The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Check out all the great Products on Dawson Harvest This Week
Place your Order Now!
Wholesome Harvest Farm WV: Wholesome Harvest Farm online market is open!
Our online market is open for the week.
Orders need to be in by 10:00 AM on Tuesday, so make sure to order in time.
Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday!
Foothills Market: No Market This Week
Foothills Market will be closed this week to give the farmers time for a little R & R during these hot summer days (or time to catch up on farm projects!). We’ll see you next week with more fresh, local produce!
The Online Market will be closed this week, as I will be in the Hospital.
Please come to the physical market on Saturday’s 9 am to 1 pm
690 Erwin Hwy.
@ The Doak House
on Tusculum University.
Please keep me in your prayers.
J. Shelton
The Wednesday Market: We're Open for You!
Good afternoon.
The Wednesday Market is open for orders. Please place your order by 10 p.m. Monday. Orders are ready for pick up between 2 and 4 p.m. Wednesday. See the website for this week’s product offerings. Here is the link:
We hope you have an enjoyable day, and we look forward to seeing you at the Market. Thank you for supporting Georgia Grown!
Magney Legacy Ridge Farm: CSA #22
Dear CSA-ers,
This week’s Preassembled Bag will contain Arugula, Lovelock Head Lettuce, Cherry Tomatoes, Mixed Peppers, Beets, Oregano and Tulsi Basil. Orders may now be placed on the online market at:
Fall planting continues on the farm and the first of some of our summer planted vegetables are beginning to come to fruition this week. Notably, Arugula is back for a limited time, and this round is looking good with all the intermittent down-pours we have experienced in Princeton. Lettuce and carrot harvesting continues, along with many of the other summer vegetables you love. This week saw the removal of our first rotations of both cucumbers and squash; we hope to have these back as late plantings before frost.
Timing is the nature of everything in agriculture. From the correct planting of seeds, efficient management of weeds, and predicting harvests to maintain a diverse CSA; all these things require tuning into a rhythm of rhythms. Sometimes we hit a wrong note, and that can really throw things off. For instance, an incorrect setting on our walk-behind seeder made for a sparse planting of beans in one of our plots this year. Ordinarily a thick planting of beans would shade out many of the weeds, but at such a diminished rate, the opposite became the case. This limited the productivity of the existing beans and required much more intensive weeding to salvage the beds than ordinarily would have been the case. Live and learn.
Our commitment to the USDA Organic Standard and our own sustainability goals, often increase the amount of labor that it takes to grow the delicious food that arrives in your bag each week. We do not use herbicides to level field weeds or synthetic amendments to blast vegetables into productivity. Our process is slower and gentler. Instead of forcing the land to produce food, we nurture its soil and its ecology. The goal is to evoke the natural productivity of the Earth and improve our own little corner of it over time. We believe it is the better way to grow, and that the deep flavor and rich nutrition of our produce reflects this.
We sincerely thank you for your support of this endeavor. We are always striving to improve our service and offerings to you, our West Kentucky community. Your support makes what we do possible.
The Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Team
Berea Gardens: Market open
Hi Friends,
The market is now open for this week. In addition to what is listed here we will have potatoes and tomatoes available for add-ons on our table this week. Tomatoe varieties include Black Cherry, Brandywine, Rutgers and Yellow Jubilee. These are not listed for pre-order because we want you to be able to pick out the ones you want (size, degree of ripeness, etc.)
Some items to look forward to in one to two weeks: canteloupes are sizing nicely and are not too far away, and our sweet peppers are beginning to show some color. Watermelons are forming up as well.
Lynnita is taking a week off from baking, but bread will be back on the list next week.
Hope to see you on Wednesday.
Bob & Lynnita
Green Acres Atkins: Good morning !
Hope you all are having a great weekend!
We have lots of goodies
We are planting all the fall crops so we will have the farm store open year round !
Please place those orders by noon on Thursday at
Tom and Kami
Champaign, OH: Sunday Strings
I never saw it coming, plain as could be
Rollin’ like the thunder, crashing like the sea
Like a lonesome whistle blowing, dancing in a dream
The sound of your heart calling, my favorite melody
You’re my earthquake, the sweetest heartache
You’re the rock in my roll, you shake me down to my soul
You take my breath away, you know just what to say
You shake me down to my soul, you’re my earthquake
I’ve seen the highest of the highs and lowest of lows
Stood up on the mountain, traveled down a broken road
Like a wild wind a-howling, you shook me to the ground
Tearing down the shadows, shining through the clouds
You’re my earthquake, the sweetest heartache
You’re the rock in my roll, you shake me down to my soul
You take my breath away, you know just what to say
You shake me down to my soul, you’re my earthquake
There’s a beauty in this world, it can break your heart in two
But there’s no other way to say, you know just what to do
You’re my earthquake, the sweetest heartache
You’re the rock in my roll, you shake me down to my soul
You take my breath away, you know just what to say
You shake me down to my soul, you’re my earthquake…
(Earthquake-The Black Lillies)
Song Implant from market customers…William and Teresa O’Hair
I love being turned on to music and groups that I am not familiar with. Last Thursday, at market pick up, William and Teresa pulled up in their beautiful vintage sports car, and not only handed me a print out of their favorite song, but also a cd that they had burned, for me, of an entire album of the Black Lillies.
As per usual, on a Thursday, after the busy market, I jump into my own car, turn up music, and let my mind go blank for the drive to my house. I popped their cd in, and immediately was in love with this group. The strings, the vocals, this song that they picked.
But, what I was most in love with was the generosity and kindness that seems to be the underlying of this market, it’s customers, and it’s vendors. This little community that we seem to have built, each and every week, since moving the market. So, this beautiful song that they chose, also represents the beauty that I find in this market, and in all of your faces, each week.
I adore that you all bond with the market, and I love that you all show up, songs in hand, or songs that you email to me, or even songs that you just tell me about.
Life is beautiful, made even more so, by the music that you hear, in my opinion.
So, on this Sunday, why not seek out some music from The Black Lillies, enjoy, and use it for the backdrop to your ordering…
You’re the rock in my roll, you shake me down to my soul…could not describe my feelings, any better, for this market family…
Have a peaceful and love filled Sunday!
Cosmic Pam