The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Athens Locally Grown: ALG Market Open for January 30
Athens Locally Grown
How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Twitter: @athlocallygrown
On Facebook:
On Thursdays: Here’s a map.
Market News
It’s going to be a cold rainy week for us here, and that rainy weather really gets me in the mood to get out and garden. Not in the rain, no, but it’s the perfect weather for going through my favorite seed catalogs, organizing my tools, and getting everything ready for when the sun shows up and warms things up again. I can’t wait! In the meantime, our farmers have got you covered, with leafy greens from their outdoor beds and warmer weather crops coming out of their hoop houses.
Thank you so much for your support of Athens Locally Grown, all of our growers, local food, and our rights to eat it. You all are part of what makes Athens such a great area in which to live. We’ll see you on Thursday at Ben’s Bikes at the corner of Pope and Broad Streets from 4:30 to 8pm!
Other Area Farmers Markets
The Athens Farmers Market has closed for the season. They’ll return in the Spring, and you can catch the news on their website. The Comer Farmers’ Market is open on Saturday mornings from 9am to noon. Check for more information. Washington, GA also has a lovely little Saturday market, running on winter hours from 1-4. You can learn all about them here: If you know of any other area markets operating, please let me know.
All of these other markets are separate from ALG (including the Athens Farmers Market) but many growers sell at multiple markets. Please support your local farmers and food producers, where ever you’re able to do so!
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
Dawson Local Harvest: It's Sunday night, the Dawson Market is OPEN!
Take a look at this week’s listings! Beer-Buzzed Cheese Dip and Hot Pepper Peach Cheese Log $1 off for Superbowl weekend.
You can Place Your Orders Now!
Fresh Harvest, LLC: Weblog Entry
Contact Info
Our Website:
On Facebook:
John Drury [email protected]
John 615-838-0428
Market News
Enough lallygagging around – it’s time to get back to work! I’ll have to step away from the fireplace, pack away my pjs and bathrobe and cork up the cognac. Actually, I don’t own any pjs or a bathrobe and have never had cognac, but that image was so appealing.
There is an abundance of carrots, lettuce and other greens available this week. Bloomy Rind has a nice selection of cheese and some Prosciutto. We should have 60 dozen eggs. I noticed that Dozen Bakery has listed their Buckwheat and Sesame Sourdough Bread. Lots of sausages, beef and chicken are on hand.
I’m not sure of the schedule for February, so I’ll keep you updated.
You have until Tuesday night to place your order.
Thanks for your support, and I will see you on Wednesday!
If you need to text me, my number is 615-838-0428.
Foothills Market: The Market is Open!
Foothills Market is open for ordering this week.
We’ve hit that point in the season when the supply of fresh vegetables is limited (although we have plenty of lettuce and local meats). This week, we’ll feature one of our other categories on the market, the jams, jellies, and sweet spreads. We have four different vendors offering a variety of home-prepared goodies under the Arkansas Cottage Law. You can find traditional favorites like blackberry or grape jelly or peach jam. If you’re looking for something a little different, maybe you’d like to try crab apple jelly or lemon marmalade. We also offer a Blueberry Mojito Jam that blends the flavors of blueberry and lime – no alcohol, though! Maybe you are trying to limit the amount of sugar you take in. We also have a few lower-sugar options, such as peach, blueberry, and muscadine. These products are all made with local fruits in our farmers’ home kitchens, just like the ones our grandmothers used to make. Of course, there’s always honey if you’re looking for a completely natural option.
Pick up a jar of your favorite from the market to spread on your favorite toast or maybe one of the homemade baked goods from Foothills Market. Remember to place your order between now and 5:00 p.m. Wednesday. We’ll have your order ready for pickup on Thursday from 5:00-5:30 p.m.
Eat something fresh this week!
The Wednesday Market: Happy Anniversary to The Wednesday Market!
Good afternoon.
The Wednesday Market is open for orders. Please place your order by 10 p.m. Monday. Orders are ready for pick up between 2 and 4 p.m. Wednesday. See the website for this week’s product offerings. Here is the link:
This week, The Wednesday Market celebrates its 9th anniversary! Our philosophy from the beginning has always been “Know your farmer, know your food!” We look forward to many more years of bringing our customers the best Georgia Grown agricultural products. When you pick up your order, please take a moment to thank our volunteers for their service.
Have a great Sunday, and we’ll see you at the Market.
Green Acres Atkins: Good morning!
*hope you all are having a great weekend
Please place those orders by Wednesday at noon
Tom and kami
Magney Legacy Ridge Farm: Bonus Market
Dear CSA-ers,
We have some exciting news! This week we will be having a “Bonus Market” to celebrate the launch of the 2020 season! The bonus market is open now, you may place your orders between now and Tuesday evening. The bonus market bags will then be delivered this coming Thursday, January 30th.
The bonus market is a nice surprise made possible by relatively mild January temperatures. Low light levels, both in daylight hours and from cloudy skies make predicting harvests at this time of year difficult. Hopefully, we will have a few more bonus markets before the official start of the season. So, keep your eyes peeled for further emails about additional bonus markets! The farm team is certainly tired of all the dreary days and is ready for the chance to get out harvesting some the beautiful vegetables that were planted last fall.
Weekly CSA deliveries will begin the first week of March. This year, the “full season” will be 40 weeks. We’ve made a couple minor changes to how the CSA website functions with the goal of making it an easier and better service for you! Most notably, we’ve gotten rid of the clunky “delivery fee item” and replaced it with an automatic 20% delivery surcharge. On orders between the $20 minimum and $25 this actually saves you a bit of money, and on larger orders, it helps us pay for the additional packing materials and labor required. It is our hope that this change makes placing a custom order easier than ever.
We would also like to announce this year’s incentives for pre-loading an account balance. If you pay $237.50 we are offering a 5% credit ($250 even, 10 week equivalent), if you pay $450 we are offering a 10% credit ($500 even, a 20 week equivalent), and if you commit to the full 40 week season equivalent by paying $800 we are offering a whole 20% credit to bring your balance to $1000! Any money preloaded in this way will be added to your existing account balance.
Buying these options really helps us get the ball rolling. The beginning of the year is always the most , financially difficult time for the farm because the bulk of our expenses occur (seeds, planting labor, and so on) yet our newly planted vegetables take time to grow and there are no farmers’ markets to bring in additional income. If you are able to support us in this way, we would be so grateful for your investment in our farm.
Overall, we are looking forward to a great year, full of healthy vegetables grown using organic practices. We have a lot of exciting things planned, including offering a first-come-first serve supply of fresh eggs, produced right here on the Magney Farm by our small flock of heritage breed chickens. We hope to expand the variety of vegetables on the CSA website this year, including some totally new ones. We are so grateful to be a part of this community, and look forward to serving you, our customers and friends this upcoming year.
Thank you so much for your support,
The Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Team
CLG: Opening Bell: Coffee, Bakery, Honey, Eggs!
Good afternoon!
The mild winter weather continues. Several growers will be starting seeds this week. 2019 was a great year for tomatoes and peppers. What will this year be good for? Cucumbers? Broccoli? Beets? I have been passing on your vegetables suggestions to our growers and have been informed that they will increase production of bulb onions, broccoli raab, and turnips as requested.
This week, try some tender young green garlic in a stirfry or meatloaf. Just dice up the whole plant like green onions. Yum!
There’s a good variety of items on the featured section. Scroll through and explore a bit, starting with the new kinds of coffee, roasted just up the road in Rose Bud, Arkansas.
We’ve been having a lot of excellent items on the extra table lately. Earlier shoppers get the best selection. We are normally ready for customers to start arriving around 3 PM if you happen to be out and in the area. Just text me to see if we’re ready.
Be sure to SEARCH for your favorite items using the search field. Four instance, type in the word “sale” and see what pops up. We have almost 400 items available now!
Most items are listed by 6pm Sunday, but check back again before the market closes Tuesday night to see if any other items are ready to be harvested for you! Eat fresh! Eat local! Eat for better health!
And save your eggshells throughout the week for the laying hens! :-)
The market is now OPEN for orders. Click here to start shopping:
Please check your email a few minutes after you place your order to make sure you get an order confirmation. Thanks!