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Russellville Community Market:  Market Closes at 10PM! - Open House on Tuesday!

To ensure your order is placed, make sure you click the “Place My Order” button once you have completed your shopping. You will receive a confirmation email.

Orders will be ready for pick from 4PM – 6:30PM this Tuesday at the Downtown Russellville Train Depot!

Tuesday is our November Open House! We will have samples of locally produced goods as well as recipe ideas for a Farm to Table Thanksgiving! Turkeys are available on the market with hearty fall squash and locally grown Arkansas rice for those Thanksgiving sides! Order Arkansas pecans to push that pecan pie over the top!

Russellville Community Market


Suwanee Whole Life Co-op:  Hoodies for the Homeless & Thank you notes

Since we are officially in the season of Thanksgiving, I’d like to share with you 2 opportunities to show kindness and thanks.

One is very close to my 11 year old son’s heart and the other to mine.

Hoodies for the Homeless
My son will be having a Hoodies for the Homeless clothing drive. More details are in his letter below:

Hi, my name is Corey. I’m Mrs. Nora’s son. Last year for Thanksgiving we volunteered for Hosiah Feeds the Hungry and helped with the clothing. We heard many times “are there any hoodies?”. We ran out quick. Someone has to take responsibility. I’m taking up the task with Hoodies for the Homeless. You can drop off any Wednesday pick up day between now and 11/21 (Wed before Thanksgiving). There will be a designated spot inside the pick up area where hoodies can be dropped off.

My hope is that nobody is cold this Thanksgiving. So if you could drop off any hoodies – Large, medium, or small, used or new that would be great.
Thanks :-)

If you have any questions just let me know. This is not a formal charity, just something he wants to do to help others. We’ll collect the hoodies and deliver Thanksgiving Day to Hosea Helps in Atlanta.

Thank you Notes to Farmers/Vendors
I have lots of scrap paper and have been thinking up ways to upcycle. Thank You notes/cards came to mind! I will have an area at pick up every Wednesday until 11/21 for you to write a little note of thanks to a farmer or vendor and drop in marked box. I’ll have a list of Farmers/Vendors with Names and products so you’ll know who to make it out to. I’ve wanted to do this for awhile and think it’s a small way we can let the farmers/vendors know how much we appreciate what they do for us!

Thank you!!
Nora & Corey

Foothills Market:  The Market is Open, November 4

Foothills Market is open for business for the week. The number of vegetables available is starting to dwindle, although we still have several fresh options, including green and yellow beans, yellow squash and zucchini, and pac choi. Amounts are limited, though, so shop early!

We also want to welcome a new vendor to the market. Third Time’s A Charm offers craft items made from recycled or upcycled products. Look for the journals made from muffin boxes, with additional items coming to the market in the weeks ahead.

Shop the market between now and Wednesday evening at 5:00, make your selections, and click the “Place your order” button. We’ll have your order ready for pickup on Thursday. Note the pickup time has changed to be from 4:30-5:30 p.m.

Eat something fresh this week! And pick up stocking stuffers for Christmas!

CLG:  Tamales! Opening Bell: Eggs, Suet Cakes, Honey, Salad Mix!

Good afternoon!

The Opening Bell email on Sunday afternoon is my attempt to highlight some items available each week so please take just a minute to see what’s going on at the market. Last week about 10 customers qualified for free Jam from Maria’s Homemade Country Fare. #freejam! What’s going to be next…?

This Friday Maria will have her delicious Chicken Tortilla Soup available for dinner takeout.

Scheduling note: We will NOT have market on the Friday after Thanksgiving, November 23rd. Time to stock up on all the food that makes your event special: Sweet Potatoes, Butternut Squash, Bacon, and how about hostess gifts, like Jam, Jelly, Soap, and Honey.

SEARCH all the Chicken options available: Whole, Tenders, Backs, Livers, Drumsticks, Thighs, etc.

Try growing Garlic & Elephant Garlic in your garden or flower bed. We have sprouted plants available now. Just place them in the ground now and they’ll be green all winter and ready to harvest in early June 2019. Great flavor for many of your favorite dishes!

Cooler temperatures means it’s time to think about feeding our feathered friends over the winter. An easy way to do this is with suet cakes. We will have some on the extras table all season for only $1 each. And we have some homemade birdfeeders to hold the suet cakes. Look for those on the extras table this Friday.

Now is the perfect time to plant perennial flowers that will bloom for years, starting next spring. We have plenty of old-fashioned Hellebores, Shamrock, Red, Yellow, Purple, and Cream Coneflowers, beautiful magenta-flowered rose Campion, white Bee Balm and others. Search PLANT to see everything that’s available now.

This Friday, Doña Estela and her amazing homemade Tamales! She will make them Friday morning and have them at market Friday afternoon. They will be 5 for $7 in 3 flavors: Pork, Chicken, or Jalapeño & Cheese (Organic Jalapenos from Cedar Rock Ridge). To place an order, please add a note to your CLG order, or text me at 501-339-1039. Delicious with sides of refried beans and rice, topped with a bit of salsa and sour cream. They freeze very well so get some for several meals.

Be sure to SEARCH for your favorite items using the search field. Over 550 items available now!

Most items are listed by 6pm Sunday, but check back again before the market closes Tuesday night to see if any other items are ready to be harvested for you! Eat fresh! Eat local! Eat for better health!

And save your eggshells throughout the week for the laying hens! :-)

The market is now OPEN for orders. Click here to start shopping:

Please check your email a few minutes after you place your order to make sure you get an order confirmation. Thank you!

Stones River Market:  Welcome to this week Market - There is a lot Happening

Welcoming in November, Fall Colors, Cooler Weather and NEW GROWERS/VENDORS!

We are excited to welcome BB Gourmet Pretzels, The Creole Diva, Mo’ Scrubs by Toya to the Market.

This week there will be a Meet and Taste event on “The Porch”. Great way to put a face to some of our Growers/Vendors and see what they will have available over the next few months.

There are many new Items on the market this week, be sure to check out the Herbal teas, Nasal inhalers, Creole Mixes, Cajun Seasoning, Pretzels, Salt and Bath Scrubs.

News from our Growers:

Dogwood Valley Greenhouse:
Pre-ordering will be open for a couple more weeks for our beautiful Christmas wreaths and kissing balls. We will be able to make only a limited number of each (good help is hard to find!), and when they’re gone, they’re gone. Pre-order prices on wreaths and kissing balls (10% discount) will be in effect till Nov 15, so reserve yours now. We will fill orders as received, beginning about Dec 1.

We will also have pink Christmas cacti and several colors of African violets in bloom well before Christmas, with the pots wrapped with florist foil at no extra charge, upon request. These make fabulous gifts for plant lovers, anytime during the holiday season.

Carole’s Herbs:
Has added Rosemary-Mint-Green tomato Jalapeno Jam great on eggs, winter squash, bread, macaroni salad or your choice of meets. Also Herbal teas, Nasal Inhalers and Mustard Spreads.

Flying S Farms:
New Radish – Snow Globe a white round radish with mild taste. Almost Seedless Blackberry Jam and Wild Blackberry Jam is back in stock.

Looking forward seeing you on “The Porch” at Quinn’s Mercantile Wednesday.

How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Facebook:
On Wednesdays: Here’s the map:

Weather permitting, I hope to be able to set up a table at the Meet & Taste this Wednesday. If I’m not there because of the weather, my pre-ordering information for the kissing balls and wreaths may be there anyway. Don’t forget to put in your order!

Green Acres Atkins:  Good morning ....opening bell!

Good morning!

Hope this time change treats you well! It has us at the farm a little off this morning :)

Please place your orders by Wednesday at noon

Have a great week
Tom and Kami

Suwanee Whole Life Co-op:  Don't forget to order... Order by 6pm TODAY

Just a friendly reminder, if you haven’t already placed your order, that market orders are due online by 6 pm TODAY. Order now so you don’t forget :-)

Click Here to Place Your Order For WEDNESDAY pick up in Suwanee

Thank you for placing your order and supporting local farms and businesses!

Independence,VA:  Market closes Monday night at 8 pm!


Good morning,

It’s time to place your Online Market order. Keep in mind our Open House coming up on Nov. 14th and have a happy Sunday!

To Shop: Independence Farmers Market.

Thank you for supporting the Independence Farmers Market!


The Wednesday Market:  Thanks for your patience! The Market is Open.

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

Thank you for your patience with tonight’s delayed opening of The Wednesday Market. I have had one of those days where seemingly everything I touched went wrong. Technology is great, as long as it is working! And today my computer is on the fritz and I have struggled for hours with something that should take minutes to accomplish.

Anyway, at long last, the Market is open for orders. Please place your order by 10 p.m. Monday. Orders are ready for pick up between 3 and 6 p.m. Wednesday. See the website for this week’s product offerings. Here is the link:

I am hoping to get my computer back on line tomorrow, and I hope all of you have a great Sunday. We’ll see you at the Market.



Dothan, Alabama:  November3, 2018 M@D Newsletter

We are open to accept orders.
Orders close Tuesday at 5pm
If you’re wondering about that “M@D” bit, its only about good healthy food!

This Week’s Newsletter:
Fall Farmer’s Market
The Molt Goes On
Market Chitchat
Grower Notes


Many thanks to all of you who cleared your calendars to visit us on Saturday, October 27. It was a beautiful day and despite many things going on around the city, we had many visitors. I saw a lot of bags of yummy produce leaving the stands. Mrs. Birdie had samples of Roobious Toffee Lattee and the baby goats were everybody’s favorite. Both Susan Avello’s and Mrs. Melody’s classes were well attended.

Next Saturday promises to be awesome as well and we hope you’ll include some time at Dothan Nurseries in your plans that day!

Here’s What’s Happening
Water & Milk Keifer with Katherine Johnson. Katherine is a busy mom of four boys and probably knows more about healthy gut bacteria than anyone in the Wiregrass after beating cancer. class held in the Market Shed
12pm – “Smart Doc” Virginia Schafer – Healing tips for Seasonal Change Virginia is both a medical doctor and a chiropractor whose passion is helping people. You will enjoy getting to know this dynamo of a woman. We’re so thankful she chose the Wiregrass as her new home. class held in the Market Shed
10am-2pm Farmer’s Market – Parking Lot of Dothan Nurseries


This poor hen was so embarrassed to have her photo taken!

We’ve been asked about the Market’s limited supply of eggs and the above photo is why there are so few these days. Molting is a normal and natural process of shedding feathers and re-growing them that all chickens go through. A chicken normally stops laying eggs during this process and resume once it is over. With it taking place so late in the year as the days shorten, they will resume laying at a slower rate until spring when the days get warmer and longer.


Many apologies to Hawkins Farm for bungling up their Growers Note last week. I fixed that section several times but in the end the word.doc gremlins got the best of this editor’s efforts. Rachel graciously relisted it on our Facebook page. The Market actually has two facebook pages and if you’ve not visited there we invite you to “like” or follow so you can keep up with Market happenings that take place during the week. Links to both are at the end of this newsletter.

THANKSGIVING SCHEDULE – Market at Dothan will be closed the week of Thanksgiving. This will give our growers a break for travel and visits, plus we do not believe anyone in their right mind would be wanting to pick up Market orders the day after a feast, not to mention that the same day is Black Friday with sales crazed shoppers running to and fro all over the city. If you are one of those shoppers we ask that 1) you be very safe out there, and 2) Get some good deals.

New & Relisted Products

  • Mary’s Pumpkin Banana Loaf from Mary’s Peeps
  • Breen Beans – Avalon Farms
  • Cold Brew Coffee from Hortons Farm
  • CBD Oil from Smart Doc Resources
  • Tatsoi – Avalon Farms
  • Kumquats from Hortons FarmFarms
  • Shena’s Pepper Jelly from Bain Home Gardens
  • Mary’s Pumpkin Pound Cake from Mary’s Peeps
  • CBD Pain Cream from Smart Doc Resources


We have the best Growers in the Wiregrass! Please learn more about them on our Grower Page.

HORTON’S FARM: We were both aggrivated and heartbroken a few weeks back when our cold brew machine started showering the entire kitchen with coffee concentrate. Talk about a mess! After several retrys and an exam by the resident mechanical/electrical person in our house it was clear that the unit was done for and couldn’t be repaired.

I’m glad to tell you that wasn’t the end of the story. I contacted the manufacturer directly and . . . they volunteered to replace it at no charge!
Of course a happy dance was in order and we expect the replacement to arrive early next week. That’s why we are able to have our cold brew concentrate listed again.

And a little touch from heaven – Kumquats are ready! I still think it’s super cool that we get tiny bright bites of Vitamin C goodness at the start of cold and flu season.

BAIN HOME GARDENS: Marketeers, We hope you and yours are doing well. We have had a bit of an odd week with some minor health issues. What absolutely amazes me is that there are so many natural remedies for our everyday illnesses found right out there in nature. Here at Bain Home Gardens our first line of defense is prevention! Naturally occuring vitamins and minerals in what we consume goes a long way towards keeping the body operational! Supplements are great but if you have to take them, as Ros says, “research, research, research”! Remember that all natural does not mean all okay. Some vitamin supplements (Vitamin K) serve as an antidote to some prescription medications (Coumadin). So while nature offers boundless remedies and cures, be safe & do your due diligence.

We are so happy to have gone through the Cottage Food Law training! Most of what we learned was a reinforcement of things we had already picked up from other growers on this market. In fact, that is one thing I enjoy about being a part of the Market at Dothan – the gift of knowledge and education passed from one mind to another. A little education goes a long way! We are happy to use ours to better serve the Wiregrass area.

This week we will be listing Bain Home Garden’s Pepper Jelly for the first time! Featuring our very own Red Hot Cherry Peppers as well as beauties from Hawkins Homestead Farm (both seen above). We are making these available in half pint and pint sizes. As the months progress & the seasons change, we will be offering more flavors. Also this week we will be listing our Kale Salad Blend. We hope you will take advantage of this mix of Curly, Red Russian, & Premiere Kale with beautiful Marigold Blossoms! Top with your favorite dressing & enjoy! We hope to be listing lettuces within the next month but even if we cannot we know Rachel & Danny have you covered! From our family to yours!


Tatsoi growing in our aquaponics bed. New this week.

Today’s thought –
“Being more sustainable by not being such a perfectionist. “

After being a part of this market for 3 years I am even more committed to providing clean,  natural and sustainable food for your table. This year I expanded plantings to grow more. But along  with growing more plants I have also learned that my perfectionism is the enemy of production. I’ve stopped picking out every leaf a bug nibbled on or otherwise isn’t perfect. Mind you,  I’m not talking about “bad produce” (aka chicken snacks) and if you ever have a problem just let me know and I’ll do my best to make it right. I’m also including an extra leaf or 2 to make up for any unusable part.

In other news -
Green beans are just starting. I’ll be picking the first few this week.

Tatsoi, in the aquaponics, is finally big enough. These are great for salad or saute.
Broccoli is coming along.  Hoping to have a couple next week.
Cukes are done till next spring.
Garlic is still waiting to be planted. Tuesday’s rain put a stop to getting the beds prepped.

HAWKINS HOMESTEAD: Hello Market Friends!

Things have been a little crazy busy here at Hawkins Homestead Farm. New birds, new plantings, along with the regularly scheduled program makes for one busy farmer.

Be sure to check out our Facebook page for all the new things to come…till next week!


We would love to hear from you! If you have a favorite recipe, want to write a product review, have an idea or request for an article or information, let us know! You can reply to this newsletter or write [email protected].

Market Schedule
Order Saturday 5pm to Tuesday 5pm weekly for Pickup the following Friday
Dothan Pickup: Dothan Nurseries, 1300 Montgomery Highway, Dothan, AL 36303
Daleville Pickup: Daleville Chamber of Commerce Office

Our Website:
Our Email: [email protected]

On Facebook:
Join our Online Discussions!
Be sure to use our hashtag! #marketatdothan

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!