The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Independence,VA: Market closes Monday night at 8 pm!
Hey Friends,
Don’t forget to place your Online Market order for the week.
To Shop: Independence Farmers Market.
Thank you for supporting the Independence Farmers Market!
CLG: Opening Bell: Coffee, Sweet Taters, Lettuce, Beef!
Good afternoon!
With Thanksgiving in behind us, now we are gearing up for Christmas about 3 weeks away! We will have 3 markets this month: 12/6, 12/13, and 12/20.
Remember to feed our feathered friends during the colder months when fewer bugs are available. We will have suet cakes for birds on the extras table every Friday for only $1.
We’ve been having a lot of excellent items on the extra table lately. Earlier shoppers get the best selection. We are normally ready for customers to start arriving around 3 PM if you happen to be out and in the area. Just text me to see if we’re ready.
Be sure to SEARCH for your favorite items using the search field. Four instance, type in the word “sale” and see what pops up. We have over 400 items available now!
Most items are listed by 6pm Sunday, but check back again before the market closes Tuesday night to see if any other items are ready to be harvested for you! Eat fresh! Eat local! Eat for better health!
And save your eggshells throughout the week for the laying hens! :-)
The market is now OPEN for orders. Click here to start shopping:
Please check your email a few minutes after you place your order to make sure you get an order confirmation. Thanks!
Green Acres Atkins: Good morning!
Hope you all had a great thanksgiving !!!
Today is December 1st and we are getting close to Christmas
Remember to shop small and get those family and friends fresh local products
Have a great week
Tom and kami
Stones River Market: Market is OPEN -- See you Wednesday
Welcome to this weeks Market. The Market opens 8am on Sunday Morning and closes 10 pm Monday evening. Order early before quantities available run out!
Think about “Stocking UP” during the next 3 markets. There are only 3 Markets left for 2019. The Market will be closed the week of Christmas and New Years and will reopen January 5th 2020!
News From Our Growers:
Stones River Market: Can’t decide what to get a friend, family, teacher for Christmas and/or the New Year…think GIFT CERTIFICATES to the Market! Let’s them select what they want from our list of Growers.
Sow’s Ear Piggery: We hope everyone enjoyed a Happy Thanksgiving with family and friends. Now that we have all had our fill of turkey, let’s think about pork! Cutlets, chops, shoulder roasts, and sausages are available again this week. As always, out pork is natural, non-GMO, and raised outdoors. * Please note: Our current products come from an especially lean breed, so we recommend marinades and cooking methods with oils and broths that will bring moisture to these cuts.
Farrar Farm LLC: We are having a RIB SALE this week. Short Ribs and Korean style ribs for $5.00 a pound! 2 pound minimum. Use the quantity selection to select the approximate number of pounds you want and the price will be adjusted at checkout.
Carole’s Herbs (CS3 Farms): We have some tasty arugula for salads and your favorite cooking choices. Also check out our shrub concentrates for a delicious sweet/sour drink or salad/dessert enhancement. Our herbal honeys make anything taste excellent – especially leftovers.
Crossing Creeks Farm: Returning this week with 110% Grass-fed Ground Beef, Pasture Raised Chicken and Delicious Bone Broth.
Dogwood Valley Greenhouse: We have a good selection of wrapped Christmas cacti and African violets for gift-giving, or just to add some color to your own holiday decorations. I’m trying to keep the availability updated to reflect the plants currently in bloom. But if you don’t see what you’re looking for, just ask.
Here’s a teaser: just think – it’s only about two months till daffodil time! I may have some surprises for you this year (no promises). But first, we’ll have to survive whatever wintry goodness Mother Nature throws our way. The woolly bear caterpillars say it’s going to be a hard one!
Wedge Oak Farm: Chicken and Duck Eggs along with Holiday Goose, Pekin Duck, Pork and Chicken along with our Specialty Sausages, Brats and Bacon.
Spring Meadow Farm: There is always room for PIES! We have Bacon Cheese Quiche along with several pies that will compliment your Holiday and any meal: Chess, Chocolate, Coconut Cream, Lemon Meringue, Pecan and Pumpkin.
Rainbow Hill Farm: Apples available this week; Mutsu and Yellow Delicious.
Flying S Farms: Plenty of our Jams and Jelly in stock for the Holiday Season.
Valentine Family Farm: We will be closing our sales until spring. We had a good season this year. And were grateful for our customers. Happy Holidays.
Caney Fork Farms: Our Winter Season schedule with the Market will be monthly, delivering on December 18th, January 22nd, February 26th and March 25th, returning weekly in April 2020.
Look forward seeing you “On the Porch” at Quinn’s Mercantile Wednesday December 4th from 5:00 – 6:30pm, please contact me if you are unable to make delivery or are running late, please phone, email or text me so we can make arrangements to get your order to you.
How to contact us:
Email: [email protected]
Locations: Quinn’s Mercantile on Wednesdays: 301 North Spring Street, Murfreesboro
The Wednesday Market: Today is Small Business Saturday! Order now from the Wednesday Market!
Good evening. Today is Small Business Saturday, and The Wednesday Market is open!
Please place your order by 10 p.m. Monday. Orders are ready for pick up between 2 and 4 p.m. Wednesday. Check the website for this week’s product listings. Here is the link:
Please note that this is the last ordering cycle for 3 T Farms until the first of the year 2020. Do not miss your chance to order!
Thank you for supporting Georgia Grown agriculture. Have a great weekend, and we’ll see you at the Market.
Dothan, Alabama: Nov. 30, 2019 M@D Newsletter - OPEN HOUSE EDITION

This Week’s Newsletter:
End of Year Order Schedule
Grower Notes

Christmas Open House is an annual event that takes place the first Thursday of every year at Dothan Nurseries. It’s a fun and festive time with food, drink, music, specials and lots of extra vendors with great goodies for your holiday shopping. Many of our Market vendors will be on hand as well as Market friends, all with plenty of goods to help make your Holiday Season LOCAL, FRESH, & SUSTAINABLE.
Avalon Farms | Mayim Farms | Casa Perdido |
Bella Eden Farms | Hortons Farm | Laura’s Confections |
Casablanca Ranch | D’s Jellies | Mark It With A B Whoopie Pies |
Grier Acres | Martin Teas | S’More Dessert Company |
And maybe a few surprises . . . . !
A few particulars for our regular Market customers. PICKUP will take place before and during Open House. Ros will be in the Market Shed as usual with your weekly orders. There will be no Daleville or Enterprise pickup this week.
We have the best Growers in the Wiregrass! Please learn more about them on our Grower Page.
AVALON FARMS:Winter squash will be available at the open house, Thursday afternoon. Come by and check them out.
Successfully grew some larger chickens to grace your Christmas table or any other table you want to enjoy them on. These new beauties are available in the market this week.
Don’t forget we have all the makings for gravy: feet for broth, hearts, livers and gizzards. Everything you need for giblet gravy. All these items are relisted
LAURA’S CONFECTIONS: Thank you for your support with the Thanksgiving Pie preorders. We will be offering the same service this month with a few additional items for your Christmas desserts. Pickup will most likely be Monday, Dec. 23. Please contact us if you have any questions.
We would love to hear from you! If you have a favorite recipe, want to write a product review, have an idea or request for an article or information, let us know! You can reply to this newsletter or write [email protected].
Order Saturday 5pm to Tuesday 5pm weekly for Pickup the following Friday
Dothan Pickup: 10am – 12pm, Dothan Nurseries, 1300 Montgomery Highway, Dothan, AL 36303
Daleville Pickup: 11am – 11:30am, Parking area behind Daleville Chamber of Commerce
Enterprise Pickup: 12pm – 12:30pm, Grocery Advantage, 1032 Boll Weevil Circle, Enterprise
Our Email: [email protected]
Join our Online Discussions!
Be sure to use our hashtag! #marketatdothan
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
Statesboro Market2Go: Market2Go is Open!
Thanks for shopping with us! There’s so many wonderful, delicious items for you this week!
Doug’s Wild Caught Alaska Salmon is here – stock up while it lasts! Fisheads lettuce is back with five different varieties to choose from, and we have satsumas and Georgia Kisses – fresh locally grown Georgia citrus from Franklin Farms!
We also have pecans, onions, peppers, peas, tomatoes, butternut squash; frozen blueberries, strawberries, and peaches; herbs, honey, eggs, coffee, bread, grits, cornmeal, milk, butter, cheese, seafood, wild caught Georgia shrimp, local pastured chicken, beef, pork; candles, soaps, lotions, as well as full meals and goodies that are already prepared and ready to eat.
Bootleg Farm and Southern Swiss Dairy both have their delicious products online on Market2Go. They are no longer regulars at the Saturday Market, so look for them here online. Eggnog is available for the holidays!
No more membership fees! To maintain support for the market, we add a surcharge of 7% on each order.
Spa City Local Farm Market Co-op: The market is open
The Spa City Co-op market is now open for ordering online at
Please place your orders before Monday ap 9pm for Arkansas Natural Produce and before 9pm on Tuesday for all other vendors.
Pickup will be this Friday from 3-4:30pm. If you cannot come during that time please arrange for a friend to pick up for you.
Many thanks,
Karen Holcomb
Market Manager
[email protected]
Champaign, OH: More Shop Small Saturday Fun!
A word from our friends at Valley View Woodlands!
To mark “Small Business Saturday” today, we want to let our fellow market members know about our sale on our Valley View Woodlands maple syrup. To mark the holiday season, we’re putting our gift-quality maple syrup on sale for the next 10 days. As our members know we bottle our syrup in fancy glass bottles to showcase the beauty of this delicious treat from our woods. Our prices are already well below what you would find online for maple syrup gifts, and now we are dropping the price even further through December 11. Don’t forget you can choose among the three styles: gold, amber, or dark, two sizes and two shapes. Mix and match!
Thanks to all our market members, and thanks to our market managers for shepherding such a wonderful community resource. Merry Christmas to all!
Marc and Shary Stadler
Valley View Woodlands
Champaign, OH: Shop Small Saturday!
Hello, lovely little market of love customers!!
Happy post-Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and now we are looking at Shop Small Saturday!! This is our day!! And, it’s your day, to explore our market, and all that we have to offer!!
We have new holiday scents from ELM TREE ESSENTIALS, along with so much more, from each and every vendor/producer.
This holiday season, consider using our market for locally produced gifts…or, just keep on keepin’ on with the love you already show us, each and every week.
We love your support!
Cosmic Pam