The Weblog

This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.

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Dawson Local Harvest:  Dawson Local Harvest is open for orders

Good evening!

The market is now open for orders. Ordering is open until 9pm on Tuesday.

Pickup is on Friday afternoon from 4pm – 6pm at Leilani’s Gardens.

Have a great week, and we’ll see you on Friday!

- Dawson Local Harvest

RAF Buying Clubs :  Time to Order!

Good afternoon!

Ordering is now OPEN for our Buying Club drop-offs in Rivermont Area and Forest this Wednesday, April 3rd.

Head over to

to browse our local food options and place your order!

We are fully stocked on our Freshly Forested Pork this week and also have a wonderful selection of Pastured Chicken and Eggs, Veggies and Herbs, Sourdough Breads and Pastries, and locally made Pastas and Dry Rubs.

Happy ordering!

Foothills Market:  The Market is Open!

Green things are growing again, and Foothills Market has them! From salad lettuce to kale, you can get a fresh taste of spring.

We also still have a good variety of locally-grown meats and lots of free-range eggs. Shop the market between now and Wednesday at 5:00. We’ll have your items ready for pickup on Thursday.

Eat something fresh this week!

The Wednesday Market:  The Market is Open for Orders

Good afternoon.

The Wednesday Market is open for orders. Please place your orders by 10 p.m. Monday. Orders are ready for pick up between 3 and 6 p.m. Wednesday. See the website for this week’s product offerings. Here is the link:

Have a pleasant Sunday, and we’ll see you at the Market.



Suwanee Whole Life Co-op:  Don't forget to Order by 6pm TODAY!

UPDATE! – Bob Bradbury (Bradbury Honey) Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for Bob! I just got a note from him : “I am awaiting my doctors visit this morning and hopefully he will give me the greenlight to return home this afternoon. Lots of challenges ahead but God is more than sufficient.”

Just a friendly reminder, if you haven’t already placed your order, that market orders are due online by 6 pm TODAY. Order now so you don’t forget :-)

Click Here to Place Your Order For WEDNESDAY pick up in Suwanee

Thank you for placing your order and supporting local farms and businesses!

Green Acres Atkins:  Opening bell!

Well with all the spring planting and preparation I guess we were opening the market but forgetting to send the opening bell reminder so sorry!

Hope you all are enjoying the spring weather even with these crazy cold snaps!

We are making sure here at green acres we are keeping the plants growing ! Tomatoes are nearly a foot tall already!!!

Happy ordering!

Have a great week
Tom and Kami

Magney Legacy Ridge Farm:  CSA 1


Dear CSAers,
We missed you over the past month! As promised, CSA deliveries will resume this week with our first delivery on Thursday, April 4. Many of you have reached out to us over the past couple of days and it’s been really gratifying to hear your enthusiasm. We hope you enjoy the offerings on the site this week. Spring will start very greens forward and our selection will continue to expand throughout the season. We invite you to enjoy the bounty of seasonal local eating.

It’s been a busy month here with bed preparation, seeding, and greenhouse renovation. We also spent some time repairing damage to two of our structures from the violent windstorms that swept the area on March 14. Though it was a harrowing day, the team was able to pull together and minimize the damage. Being resilient and adaptable is one of the things that agriculture really requires of us. Seeing our team grow in these areas is truly rewarding. To be as transparent as we can, we will be sourcing a few items from the Nashville organic veggie farmers. We did have damage and it took time to repair and reseed. We anticipate it will only be a few weeks until we are back up and running at full capacity.
A vegetable that we would like to highlight this week is our cabbage. We have two different cabbages available right now. ‘Caraflex’ our cone shaped cabbage variety graced some bags before the March intermission and the heads are now even larger. New are our ‘Savoy’ cabbages, which have a uniquely textured leaf, reminiscent of the Tuscan Kale. ‘Savoy’ is perhaps milder than ‘Caraflex’ but both are delicious and wonderful. They are well suited to slaws, boiling, or my favorite, stir fried with a bit of bacon.
We’re so thankful for your support and being patient through the March interim. We’ve got a lot of exciting things coming up and are really thrilled to be bringing you fresh local vegetables again.
The Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Team

Independence,VA:  Market closes Monday night at 8 pm!


Good morning,

Time to get your Online Market order in before the Market closes tomorrow night at 8 pm!

To Shop: Independence Farmers Market.

Thank you for supporting the Independence Farmers Market!


Stones River Market:  Market is OPEN -- See you Wednesday

Good Morning, Market is Open with many great items.

From Our Growers:

Dogwood Valley Greenhouse: Many of Dogwood Valley Greenhouse’s early-spring flowering plants are in bloom and have been added to this week’s market. I’ve also added a couple of very early azaleas and will be adding more as they come into bloom, so watch for that changing list. This would be the perfect time to add some spring color to your garden! The weather is great for planting perennials and shrubs, but please don’t buy your tomatoes or peppers yet! (We will have those in about three weeks.)

Trinity Rose Oberhasli Dairy Goats will not be able to be on the market this week due to illness.

Sow’s Ear Piggery: has delicious Pork items available this week.

Mo’s Scrubs by Toya: Added CBD Massage Oil, this all natural massage oil along with other essential oils to help relax your body and boost your mood.

Carole’s Herbs (CS3 Farm): Has added Claytonia perfoliata, also known as Indian lettuce, spring beauty, winter purslane, or miner’s lettuce, it resembles spinach in taste and composition. Eat with or as a substitute for lettuce or spinach, in salads and in sandwiches, mixed with your choice of nuts, meats, fruits, dressings, cheeses, or whatever you desire. Pairs well with any of our gourmet mustards. Also Easter Bath Fizzies and Foot Soak Fizzies!

Flying S Farms: has Baby Leaf Turnip greens again this week along with their Egg-cellent Egg Special, buy 2 or more and receive $1 off each additional dozen you buy.

Farrar Farm LLC and Wedge Oak Farm are back on the market this week.

Our Sympathy to Casey Reed’s of 6R Farms family. Unfortunate deaths of both his Grandfathers and then his Mother over the past 3 weeks.

See you “On the Porch” at Quinn’s Mercantile Wednesday April 3rd from 5:00 – 6:30pm, please contact me if you are unable to make delivery or are running late, please phone, email or text me so we can make arrangements to get your order to you.

How to contact us:

Email: [email protected]
Locations: Quinn’s Mercantile on Wednesdays: 307 North Spring Street, Murfreesboro

CLG:  Opening Bell: Strawberries, Lettuce, Spinach, Sausage!

Good afternoon!

Freeze warning tonight! Temps tonight will be around freezing so take action now to protect any tomato or pepper plants you may have in your gardens.

The green garlic is just starting to bulb and is really taking off. Get a bundle of 5 stalks and try this delicious spring treat in something for dinner this week.

Kenny’s doing it again! Save a bundle on a 25 pound box of eggs from Drewry Orchards this week. It is literally a box with 25 pounds of fresh eggs. A pound of eggs is between six and 10 eggs so this is around 200 fresh eggs. Share some with your family and neighbors and they’ll love you forever. ! We have egg cartons so you can package them into dozens right at the market. Deviled eggs, boiled eggs, omelettes, quiche, fried eggs, poundcake. The possibilities are endless!

At Cedar Rock Ridge this week, we divided our 5-year-old Solomon’s Seal plant, so 13 potted starts are now available well-rooted and ready to grow in your garden. At pickup on Friday we will have orange marigolds, yellow marigolds, and burgundy halo vinca plants in 4-packs on the extras table. Marigolds placed around your garden attract pollinators and deter pests. With marigolds, more is better. Here’s a WEBLOG special. Text me if you are interested in 18 four-packs of plants for only $20. That’s 72 marigold or vinca plants! Plant some for yourself, and give away 4-packs to your gardening friends and neighbors.

Be sure to SEARCH for your favorite items using the search field. We have over 700 items available now!

Most items are listed by 6pm Sunday, but check back again before the market closes Tuesday night to see if any other items are ready to be harvested for you! Eat fresh! Eat local! Eat for better health!

And save your eggshells throughout the week for the laying hens! :-)

The market is now OPEN for orders. Click here to start shopping:

Please check your email a few minutes after you place your order to make sure you get an order confirmation. Thank you!