The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Depot Street Farmers Market: Weblog Entry
Depot Street Farmers Market online ordering is open now through Thursday at 6 pm.
Pick up your order Saturday by noon at the Gravel Parking Lot beside our usual market location on the corner of Depot Street and Irish Street
Thank you from your friends at
Depot Street Farmers Market
Questions? Contact Heather 423-525-2621 or Dale 423-525-6702
email [email protected]
CLG: Tuesday Reminder - Market Closes Tonight after 10pm.
Hello friends!
No market next Friday, November 23rd.
There’s still time to place your order for pickup this Friday, November 16th.
The market closes TONIGHT after 10pm, maybe even midnight! Come early on Friday for the best selection from the Extras table. See you Friday!
How to contact us:
Phone or text: Steve – 501-339-1039
Email: Steve – [email protected]
Dawson Local Harvest: Don't Miss Out on BEEF & CHICKEN Thanksgiving weekend!
Dawson Local Harvest for November 16th
Don’t Miss Out on BEEF & CHICKEN for Thanksgiving Weekend!
Our PRE-THANKSGIVING MARKET will have Pickup Tuesday, Nov. 20th (2 days before Thanksgiving) from 3 to 6 pm. While this is great for Yeast Rolls, Challah, Desserts, Eggs, etc. we cannot get Beef & Chicken deliveries that week, which means you must order all the delicious, natural Chicken and Beef you’ll want for that weekend By 9pm TONIGHT for pickup this FRIDAY!
Thanks, Alan, Market Manager
RAF Buying Clubs : Last Call on Orders!
Just a quick reminder to get your orders in by midnight tonight if you haven’t already!
Middle Tennessee Locally Grown: Reminder: Ordering Closes at 10 pm
Manchester Locally Grown market
To Contact Us
Our Website:
On Facebook:
Manchester Locally Grown Online Farmers’ Market
By e-mail:
[email protected]
By phone:
(931) 273-9708
Our pickup location is across the street from the Manchester City Schools administration building, at
216 East Fort Street, Manchester, TN
If you don’t see a map, click on the address link.
Good afternoon!
This is just a friendly reminder to place your order online by 10 pm this evening. Please don’t forget to order! But if you do forget, give me (Linda) a call in the morning. I will most likely be able to get hold of the farmers and place a late order for you.
Remember to hit that last “submit” button. I really dislike disappointing a customer who comes to market, only to find no order in their name because they didn’t hit the last button. When your order is placed, you will receive an email confirmation. If for any reason you fail to receive this confirmation, please contact Linda as soon as you realize it’s missing.
Also please go to our Facebook page & like, comment, and share this week’s post. Facebook isn’t allowing me to post on multiple sites, or post multiple photos. So please help us spread the word. Surveys indicate that word of mouth is the most effective form of advertisement. Please help us advertise our fantastic growing market!
See you on Thursday!
Michael & Linda
Pittsfield Township, MI: Online Sales open Saturday, Sunday and Monday • Pick up @701 W. Ellsworth Road, 3-6 PM on Thursday, November 29
Pittsfield Township Farmers Market
Pre-order Online through Monday, November 26 for Speedy Pick-up, November 29 at the Pittsfield Township Community Center, 701 W. Ellsworth Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48108.
Market Day Mobile: 734.881.7195
Market News
Welcome to the Pittsfield Township Farmers Market Online Sales Pilot Program! Orders placed and paid for by Monday, November 26, 2018 will be available for pick-up on Thursday, November 29, 2018, 3-6 PM at the Pittsfield Township Community Center, 701 W. Ellsworth Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48108
• NEW at pick-up: Pop-up Farmers Market, and Holiday Craft Sale, 3-6 PM, Thursday, November 29 at 701 W. Ellsworth. Stock up on Farmers Market local goods, and shop for unique holiday gifts! The Holiday Craft Sale is hosted by Salt Valley Arts.
• Please review the Q & A’s before shopping!
• Need to pick your order quickly? Text the time, vehicle color, model/make, and the name on the order, to the FM Mobile 734.881.7195 and we will deliver your order to your car. Please plan to review your order with a staff member, and sign-off before leaving.
• We will include our NEW fun re-usable, insulated tote with the first 20 NEW orders, if you didn’t already get one previously (1 per household).
• Please bring a bag to order pick-up. Re-usable insulated totes will be available for $5 on site and are also for sale online.
• New vendors are still being added, so be sure to check back.
• This is a pilot program. Please email your constructive comments to [email protected].
We appreciate your support! Thank you for shopping local!
Siloam Springs, AR: Online Market Closed week of Thanksgiving
Good morning!
In order to allow our farmers and vendors time to enjoy the Holiday week/weekend with family, the online market will be closed the week of Thanksgiving.
We will re-open Monday, November 26th.
There are pies listed for sale from Payne Family Farm which would be great for Thanksgiving! Check out our Facebook page if you want to order direct from her closer to the holiday.
You still have time to place an order or an additional order this week. We will be accepting orders through Thursday at 10 p.m.
For those who have ordered this week, I’ll see you Saturday and we wish all a Happy Thanksgiving!
Champaign, OH: Ruby Tuesday
Goodbye, Ruby Tuesday
Who could hang a name on you?
When you smile with every new day…
(Ruby Tuesday-The Rolling Stones)
One of my first Stones albums, purchased in a stack of albums, along with a stamped copy of the Beatles White album, all purchased at one of my favorite underground record shops that was located on Court St. in Athens, Ohio, way back in the day.
Anyway…I woke up, thought about it being Tuesday, immediately started singing this song, remembered that the market is only open, today, until tomorrow at 8am, and there you have it…
Go on, Ruby Tuesday…get your orders in…
Cosmic Pam
McColloms Market: November FFFN Market is Closed
Hi All:
The Market is now closed. Pick up will be tomorrow (Wednesday) from 4:30-6:30 at my house.
See you then.
Siloam Springs, AR: Online Market Open! Inventory list attached
Good morning! I’ve been watching the beautiful snow fall.
We have a great variety of seasonal produce and chicken is back online!
Hope you have a great week and see you Saturday!