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Fresh Harvest, LLC:  Last Call - Fresh Harvest

Market News

There are plenty of great veggies, meats and other goodies still available.

The Market will remain open until Tuesday evening for you to place an order for this week.

Here is some information on how Fresh Harvest works.
*If you see an item as Sold Out, write in the Comment section at check out that you would like that item if more becomes available. We’ll try our best to add it to your order.
*PayPal payments have to be manually added to your account. There will be a delay to crediting your account due to me needing to take time to do the bookkeeping. I also have to go to each account with cash or check payments. These are sometimes delayed by procrastination or being busy. You can still place an order even though it may cause your account to be “overdrawn”. There is no penalty for going into the minus column. Sometimes I’m a little slow in getting to the bank to make deposits, but it eventually happens.
• If you recruit a new customer to Fresh Harvest and they open an account with a $50 deposit, we will credit your account $10 for each new customer who signs up. They will need to tell me your name, so that I can credit your account. Word of mouth has been our best advertising. Any help that you can provide is greatly appreciated.
• Every week, we leave orders at the church for customers who cannot arrive at Trinity before 6pm. This has worked well for those who have difficulty with the 4-6pm window. Please let me know if you need me to leave your order at the church.
• The bag that you receive each week is to be brought back with your next order. We have been negligent in telling new customers how this works. Don’t feel bad if you return multiple bags, it happens all the time.
• We’re into reusing and recycling. Our clean egg cartons, honey jars, paper and plastic bags, berry containers are some of the items that we can reuse. If we can’t reuse the returned items, we’ll recycle them.
• We do guarantee everything that we sell. If you ever have a problem, please let us know and we will credit your account.
• If there are other products or growers that you think should be a part of Fresh Harvest, please let me know.

Thanks for your support, and I will see you on Wednesday!

If you need to text me, my number is 615-838-0428.



Ruth’s Pashtida
Susie made a great batch of pashtida this morning. This is the very best thing to eat right away and also the best to have in the fridge when you are starving and need something substantial! She makes it differently every time and it’s always good. The basics: eggs, cheese, veggies and a 9×13 pan. This morning, Susie cooked an onion, a red pepper, and a huge bunch of kale (stems removed). She squeezed out any excess moisture from the greens after sautéing. She added some Italian seasoning and salt and pepper. After cooking the veggies, she pulsed them a few times in the food processor. She added the veggies to 12-14 eggs (beaten) and a handful or two of sharp cheddar cheese and then put all that in the baking dish and baked at 350 for about 40 minutes until firm. So good! You can use any kind of veggies and any kind of cheese or a mix of cheeses (cottage, feta, provolone!). Susie says to make sure to credit her friend Ramit’s mom, Ruth, who first showed her how to make it.

Statesboro Market2Go:  Just Added!

Just added – New items from Ma’s Country Pantry -

BBQ Sauce – Chicken Dipping – Mild
Dressing – Southern Peach
Dressing – Summer Tomato & Bacon
Pickled Bread & Butter Squash – Mild.

Ma’s Country Pantry items are back for a limited time, so don’t miss out!

There’s lots of different vegetables coming in now, and 24/7 House and Fisheads are back online!

Click to order at Market2Go

Siloam Springs, AR:  Online Market is Open!

Have a great week and see you Saturday!

Champaign, OH:  Today’s Weblog!

Brought to you by our friends at Valley View Farms!

Shary and I want to let our fellow market members know about our current offerings. Valley View Woodlands (also known as Marc and Shary Stadler) had a very productive maple syrup season this spring. Many factors came together in our beautiful woods to create a near record year of delicious syrup. The success story goes back to the summer of 2018, when we had plenty of warm days and a lot of moisture. The sugar maples produced a heavy leaf load, each one a miniature factory, turning sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into sugars which would be stored in the tree the following autumn. Then at the end of winter we had a number of days perfect for sap production: cold nights below freezing and warm days above freezing. The trees pumped out gallons of sweet sap, sometimes filling our five-gallon buckets in a day! Then the boiling starts. It takes at least 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of syrup!

This year we were able to produce early-season gold syrup along with amber and dark. Early gold, which has a light color and delicate flavor, is very weather-dependent, and not available every year. All three grades are currently offered for sale on the market. We are often asked what our favorite grade is. We love all three! We cherish the gold, as it has a vanilla-caramel flavor and it not available every year. The amber has a wonderful balanced flavor, and the dark is very rich and robust. You can find our syrup in beautiful glass bottles (that showcase just how beautiful our syrup is) and larger plastic jugs.

We have pawpaw trees for sale! Last fall, our fellow market members had a chance to purchase fresh pawpaws from our “patch” (also known as an orchard) which is one of the largest in the United States. America’s “forgotten fruit” is being rediscovered, and people are raving about the tropical banana-mango flavor of this native tree. Spring is the perfect time to plant pawpaw trees. Plant them in your yard for a bounty of delicious fruit. While pawpaws should be mulched and receive regular watering, the trees don’t need any special care, unlike apples and other common fruit. Pawpaws are not self-fruitful, so you need two different varieties to cross-pollinate. We currently offer two varieties, Sunflower and NC-1. We also offer seedlings (ungrafted trees grown from seed) at a reduced price. The trees should be planted between 8 and 30 feet apart. The trees are in tall “tree pots” and are approximately 18” tall. Grafted trees will usually produce fruit in three to five years. Seedlings will take an extra two to three years to produce fruit. And with seedlings you can never be sure of the size or quality of the fruit.

If market members have any questions about our maple syrup or pawpaw trees, they can contact us via email or phone:


[email protected]

Thank you,


Growing Together :  Availability for May 27th


Another great week! The weather is hot hot hot, so you’ll be seeing the last of the spring greens as we move into summer veggies. Buy up now before they’re gone!

We’ve seen several folks making kimchi with bok choy and other asian greens – a great way to preserve these greens for eating later in the season! Plus tons of lettuce for delicious summer salads.

Some highlights this week include:

Head Lettuces – especially that wonderfully crunchy Romaine!
Joi Choi – nice size
“Chinese” (Mei Quing) Bok Choy, a small variety with a lovely green hue
Beautiful cilantro + dill
A variety of radishes, turnips, and beets– the colors look great together!

Winnsboro, TX:  Market closed this week

Happy Monday to you all.

With the holiday weekend upcoming & the Saturday finale of our honeybee event, I have decided to close the market this week. Sorry for any inconvenience. If you’re in need of something, please email or text me & I’ll do my best to get it to you during the week.

Have a wonderful week & be sure to come vote on the beehives this Saturday if you’re able…they are amazing this year!


V.I Prime Produce locally Grown:  Market open

Good morning Prime Produce Market is now open and accepting orders.

Middle Tennessee Locally Grown:  Time to Order Fresh Local Farm Products!

Middle Tennessee Locally Grown market

To Contact Us

Our Website:
On Facebook:
Manchester Locally Grown Online Farmers’ Market
By e-mail:
[email protected]
By phone:
(931) 273-9708

Our Manchester pickup location is across the street from the Manchester City Schools administration building, at
216 East Fort Street, Manchester, TN

Our new Tullahoma pickup location is inside “Nature’s Elite”, in the Cherokee Square Shopping Center next to Dunham’s Sports, at
1802 N Jackson St, Ste 800, Tullahoma TN

If you don’t see a map, click on the address link.

Good morning!

Welcome to Middle Tennessee Locally Grown online farmers’ market! The market opened for ordering before 8 AM on Sunday, as always. Sorry I didn’t have time to send out a newsletter till now! But remember: you don’t have to wait till you receive the newsletter to place your order. The market is open.

As always, everything you see on our website is the “cream of the crop” from local farmers, the best products picked and made with pride especially for YOU! When you place an order with our farms, you know you are supporting your friends and neighbors, located in Middle Tennessee.

Please look around at various categories, since there may be some new things added to the market after I send out this message. Also please be sure to read the section of the page entitled “Important Ordering and Pickup Information.”

Don’t forget about our pick-up location in Tullahoma in addition to the usual one in Manchester. Now you can avoid the delivery charge and come visit with your market managers! Be sure to let us know via the drop-down menu which location you prefer for pickup.

Farm News of the Week: In the Spotlight

(top, L to R): Laundry Soap by Cindy’s Suds is now available in a 16oz trial size; “Martha Washington Balls” by Kountry Vittles are to die for!

(Bottom): Solace Farm lotions smell heavenly and really work; Frontier Family Farm offers microgreens in several varieties.

It’s daylily time at Dogwood Valley Greenhouse! Suddenly, the orange rebloomers are showing off and egging on all the others! The astilbes and coral bells, both in several colors, are also beginning to bloom, and the coneflowers have big fat buds. We still have azaleas and coreopsis in bloom as well, so you can overlap your sequence of bloom in the garden. Of course balloon flower (we have several colors) will bloom all summer. For your porch or patio, we have several houseplants and hanging baskets, as well as a new crop of African violets coming into bloom. Don’t forget about our beautiful embellished herb pots, great as a gift (even to your patio!) We still have a good selection of pepper and tomato plants, but these are selling low. For the shady areas, we have several very nice ferns, with more on the way. We are updating the market with some “Fresh Cut” herbs, so be sure to check that section when you shop. Lastly, we have only two of the big herb gift baskets “True Love of Mine” left – get yours soon!

(L to R, top) Early Orange Reblooming Daylily; Fresh Cut Apple Mint (and several others).

Important Ordering and Pickup Information

Ordering will be open until TUESDAY at 10 pm, and your order will be available for pickup at your choice of the following:

  • Thursday afternoon between 4:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.* under the big pavilion on Fort Street with signs that say “Coffee County Farmers Market.” It’s behind the Farm Bureau building on Main Street, and across the street from the Manchester City Schools administration building, 215 East Fort St, Manchester.
  • Or on Fridays between 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. inside “Nature’s Elite”, next to Dunham’s Sporting Goods, in the Cherokee Square Shopping Center on North Jackson Street in Tullahoma.

We can also deliver your order to your home (or other location) on FRIDAY afternoon for a small fee, if it’s more convenient for you. If you prefer to utilize this service, please place an order for it, same as other products, selecting your delivery area. Don’t forget to give us your location address in the comments section of the order. Also please text Linda at (931) 273-9708 for specific arrangements.

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible. Please encourage our local farmers by helping to spread the word about our wonderful market to everyone you know. We offer a great variety of local farm products, and our items will be in your hands in time to plan for the weekend. Wonderful local products are available for ordering from the comfort of your own computer.

More new farmers are considering joining our market, if they can expect enough sales to help pay their transportation costs. Please help us grow the market by sharing this e-mail with your friends and inviting them to give us a try. And if you haven’t ordered from Manchester Locally Grown for a while, please check out our wide variety of offerings this week. Also please let us know if we can improve our selection or scheduling in any way to better suit your needs.

Linda & Michael

Here is the complete list for this week.

Magney Legacy Ridge Farm:  CSA #8

Dear CSA-ers,

This week’s preassembled CSA bag will include: Bok Choy, Spring Mix, Romaine, Tulsi Basil, Iron Man Kale, Swiss Chard and Strawberry Banana Jam. Custom orders can be placed from now until Tuesday night at

We’ve had a tremendous week on the farm preparing, not only your CSA bags, but also for 3 (THREE!) Saturday Farmers’ Markets. All of us on the farm are feeling very validated to have accomplished the picking, processing, and packing required to have a showing in Princeton, Murray, and Paducah. Thanks to all of you who came out and visited us at the markets! We all had a really good time sharing the fruits of our labors with the West Kentucky community on Saturday morning.
This week has been a touch bittersweet as we prepare to bid Eric Magney adieu. Eric’s aspiration is to become a carpenter, and he will begin working in this capacity at a job site in Calvert City on Monday. We are all very proud of Eric (especially his mom), and his full-time contribution to the farm will certainly be missed. Nonetheless, we wish him success and safety as he pursues his dream in the trades. Thanks Eric, for all your hard work!
This week’s highlighted vegetable is Wild Arugula. Though we’ve had the tender Salad Arugula for a couple weeks now, this week marks the first ever harvest of what is called Wild Arugula. The distinction between Salad Arugula and Wild Arugula may seem kind of arbitrary, but from a botanical perspective, these vegetables are more different from each other than Broccoli is to Kale. Salad Arugula is species Eruca sativa while Wild Arugula is in an entirely different genus as Diplotaxis tenuifolia. These plants share the same common name because they are similar in taste and can be used interchangeably, although Wild Arugula has much more of the peppery taste that makes arugula so distinct to begin with. While Salad Arugula is a mainstay of French cuisine, the Wild Arugula is more often the preferred type for Italian dishes. Both are quite healthy for you, particularly for the presence of Vitamin A and Folate. We invite you to live a little on the “wild” side and give this new crop a try. We’d love to hear what you connoisseurs of arugula think of this new variety. Once again, we thank you for your support of our growing farm, and we wish you and your family a wonderful week full of healthy delicious eating!

Wild Arugula Salad with Pears

• 2 tablespoons EVOO
• 1 tablespoon lemon juice
• 5 ounces wild arugula
• 1 pear, cut into 8 wedges
• 1/3 cup chopped, toasted hazelnuts
• Salt and pepper
• Shaved pecorino-romano cheese
• Preparation
• Whisk EVOO and lemon juice. Toss with arugula, pear and hazelnuts; season with salt and pepper; top with cheese.


• 1 5 oz. baby kale or baby spinach
• 2 cups cooked quinoa
• 1 cup blueberries
• ½ cup toasted walnuts
• ½ tablespoon Dijon mustard
• 2 tablespoons lemon juice
• ¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil
• 1 teaspoon agave or maple syrup
• Salt and pepper to taste

1. 1. Place the greens, quinoa, blueberries, and walnuts in a large mixing bowl and combine them.
2. 2. Whisk together the mustard, lemon, olive oil, agave, salt, and pepper. Toss the dressing over the greens and coat everything well. Serve.

The Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Team

Athens Locally Grown:  ALG Market Open for May 23

Athens Locally Grown

How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Twitter: @athlocallygrown
On Facebook:
On Thursdays: Here’s a map.

Market News

School’s done, the fireflies are out, and the temperatures are soaring — summer’s here! The spring leafy greens will soon take their leave from the Athens-area farms, but the ALG growers further up in the mountains will keep us supplied for quite a while yet. Asparagus and strawberries are starting to wind down, but I saw social media posts this week showing the first ripe blueberries. The changing of the seasons is such an exciting time, and we’re lucky to have growers spread out enough that we see some overlap in what they have to offer us.

Tatiana at Cultured Traditions let me know that she’s having a pretty deep sale on all of her items this week, so if you’ve one of her many customers and want to stock up, or if you haven’t yet given her items a try, this week is the time to do it. I know I’ll be getting several jars of her kraut – it’s so good on sausages (even veggie ones) right off the grill.

Thank you so much for your support of Athens Locally Grown, all of our growers, local food, and our rights to eat it. You all are part of what makes Athens such a great area in which to live. We’ll see you on Thursday at Ben’s Bikes at the corner of Pope and Broad Streets from 4:30 to 8pm!

Other Area Farmers Markets

The many other area markets are starting to return! The Athens Farmers Market is open on Saturdays at Bishop Park, and Wednesday evenings downtown at Creature Comforts. You can catch the news on their website. The West Broad Farmers Market is back as well, Saturdays from 9 to 1, and you can watch for weekly news here: The Comer Farmers’ Market is open on Saturday mornings from 9am to noon. Check for more information. Washington, GA also has a lovely little Saturday market, running on winter hours now on Saturdays from 1-4pm. Folks to the east can check out the Hartwell Farmers Market, which starts bright and early on Saturday morning from 7am to noon, and Tuesday afternoons from noon to 4pm. You can learn all about them here: If you know of any other area markets operating, please let me know.

All of these other markets are separate from ALG (including the Athens Farmers Market) but many growers sell at multiple markets. Please support your local farmers and food producers, where ever you’re able to do so!

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest, and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!