon.

Eat something fresh this week!

Yalaha, FL:  Market Open

We Have Celery, next few months ONLY!

The regular ordering window is now through Thursday 8am for Friday-Sunday pickup.

I may still be able to take orders after Thursday Morning but can’t guarantee availability of things as I may have already packed them for the Restaurants.
Ordering window is Monday Afternoon (or when I open it) through Thursday Morning and pick up will be Friday-Sunday by appointment until we expand more, Please indicate when you would like to pick up when you place your order.

Remember to tell me when you want to pick up! (and if I don’t reply to confirm within a day, bump my e-mail or text me 407-342-8515. Though I have cleaned up my e-mail so hopefully I won’t Miss Anyone.)

Sign in to order.

You have to sign in to see the add to cart button. Then set the number and click the add to cart button on the items you want to buy (it is the little picture right next to the quantity box.) Remember you need to check out before your order will be placed.
Remember to let me know when you want to pick up on Sat or maybe even Friday late afternoon or on Sunday. (If I don’t send you an e-mail confirmation of your order and pick up time, please make sure you checked out and completed your order.)

The Wednesday Market:  The Wednesday Market is Open for Orders

Good afternoon.

The Wednesday Market is open for orders. Please place your order by 10 p.m. Monday. Orders are ready for pick up between 2 and 4 p.m. Wednesday. See the website for this week’s product offerings. Here is the link:

What comes to mind when you hear the word “farming”? I think of my grandparents’ farms. They were both small family farms using traditional planting and harvesting methods to grow their fruits and vegetables. Beyond Papaw’s tractors and hay baling machinery, the most sophisticated tools my folks used were tillers. Nearly all of the work was done by hand, even milking the cows.

Today, I am sharing links to two articles that discuss innovations in farming. The first article focuses on a Virginia-based company which has worked with a cruise ship company to install a vertical farm on one of its ships. This farm produces microgreens, lettuces, and herbs to supply the ship’s restaurant. Here is the link to that fascinating story:

I am also sharing a post regarding the concept of controlled environment agriculture. The use of CEA methods has increased the variety of crops that can be grown in Georgia. Here is that link:

Thank you for supporting Georgia Grown. We’ll see you at the Market.



P.S. I can’t figure out how to make the links listed above as “hyperlinks” so that you could just click on them and your browser would take you straight to the information. You’ll need to copy and paste the https:// address into your browser’s search feature to access these articles. Anyway, I trust that you’ll find these articles interesting and inspirational.