The Weblog

This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.

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Heritage Farm :  Check out the Ready to Eat from Kevin and Candice!!!!

DO NOT miss making one of these fine ready to eat items part of your holiday plans!!! We have had them both and the Hutchins Family can tell you that they are the BEST you can get in their categories…Let’s show these small batch entrepreneurs how much we love local and home made and add some of their GREATNESS to your holiday meals!!!!
I know we will have it at my house….how about you??

Store closes at 11pm Thursday for Saturday delivery. Online Store order here>>> The Store

Thanks in advance!
The Hutchins Family
Heritage Farm

[email protected]

The Wednesday Market:  Come In from the Cold and Place Your Order!

Good afternoon.

The Wednesday Market is open for orders. Please place your order by 10 p.m. Monday. Orders are ready for pick up between 3 and 6 p.m. Wednesday. Check the website for this week’s product listings. Here is the link:

Freezing, or near-freezing, temperatures are predicted overnight. Be sure to bring your tender plants indoors, and cover ones that you are not able to move inside. I have one last bloom on my beloved hydrangea, a wistful memory of sunny summer days. Now is the season for cloudy, rainy, and cold. We have our winter coats, hats, and gloves at the ready at my house. Soon enough, my kitchen will be full of warm, spicy and earthy aromas as I start preparations for the Thanksgiving meal.

May this Sunday find you in a warm and cozy place, with your favorite dog or cat curled up at your feet, and a steaming mug of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate to take off the chill.

Have a great day, and we’ll see you at the Market.



Suwanee Whole Life Co-op:  Don't forget to order... Order by 6pm TODAY

Happy Veteran’s Day!

Just a friendly reminder, if you haven’t already placed your order, that market orders are due online by 6 pm TODAY. Order now so you don’t forget :-)

Click Here to Place Your Order For WEDNESDAY pick up in Suwanee

Thank you for placing your order and supporting local farms and businesses!

CLG:  Opening Bell: Salad Mix, Honey, Sweet Potatoes

Good afternoon!

This will be our last market before Thanksgiving so stock up for all your holiday baking and Neil needs now. Eggs, Meats, Honey, etc. Julie’s Sweet Shoppe has lots of great dessert items to lighten your baking load.

Bar C just listed Thanksgiving Hams to be the highlight of your meal. And their Breakfast Pork Sausage is on sale this week. Load up!

This isn’t Wall Street, but check out our stock options. Several options of chicken and beef bones are now available.

Enjoy the Sweet Potatoes and Apples now being harvested for you from Drewry Orchard.

Be sure to SEARCH for your favorite items using the search field. Over 575 items available now!

Most items are listed by 6pm Sunday, but check back again before the market closes Tuesday night to see if any other items are ready to be harvested for you! Eat fresh! Eat local! Eat for better health!

And save your eggshells throughout the week for the laying hens! :-)

The market is now OPEN for orders. Click here to start shopping:

Please check your email a few minutes after you place your order to make sure you get an order confirmation. Thank you!

Green Acres Atkins:  Opening bell!

Good morning !

Hope you all have a great week! Please place your orders by noon on Wednesday

Tom and Kami

RAF Buying Clubs :  Time to Order!

Happy Sunday Buying Club Members!

Ordering has been opened for this Wednesday’s drop-offs in Forest and Rivermont Area.

Head over to

to place your order!

We hope to see you soon,

Champaign, OH:  Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon

I go out to work on Monday morning
Tuesday I go off to honeymoon
I’ll be back again before it’s time for sunny-down,
I’ll be lazing on a Sunday afternoon
Bicycling on every Wednesday evening
Thursday I go waltzing to the zoo
I come from London Town, I’m just an ordinary guy
Fridays I go painting in the Louvre
I’m bound to be proposing on a Saturday night (there he goes again)
I’ll be lazing on a Sunday
Lazing on a Sunday
Lazing on a Sunday afternoon…
(Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon-Queen)

And, if you are coasting into this sunshine filled, yet cold Sunday morning, afternoon, evening, why not take the time to place your orders for you little local market of love?

Remember…this will be your last market, before the Thanksgiving holiday week!

We want you to be fully stocked with all things from our market!!

I just placed my market order for radishes and turnips to roast for Thanksgiving day, a jam to serve as one of my appetizers, on that day, an order of chorizo to mix up another appetizer…at my Thanksgiving celebration, any and all are welcome to the table. We have had years of all family, years of out of town friends added to the mix, but whatever the case, there is always an abundance of food, beginning with appetizers and Bloody Marys! I set up a wine bar, a spritzer bar, a coffee area, appetizers, a dessert area, and then, of course, beautifully set tables using china passed down by my grandmother, and the food…the food is always assigned, one dish, to each guest, but I am always the appetizer/turkey/Cosmic stuffing/vegetable/garlic potatoes girl…

What are you doing for the holiday? Can we help get you ready?

Let’s do this Thanksgiving, together, all on this lazing Sunday afternoon!

Cosmic Pam

Stones River Market:  Market is OPEN -- See you Wednesday

Good Morning on this “Chili” day (hint hint..), the Market is OPEN with some great items for upcoming holidays and for you.

Last week was a emotional roller coaster type of week for our area. The tragic Tornado damages effected many of us. Including our Market Owner, John Erdmann, their home and farm was destroyed. News clips can be found on our Stones River Market Facebook page below. A link to the GoFundMe account is also listed below. Donations will also be accepted during our Market Pick Up time and Quinn’s Mercantile during business hours. John has requested assistance with cleaning up the debris on the farm. A tentative ‘Clean the Farm Day’ will be around 1st of December. Announcement and updates will be posted on the Facebook page and through this Weblog.

In the colder weather it is important to take care of ourselves. Many great ‘healthful’ items can be found in Soap and Skin Care and Herbal Healing Salves and Oils.

Our Meat vendors have great selection of items that will make any meal and holiday dinner a success. Winter Produce is still available and Rocky Glade Farm has returned with their delicious Carolina Ruby Sweet Potatoes.

Please scan the Market listing, so many wonderful things available this week from our terrific group of Growers and Vendors. We are excited to welcome BB Gourmet Pretzels, The Creole Diva, Mo’ Scrubs by Toya to the Market.

Thank you to all that were able to participated in our “Meet the Farmer” event last week. We are planning another event sometime in the Spring.

News from our Growers:

Dogwood Valley Greenhouse: This is the LAST WEEK to place deposits for their beautiful Christmas Wreaths and Kissing Balls. They also have Christmas cacti and several colors of African violets in bloom for Christmas.

Farrar Farm LLC: HOLIDAY PRE-ORDERS — Reserve your item by selecting it and paying the deposit. Order early to have them for the holidays. They will order it from processor and let you know when it is ready. Some items sell out pretty quickly, so order early.

Flying S Farms: Their popular Christmas Jam is available again and several Flaming HOT Jellies.

The Creole Diva: Delicious Dirty Rice mix and Creole Spice is great for these colder days and anytime.

Link to GoFundMe account for John Erdmann:

Looking forward seeing you on “The Porch” at Quinn’s Mercantile Wednesday.

How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Facebook:
On Wednesdays: Here’s the map:

Lake Placid Online Farmer's Market:  November Market Open!

Good news! We have received confirmation to go ahead with the market this winter! We are so grateful to you, our customers, for your patience during this time.

Rehoboth Homestead will be harvesting their fall ducklings within the next two weeks. They normally just keep the breasts and legs to save
freezer space. If you would like whole duck for Thanksgiving (you pick up unless you get one of the two currently listed), Christmas, or anytime this winter, please reserve them now by calling 518-572-0922 or emailing [email protected] . You will be able to pay and pick up through us with your December order, though they won’t be in our list.

See below for goodies from Rehoboth Homestead, Asgaard Farm, and more local farmers!

Thank you,

Dothan, Alabama:  November 10, 2018 M@D Newsletter

We are open to accept orders.
Orders close Tuesday at 5pm
If you’re wondering about that “M@D” bit, its only about good healthy food!

This Week’s Newsletter:
Looking Ahead
Thanksgiving Thoughts
Market Chitchat
Grower Notes


By the time you receive this today’s Farmer’s Market will be in the history books. It was a joy to see many of you and we hope you enjoyed the day’s events. I don’t know about you, but for me it seems time has sneaked up and here we are – the last week to order before Thanksgiving! Pickup for this week will take place Friday, November 16 as usual however the next Market newsletter you receive wll be on Saturday, November 24.

The following week will be different because of Dothan Nurseries annual Christmas Open House. Market Pickup will take place the afternoon of Thursday December 6 before Open House gets underway and there will be no Daleville or Enterprise deliveries that week. Open House is always a fun and festive time and we hope you’ll mark your calendar and plan to join us. We’ll share more details as they become available. Our Facebook links are at the bottom of this message. Keep an eye on them as details will be announced there first.


Did you know that the first Thanksgiving in the United States has some strong similarities to the biblical Feast of Tabernacles? The Feast of Tabernacles is described in the book of Leviticus in the Old Testament of the Bible.

Although the pilgrims did not consciously observe this biblical feast, it is interesting to study the parallels between these two celebrations that share the common spirit of thanksgiving to God. Both were celebrated in the autumn in the northern hemisphere, and both were a time for giving thanks to God for the blessings of the harvest season.

“Though it’s a uniquely American tradition,” adds a Jewish Web site, “the roots of Thanksgiving go back to ancient Israel. In a real sense, the Jews invented Thanksgiving. (I) count 28 references to the word thanksgiving in the King James Bible—all but six in the Old Testament. For the ancient children of Israel, thanksgiving was a time of feasting and fasting, of praising God, of singing songs. It was a rich celebration—and still is for observant Jews today. Just like it is for many Americans.

Regardless of its origins, psychologists today recognize that gratitude is a powerful force for good regardless of one’s beliefs. Psychology Today lists 7 benefits of Gratitude:

  • Gratitude opens the door to more relationships. 
  • Gratitude improves physical health.
  • Gratitude improves psychological health.
  • Gratitude enhances empathy and reduces aggression. 
  • Grateful people sleep better. 
  • Gratitude improves self-esteem. 
  • Gratitude increases mental strength. 


These girls were all tuckered out at the end of Market today

New & Relisted Products Some of these may be familar as they were added to the Market after last week’s newsletter went out.

  • Hot Pepper Sauce from Hawkins Homestead
  • Broccoli from Avalon Farms
  • Hydroponic Micro Bibb Lettuce from Smart Doc Resources
  • Old Fashioned Skillet Bread from Mary’s Peeps
  • Asian Stir Fry Greens from Hawkins Homestead
  • Stewing Hens from Avalon Farms
  • Microgreens Musclun Blend from Smart Doc Resources
  • Shena’s Pepper Jelly from Bain Home Gardens
  • Mary’s HONEY Cornbread Muffins
  • Pak Choi cabbage from Hawkins Homestead
  • Stuart Pecans from Smart Doc Resources
  • Rosemary Salt from Avalon Farms
  • Gift Baskets from Hawkins Homestead
  • Hawkins Organic Bone Broth Kits are relisted


We have the best Growers in the Wiregrass! Please learn more about them on our Grower Page.

SMART DOC RESOURCES: Greetings from SmartDoc Farm  It has been a busy week. Yea, we sold out of our hydroponic veggies so I hope you enjoy.  We were holding our breath since we had to start fresh after the hurricane and being out of power and water for 7 days!  This weekend we are enlarging so we will have more and a variety of items to offer over the winter. We are experimenting on more techniques and seeds too.  In the next few weeks we will have swiss chard and hopefully okra and of course lettuce and microgreen mix. I will be giving several talks over the next couple of weeks….Saturday at the Market (actually earlier today) about stress. Then on Dec 5th at the community room at SEC church I will be demonstrating easy and inexpensive ways to hydroponic in your kitchen!  Flu and cold season is coming up(maybe now with all this crazy weather) so check out the CBD oil. It’s good for many things …check out my smartdocresources page for some scientific studies. I also completed the cottage law course so in the next few weeks I will be offering some special dried herbs and Christmas candies! Til next time….stay healthy and eat well.

BAIN HOME GARDENS: Are you feeling a little crazy due to the time change? We are! We’ve been so totally confused! It’s just one hour yet it makes all the difference in the world! Personally, I can say I have never struggled so much to adjust as I have been struggling this with this time change. I wondered why so I did a deep dive into the web and found some awesome tips on how to cope with the time change:
1. Adjust Alarms. About 10 or so days before time changes, wake up 10 to 15 min later (earlier for Spring forward). This helps the body slowly adjust to the time change. It’s too late for us to implement this one but when we spring forward we will.
2.Nighttime Routines. You have likely had one of some sort since you were a kid. Put down the phone and tablet and quiet things down! These routines help slow the body down and prepare it for rest – rest that would be otherwise be interrupted by the time change.
3. Light. Expose yourself to light during the waking hours of the day only. At night, LEAVE THE LIGHTS OFF! Install night lights, they are much easier on the eyes and allow one to get right back to sleep!
Although we have had difficulty adjusting, we haven’t allowed the Fall back to stop progress. New & last plantings of peas are done. We are experimenting with a new variety this year so we are excited to see what the yields will be. There is so much more going at Bain Home Gardens! Follow our Garden Adventures on Facebook , Instagram or our more extensive blog posts on ourWebpage . Till next time – from our family to yours!

MARY’S PEEPS: Hello Everyone. Thank you for those of you who have stood by me this year. We’ve had ups and downs and are happy to have made it through to continue baking the same delicious cakes for you that we make for our family. Please check out my selection of baked goods that are listed on the Market Page. There’s sure to be something that will make your Thanksgiving easier and more delicious. Thank you for your support. Mary Dale Peeples

Editor’s Note – you can use the Display Options on the left side of the Market Page to see an individual vendor/grower’s items exclusively.

AVALON FARMS: Onions will no longer be available as they are starting to sprout and that is not good eats. (Bummer. I love onions.)

Broccoli is doing well this year. Wish that second batch of transplants hadn’t been destroyed, then we’d have 4 times as much growing.

You’re going to be needing some rich broth for your Thanksgiving cooking and I’ve got just the thing! Stewing Hens. These pasture raised, clean eating and living girls have reached the end of their egg laying lives. Somebody’s grandma needs to make some chicken and dumplings.

Due to the farmers market on Saturday we won’t be able to process them till Sunday, so I’ll be listing them in the Market late Sunday.

HAWKINS HOMESTEAD: A huge thank you and a shout out to everyone who supported the Fall Farmers Market Day today. We always love getting to meet and putting faces with the names of our customers! With all the events happening around town, we appreciate you showing support to us!

This week we have got a lot to offer! It will be your last Market pick up before our break so please get what you need for 2 weeks instead of one. Of course, you can always contact us offline too, but we know how important it is not to be without.

Ok onto the new stuff right?

  • We’ve got our organic hot pepper sauce up just in time for that pot of greens!
  • We’ve added gift baskets that include a variety of our pear jams and you can even get one with pepper jelly. These gift baskets will be offered throughout the season.
  • Asian organic stir fry greens are listed for you to cook up something wonderful.
  • We’re also offering a listing of our Pak Choi cabbage. Just this on its own is delicious, but of course you can add it to your favorite meal.
  • Not new, but why buy broth from the grocery store when you can make your own? Delicious and so much better for you! We know a lot of you will be making plenty of meals over the next few months, so we’ve got our organic bone broth kits listed and ready to go.
  • Last, but certainly not least our stewing hens are back up on the Market. Remember to cook these low and slow…then enjoy!
    Organic peas will be up soon and if I can get my family to stop eating all the green beans (well maybe it’s just me) I will list those too! See you in 2 weeks if not before.


We would love to hear from you! If you have a favorite recipe, want to write a product review, have an idea or request for an article or information, let us know! You can reply to this newsletter or write [email protected].

Market Schedule
Order Saturday 5pm to Tuesday 5pm weekly for Pickup the following Friday
Dothan Pickup: Dothan Nurseries, 1300 Montgomery Highway, Dothan, AL 36303
Daleville Pickup: Daleville Chamber of Commerce Office

Our Website:
Our Email: [email protected]

On Facebook:
Join our Online Discussions!
Be sure to use our hashtag! #marketatdothan

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!