The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Siloam Springs, AR: Online Market is Open!
Apologies for the delay in opening. I’m on vacation and forgot!
Two more markets left before outdoor season is over.
October 12th will be a Kids Day so bring your kiddos to enjoy the final Power of Produce for this season and get their final ticket entry in for the Amazeum Pass drawing.
Have a great week and see you Saturday!
Four Seasons Farmers Market: REMINDER--Ordering closes at Noon today!
Just a friendly reminder that ordering from Four Seasons Market wraps up at Noon today (October 1). If you did place an order, it will be available for pickup at Berry Natural in Fayetteville from 3-6:00 tomorrow.
Middle Tennessee Locally Grown: The Real Newsletter for This Week
Middle Tennessee Locally Grown market
To Contact Us
Our Website:
On Facebook:
Manchester Locally Grown Online Farmers’ Market
By e-mail:
[email protected]
By phone:
(931) 273-9708
Our Manchester pickup location is across the street from the Manchester City Schools administration building, at
216 East Fort Street, Manchester, TN
Our new Tullahoma pickup location is inside “Nature’s Elite”, in the Cherokee Square Shopping Center next to Dunham’s Sports, at
1802 N Jackson St, Ste 800, Tullahoma TN
If you don’t see a map, click on the address link.
Good morning!
Welcome to Middle Tennessee Locally Grown online farmers’ market! As always, the market opened for ordering Sunday morning at 8 am (usually earlier), and will be open till this evening at 10 pm.
Everything you see on our website is the “cream of the crop” from local farmers, the best products picked and made with pride especially for YOU! When you place an order with our farms, you know you are supporting your friends and neighbors, located in Middle Tennessee.
If you have already placed an order this week, we thank you. Feel free to place a second order if you see something in this letter that you missed. Also please be sure to read the section of the page entitled “Important Ordering and Pickup Information.”
Pick up your order in either Manchester or Tullahoma, and let us know via the drop-down menu which location you prefer for pickup. Your location may change from week to week as you prefer.
Farm News of the Week
As summer fades into fall, we are blessed for a few weeks to have vegetables from both seasons. Here are a few goodies from this week’s listings:
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(L to R, top) French Green Beans from Frontier Family Farms; Fig Leaves from Solace Farm.
(L to R, bottom) Red Onions from Frontier Family Farms; Sweet Potatoes “Beauregard” from Albert Lynn.
There are some interesting items under “Processed Foods”, including the following:
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(L to R) Hot Thyme Red Wine Gourmet Mustardfrom CS3 Farm; Carrot-Habanero Hot Sauce from Solace Farm.
Linda insists that good fall planting weather is just around the corner, as long as you remember to water thoroughly upon planting and at least once every day till it rains. Dogwood Valley Greenhouse still has a good selection of fall-blooming perennials, and just now the second fall-blooming azalea has joined the group. Other fall bloomers are listed in previous newsletters, but if you need a list, drop me a text at (931) 273-9708.
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(L to R) Pink w/ Throat Markings; Double Pink.
Important Ordering and Pickup Information
Ordering will be open until TUESDAY at 10 pm, and your order will be available for pickup at your choice of the following:
- Thursday afternoon between 4:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.* under the big pavilion on Fort Street with signs that say “Coffee County Farmers Market.” It’s behind the Farm Bureau building on Main Street, and across the street from the Manchester City Schools administration building, 215 East Fort St, Manchester.
- Or on Fridays between 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. inside “Nature’s Elite”, next to Dunham’s Sporting Goods, in the Cherokee Square Shopping Center on North Jackson Street in Tullahoma.
We can also deliver your order to your home (or other location) on FRIDAY afternoon for a small fee, if it’s more convenient for you. If you prefer to utilize this service, please place an order for it, same as other products, selecting your delivery area. Don’t forget to give us your location address in the comments section of the order. Also please text Linda at (931) 273-9708 for specific arrangements.
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible. Please encourage our local farmers by helping to spread the word about our wonderful market to everyone you know. We offer a great variety of local farm products, and our items will be in your hands in time to plan for the weekend. Wonderful local products are available for ordering from the comfort of your own computer.
More new farmers are considering joining our market, if they can expect enough sales to help pay their transportation costs. Please help us grow the market by sharing this e-mail with your friends and inviting them to give us a try. And if you haven’t ordered from Manchester Locally Grown for a while, please check out our wide variety of offerings this week. Also please let us know if we can improve our selection or scheduling in any way to better suit your needs.
Linda & Michael
Here is the complete list for this week.
Yalaha, FL: KALE is back and a little lettuce
Order now through 5 pm Thursday October 3rd for Sat October 5th Pickup, or tell me when you want to pick up, we usually have some flexibility.
Remember to tell me when you want to pick up!
Sign in to order.
You have to sign in to see the add to cart button. Then set the number and click the add to cart button on the items you want to buy (it is the little picture right next to the quantity box.) Remember you need to check out before your order will be placed.
Remember to let me know when you want to pick up on Sat or maybe even Friday late afternoon or on Sunday. (If I don’t send you an e-mail confirmation of your order and pick up time, please make sure you checked out and completed your order.)
Winnsboro, TX: We're BACK!
Good morning,
The online market is back & filling up! We have had so many new vendors come along this summer with some exciting products. Many are still ‘working out the kinks’ with their new online market accounts & will continue adding items throughout this week, so bear with us! In the meantime, find many of your returning favorites like local dairy products, farm fresh eggs, baked goodies, and aquaponic lettuces. Orders are open through tomorrow evening & pick up remains on Thursday afternoons. Enjoy the market & THANK YOU for shopping local!
Athens Locally Grown: ALG Market Open for October 3
Athens Locally Grown
How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Twitter: @athlocallygrown
On Facebook:
On Thursdays: Here’s a map.
Market News
October already? That’s what the calendar says, but it still feels like June to me. Looks like we’ve got another week of 90 degree days ahead of us, and the cooler temps are staying tantalizingly on the far edge of the seven day forecasts. Will they come this weekend? They have to sometime, right?
Here’s something I haven’t talked about in a while… despite all of our best efforts, sometimes the things you order don’t make it into your baskets come Thursday. The growers try their best, but sometimes they aren’t able to fill orders for a variety of reasons. They almost always go into the system and remove the items they can’t fill by 2pm on Thursday, so by then you should be able to look at your order on the website and get a reasonable expectation of what we’ll have ready for you when you arrive. Even then, though, things can go wrong. A grower can leave a box at home, sitting on their kitchen counter, and when we go to fill your order, an item might be missing. We mark those items off on the spot, using our little hand-held devices, and try to tell you when we hand you your items. And sometimes, we mess up ourselves filling your orders and think we put everything in your box only to find a bag with your name on it at the end of the night. In that case, we take it off your order and automatically issue a refund to your account if you paid in person when you picked things up.
The majority of you are pre-paying these days, though, using cards online. That’s great for everyone, as it really streamlines the process. It’s a bit of a misnomer, though, because even though you placed your order on Monday or Tuesday, I don’t actually run the cards until the end of the night on Thursday, after all the orders have been finalized. That way, you’re never charged for items the growers took off, or didn’t bring, or that we left out of your box. You can see exactly what you were charged for, and what the status was for every item on your order, by looking at your order history on the Your Account page. There, you can see a PDF invoice for every order you have ever placed at ALG, a line-by-line accounting for every item, and the total you were charged (or paid in person).
And if you ever have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask them of me. Just reply to any email the system sends you, and it’ll come right to me.
Thank you so much for your support of Athens Locally Grown, all of our growers, local food, and our rights to eat it. You all are part of what makes Athens such a great area in which to live. We’ll see you on Thursday at Ben’s Bikes at the corner of Pope and Broad Streets from 4:30 to 8pm!
Other Area Farmers Markets
The Athens Farmers Market is open on Saturdays at Bishop Park, and Wednesday evenings downtown at Creature Comforts. You can catch the news on their website. The West Broad Farmers Market is back as well, Saturdays from 9 to 1, and you can watch for weekly news here: The Comer Farmers’ Market is open on Saturday mornings from 9am to noon. Check for more information. The Oconee County farmers market is held every Saturday 8 to noon in downtown Watkinsville. Washington, GA also has a lovely little Saturday market, running on Saturdays from 9 to 2pm. You can learn all about them here: Folks to the east can check out the Hartwell Farmers Market, which starts bright and early on Saturday morning from 7am to noon, and Tuesday afternoons from 11 to 3pm. If you know of any other area markets operating, please let me know.
All of these other markets are separate from ALG (including the Athens Farmers Market) but many growers sell at multiple markets. Please support your local farmers and food producers, where ever you’re able to do so!
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest, and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
RAF Buying Clubs : Ordering Reminder! Reserve your Thanksgiving Turkey!
Good evening!
Ordering has been opened for this week’s Buying Club dropoffs in Rivermont and Forest.
We have started taking reservations for our FRESH THANKSGIVING TURKEYS! Add a turkey deposit to your cart when you order (can be found under the ‘Turkey’ tab) and we will add your name to the list.
We also have our usual selection of Pastured Chicken and Eggs, Forested Pork, Seasonal Veggies, Herbs and Flowers, Sourdough Breads and Pastries, and Locally Made Pastas and Dry Rubs.
Head over to
to place your order!
-Restoration Acres Farm Buying Club Team
Fresh Harvest, LLC: Fresh Harvest for September 29th
Contact Info
Our Website:
On Facebook:
John Drury [email protected]
John 615-838-0428
Market News
The Hershbergers have 50 lbs. of green beans available this week. Now is the time to freeze you some green beans. Speaking of freezing, if we make it to next weekend it looks like we will be done with the mid 90 temperatures and be marching into the coolness of fall. Some other positive news is that no one will need to cut their grass for another couple of weeks. It’s been about a month with no mowing here. Maybe I’m done mowing for the year. I’m trying a little reverse psychology with the Rain Gods!
I am setting up in a different location at Trinity. There’s a big tree diagonally across from where I’ve been setting up, near Sharondale. It’s flat and has more shade.
Lots of fine meat items from Wedge Oak and Bear Creek Farms.
Dozen Bakery cookies and breads, eggs, granola, honey, and coffee are all in abundance.
You have until Tuesday night to place your order.
Thanks for your support, and I will see you on Wednesday!
If you need to text me, my number is 615-838-0428.
The Wednesday Market: Ordering is Open; Welcome Back to Top Shelf!
Good evening.
The Wednesday Market is open for orders. Please place your orders by 10 p.m. Monday. Orders are ready for pick up between 3 and 6 p.m. Wednesday. See the website for this week’s product offerings. Here is the link:
Please join me in welcoming Terry Helms and Top Shelf Catering back to the Market. We know everyone has missed the multitude of yummy items she produces, including soups, casseroles, baked goods and pimento cheese. We are so thankful that Terry is back!
Thank you for supporting locally grown agriculture and for buying locally.
We’ll see you at the Market.
Magney Legacy Ridge Farm: CSA #26
Dear CSA-ers,
This week’s preassembled bag will contain Sweet Potatoes (Amish), Romaine Head Lettuce, Spring Mix, Swiss Chard, Mix of Tomatoes, and a Clove of Garlic. For those of you placing custom orders, you may do so between now and Tuesday evening on the website at:
This past Monday was the first day of fall and we are so excited to be getting into our cool season vegetables. Fall vegetables provide a deep rich flavor that comes from the concentrating of sugars and vitamins for the coming winter. Although we are still experiencing summer temps in the afternoon, the night-time hours have been cooling. Thankfully, the weather forecast says that we should expect more fall-like weather by the end of this week. Our goal for this season is to have all of our outdoor crops planted this week. After that we will move into our hightunnel space and should have these fully planted by the first of November.
This means that our solanaceous crops will be coming out of the tunnels within the next few weeks. The tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant have done an excellent job producing for us throughout the summer. However, just like us, they get tired and are reaching the end of their lifespans. Eggplants will be the first to come out as they have halted their production most drastically. We still have some peppers and tomatoes that should be able to keep in the warm tunnel conditions for a few more weeks. In your bags this week will be a mix of green and red tomatoes, as it is taking the plants longer to ripen enough tomatoes at once. Overall, we are thrilled by the successes we have had with the solanaceous crops this year. We had our first successful harvest of colored peppers, we were better able to maintain the health of all three crops with proper water and fertilizer systems, and we got all of them into the hightunnels earlier in the season than last year.
Unfortunately, like with everything in farming we did have some failures this year too. If you have been keeping tab in your newsletters, you will remember that we attempted to open up some new plots in our back fields for long season crops like sweet potatoes, watermelons, and winter squash. Watermelons ended up being a surprise harvest, but sadly the other crops did not make it to fruition. New fields require extra attention as we strive to build soil health, bed structure, and manage well established weed pressure. The longer you work a plot with sustainable practices, the easier it becomes to produce crops on them because of improvements to these attributes. In our CSA we aim to provide you our customers, with a diversity of vegetables throughout the year. For this fall, we will be sourcing sweet potatoes and winter squash from the local Amish in our area as we were not able to produce them successfully in the new plots. Although the Amish do not produce organically, we believe they strive for sustainability in their production and are closest in growing practices to ourselves. For your reference, we will make sure to clarify on the market which vegetable are sourced from the Amish in the vegetable’s title. We learned a lot from trying to produce in these new plots and are looking forward to growing in them again next year as we try to produce all of your vegetable needs from our farm.
The Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Team