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This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.

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Northeast Georgia Locally Grown:  Market is open for orders!!

Good Evening Locavores, Northeast Georgia Locally Grown is open for orders!
Go to the market >>
Fresh Vegetables
Clean Meats
Baked Goods with Organic ingredients
Pastured Eggs
See all products

Market stays open from Fridays 9 p.m. until at least 9 p.m. Mondays!

Thank you for choosing Northeast Georgia Locally Grown as a way to support your local producers. This online farmers market allows you to buy directly from multiple farms committed to chemical-free and local produce all year long! CHEMICAL-FREE means produce and pastures grown without synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, or insecticides. LOCAL means within 80 miles from the market pickup locations (usually much much closer). Do you know someone who grows chemical-free food in the area? Get them in touch with us. Know someone who wants fresh food? Spread the word. Put the two together, and that’s growing organically!

PICKUP TIME is Wednesday from 5-6:30 p.m.

If you do not get an email ORDER CONFIRMATION right after you order then your order is NOT complete. Log back in and your order might still be there waiting for you to check out! If you have any trouble or questions at all, we are here to help; simply reply to this email or call Andrew at 770.530.3287

Growing Together :  Availability for October 1st

We can’t believe it’s almost October! We’ve still got a great variety of summer and fall veggies – and it hardly feels like fall with this heat!

We are really excited about the Hibiscus calyx we have right now – great for making tea or jam!

And it’s lettuce galore at the garden right now. Romaine, Magenta, and lettuce mix are all looking beautiful.

Check out the market and as always, thanks for your support!

The Growing Together team

Link to order:

Russellville Community Market:  The Market Opens at Noon!

To ensure your order is placed, make sure you click the “Place My Order” button once you have completed your shopping. You will receive a confirmation email.

Orders will be ready for pick from 4PM – 6:30PM this Tuesday at the Downtown Russellville Train Depot!

The Market Opens at Noon!
Local Honey, Free Range Eggs, Squash, Freshly Roasted Coffee Beans, Beef Brisket, Pork Chops, Keto friendly baked goods, Old Fashion Pumpkin Bread, and more, all listed on The Market this week!
Photo courtesy of Kuroki Bakery

Russellville Community Market


Patchwork Online Market:  Place your Market Orders for delivery next week!

Just a reminder to put your order in before Monday to get your delivery next Wednesday!

Statesboro Market2Go:  The Market is Open!

Thanks for shopping with us and supporting your local farmers!

All of our vendors grow locally in Bulloch and nearby counties. The heat and lack of rain is affecting the crops now, but we still have delicious produce like field peas, peppers, tomatoes, blueberries, squash, zucchini, and some pumpkins!

We also have fresh, local herbs, honey, eggs, coffee, bread, milk, butter, cheese, seafood, shrimp, beef, pork, chevon, garden supplies, candles, soaps, lotions, as well as items that are already prepared and ready to eat.

Bootleg Farm and Southern Swiss Dairy both have their products online on Market2Go. They are no longer regulars at the Saturday Market, so look for them here!

Michael’s Pumpkins is back this year with some locally grown multi-color decorative corn. Perfect for fall decorating!

New vendor Max’s Firehouse Popcorn is on Market2Go! They have over 30 different flavors to choose from, including caramel, pizza, salt & vinegar, and a Boro Mix of caramel, butter, and cheese.

Freeman’s Mill products are back on Market2Go! Find yellow and white cornmeal and grits locally Stone Ground on an R.D. Cole flat rock mill the old-fashioned way.

JS Sharpening from the Saturday market is now offering his sharpening services through Market2Go. Drop off at Market2Go on Thursday and pick up the next Thursday or at the Saturday market.

Did you know that Market2Go has items for your pets? You can find pet food, bones, Wagz Dog Treats, and pet grade raw goat milk from Bootleg Farm.

Remember we have changed locations for our Statesboro pickup to the Statesboro Convention & Visitors Bureau at 222 S. Main St. Hours will remain the same, and our Sylvania pickup will remain the same at Victory Garden General Store.

No more membership fees! To maintain support for the market, we add a surcharge of 7% on each order.

Our featured vendor this week is Michael’s Pumpkins. He will be at the market Saturday, Sept 28st, to celebrate Fall with locally grown decorative pumpkins, gourds, and multi-color corn.

Suwanee Whole Life Co-op:  Market is Open for ordering!

Happy Friday! It’s time to order for this Wednesday pick up.

Click link to order:

Order Today or before 6pm on Sunday!

If you don’t get an email right after you order then your order is NOT complete. Log back in and your order will still be there waiting for you to check out.

Pick up is on ***WEDNESDAY*** at 1300 Peachtree Industrial Blvd. Suite 1104, Suwanee at Cultured Traditions from 1 pm to 6:30 pm.

We take checks, cash, Zelle, PayPal, and credit cards online. Credit cards can not be swiped at pick up location b/c there is no Wi-Fi.

To pay by credit card on file click “Pay Now” button at the bottom of the check out page. I don’t run credit cards until after pick up on Wednesdays.

If paying by DWOLLA or PayPal, please pay by Wednesday! I pay our vendors on your behalf before you pick up so I need all payments initiated by Wednesdays.*

Champaign, OH:  Heart Of Gold

I want to live,
I want to give
I’ve been a miner for a heart of gold.
It’s these expressions I never give
That keep me searching for a heart of gold
And I’m getting old.
Keeps me searching for a heart of gold
And I’m getting old.
I’ve been to Hollywood
I’ve been to Redwood
I crossed the ocean for a heart of gold
I’ve been in my mind, it’s such a fine line
That keeps me searching for a heart of gold
And I’m getting old.
Keeps me searching for a heart of gold
And I’m getting old.
Keep me searching for a heart of gold
You keep me searching for a heart of gold
And I’m getting old.
I’ve been a miner for a heart of gold
(Heart Of Gold-Neil Young)

There is always something about the journey into fall that makes me listen to Neil Young…a nod back to high school days that were golden with burnished edges…

Tonight, I am back in town after my beach vacation, and I am opening the first market of this autumn season.

Get your orders ready….the season is bursting into color, and so is our market!

Cosmic Pam

Foothills Market:  Orders Pick up

Orders pick up starts at 5:00 p.m and finishes at 5:30 p.m. on Thursdays. We will make sure this information stays consistent over the website to avoid any future confusion.

We’re looking forward to serving you

McColloms Market:  Heads Up Re: October Market

Hi All:

I hope you had a good summer. It sure went quickly for me.

Just wanted to remind you that the Market will be reopening in October. I plan to open it on Friday, October 11th for a pick up on Wednesday, October 16th.

See you then.



Old99Farm Market:  Old 99 Farm, Wedding week

Yes the store is open this week, place your orders, come after 4 friday or on Saturday/Sunday.

I’m pretty well booked with Climate events this week, as you know it’s the international movement of Fridays4theFuture. Come to Gore Park tomorrow friday noon onwards with all your friends to be in solidarity with students who know their future is jeopardized by carbon fueled growth economics. See more below. Watch the news and online for Extinction Rebellion mass mobilizations of everyday people protesting government duplicity and inaction.
Climate Emergency has begun.

healthy eating,
Ian and Camelia Graham

From Hamilton 350:
Last Friday over four million people in over 150 countries marched for climate action, including a contingent in Hamilton. But the big Canadian push is for this coming Friday including a noon rally at Gore Park. Even McMaster University is formally promoting it and local employers like Mountain Equipment Coop, Coffee Ecology and Green Venture will close their doors so their staff can attend.

Swedish teen Greta Thunberg who launched the Friday student strikes a year ago will join marchers in Montreal on Friday. On Monday she set the tone with a blunt speech (video and transcript) to world leaders at the United Nations that has already been viewed by millions.

“You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words,” declared Thunberg. “And yet I’m one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!”