The Weblog

This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.

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Champaign, OH:  Hello, It's Us!!

It has come to our attention that this market could use you, our customers, to place your lovely orders!! The past few weeks, months, okay, the past summer, has found us tapping on the mic, making sure we are ON, and trying to get your attention.

Now, what can we ALL do? Place an order…a small order, a large order, or an in between order. We want big orders and we cannot lie!

So, here we are…opening for another week, hoping for a whole lot of orders, and hoping that you still love us, want us, and will remain with us!!

Yes…the little local market of love with it’s ongoing lovefest.

Ok…find something, order it, sit back, and wait until I remind you to pick your order up on Thursday!!

It’s easy, it’s affordable, it’s local, and it is sooooooo needed!!

Let’s give this market a bit of wake up love…

Peace, Love, Good Vibes…
Cosmic Pam

Miami County Locally Grown:  We're Open for Orders! And about our exciting, upcoming fundraiser...

Thank you to Karen Purke, one of our great vendors, who also works at Raise Your Brush painting studio in Troy, and has organized our upcoming fundraiser there that will hopefully enable us to purchase our commercial fridge and freezer!

Next Thursday, October 20th at 6pm, everyone who registers for the event will be supplied with the materials and skills to paint a beautiful pumpkin painting! $10 from each paid registration comes back to the market for our appliance fund!!

In addition, our market vendors will provide an assortment of snacks and samples of their market offerings for your dining pleasure! A great opportunity for our vendors and customers to meet and mingle!

For more information on this exciting night of painting, local food and fun, please contact Karen at [email protected], or check out the event on our Miami County Locally Grown FaceBook page! You can register at, and be sure to select the Troy, Ohio location where you’ll find the Thursday, October 20th Public Pumpkin Painting Fundraiser for our Locally Grown market!

Thanks as always for your support, and be sure to check out all our new and favorite offerings!!

Spa City Local Farm Market Co-op:  Eden's Memory will not be delivering, Sorry!

If you ordered from them, your total has already been adjusted. If writing a check, wait until you are here to fill it out just in case there is any discrepancy.
See you tomorrow afternoon for pickup!

Suwanee Whole Life Co-op:  News: New Grower- Lelani's Farm and Nursery

Suwanee Whole Life Co-op

Our Website:
Pick Up Location: 4942 Austin Park Avenue, Buford GA 30518 on Tuesdays
Like Us on Facebook: Suwanee Whole Life Co-op

Have a question for other co-op members? Submit questions on our Google Group Discussion Board:!forum/suwanee-whole-life-co-op

New Grower: Leilani’s Farm and Nursery

I am very excited to welcome Lelani and Alan of Leilani’s Farm and Nursery to our family of growers and vendors! They will provide the market local, seasonal, organically grown and Certified Naturally Grown vegetables, berries, and herbs. In addition, in the Spring, they will offer plants, flowers, and hanging baskets.

Nestled in the foothills of north Georgia, Leilani’s has served the north Georgia area for 18 years. From the very beginning Leilani’s has been an all-natural grower of quality Produce and Herb, Vegetable, and Fruit plants.

Leilani’s follow the strict organic standards of Certified Naturally Grown and are proud to display their symbol of quality. They use “no till” naturally-evolving soil development, and never use harsh fertilizers, just natural aged manures, compost, and worm castings. They also don’t use chemicals, just natural and organic biological controls to ensure optimum food safety.

They plan to be on the market all year rounding providing Organic Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Okra, and Beans from late Spring to Fall. Lettuce, Kale, Spinach, Carrots, and more are available in the cooler seasons.

They are committed to producing the best Edible Plants for your garden and the freshest, healthiest Produce for your table!

Market News

My Daily Bread – Flour – $2 OFF Wheat Freshly Milled Organic Red Wheat (5lbs)

ALL the veggies and fruits listed on the market are either Certified Naturally Grown or organically grown. NO synthetic chemical pesticides or fertilizers ever used

Swiss Chard
Onions – Spring Green Bunching
Lettuce – Waldmann’s
Lettuce – Red Sails
Lettuce – Red / Green Romaine heads
Lettuce – Mini Green Romaine heads
Kale – Winterbor
Kale – Siberian
Eggplant- Dancer
Eggplant – Nadia
Collards – Georgia
Veggies – Pumpkin ‘Jarrahdale’
Green Peanuts – "Schronce’s Deep Black’
Apple Butter Organic
Dog Treats – ‘Pumpkin Pie’ Treats
Jelly – Muscadine Jelly
Vegetables – Mustard ‘Southern Curled’
Vegetables – Tatsoi
Vegetables – Turnips ‘Hakurei’ (with tops)
Veggies – Sweet Potatoes ‘Centennial’
Veggies – Turnip Greens
Dog Treats Organic Blueberry Oat
Dog Treats – Cheesburger Dog Treats

Volunteers Needed


Please consider volunteering during market pick up. I can’t run the co-op without your help!

THANK YOU Virginia, Pam, and Stephanie for helping out on Tuesday! We couldn’t run the co-op without your support!

The schedule through the end of the year is posted. To sign up click: Vounteer Sign up

No packing is involved just need someone to be there to assist other members. You are welcome to bring your kids as long as they are supervised.

FACEBOOK – Opportunity to help!
Many of you have told me that you can’t volunteer due to your work/family schedule and I completely understand. You’ve also asked what else can I do help out the co-op? Here’s one way that will really help us out – if you are on Facebook or other social media please consider posting a pic of your co-op goodies! I have a very limited marketing budget and really depend on word of mouth advertising. Please feel free to spread the word about our wonderful market! Tag us @SuwaneeWholeLife

Thank you in advance for your support!

Upcoming Group Buys/Vendors of the Day

Below is a list of upcoming co-op group buys to help with planning and budgeting. All dates are subject to change.

Wilderness Family Naturals- 10/21 – 10/23
Grass Fed Cheese – 11/4 – 11/6
Fermented Cod Liver Oil – 11/18 – 11/20

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious foods possible!

McColloms Market:  Reminder

Hi All:

Just a reminder to all of you who placed orders that the pick up is tonight.



Tullahoma Locally Grown:  Your Market Closes Today at Noon

Your Market Closes Today at NOON.

Your Tullahoma Locally Grown Market is open today until noon. Please ensure you place your final orders by that time. It is okay if you already submitted an order. Multiple orders are automatically combined.

Pickup will be tomorrow (Thursday) from 4:15 to 5:15.

Here is the link to the market: Tullahoma Locally Grown Market

Thank you for your support. Have a great day,
Fuel So Good Coffee Roasters

The Cumming Harvest - Closed:  This Week at The Cumming Harvest

This Week

Bramberry Farm and Gardens will have raspberries and blackberries listed this week.

Shrimp Remember if you’re ordering shrimp this week, you’ll pick up the first Saturday of November. If Shrimp is the only item you’re ordering, please pay online. Thank you!

Heritage Farms still has some turkey’s available. Organic, pasture-raised turkey is very hard to find, not to mention LOCAL, organic, pasture-raised turkey!

My Daily Bread has listed Apple Butter – Organically grown golden delicious and mutzu apples combined with Autumn spices and slow cooked to a perfect thick texture for slathering on toast or biscuits. Wonderful on Potato pancakes!


Market Location and Pick Up
135 Enterprise Drive, Suite I, Cumming, GA 30040
Google Map

We will be MOVING SOON (October 22) to Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit on Pilgrim Mill Road.

To view the harvest today and tomorrow till 8pm, visit “The Market” page on our website, The Cumming Harvest

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!

Spa City Local Farm Market Co-op:  The market is closed for ordering.

The Spa City Co-op market is now cloaed for ordering. Please plan to pick up your order on Friday between 3-5 pm or have someone do it for you.

Julie Alexander this week’s manager

Champaign, OH:  Get Your Motor Running!

It’s that time!! Time to get your orders in before we close this party out for another week!!

Go ahead…there is still time to make the local magic!!

Peace, Love, Good Vibes…
Cosmic Pam

ALFN Local Food Club:  Market Reminder - Closed Next Week!

Hey ALFN Members!

Don’t forget to make your orders on the market before noon tomorrow. I highly suggest stocking up on food this week, as we will not be taking orders next Sunday-Wednesday! (Don’t worry, so far this is the only time of the year we’ve had to close the market). Don’t worry – if you’ve already made your order for the week and are feeling like you may need more items to make it through your Food Club withdrawal, you can go back and create a second order!

Claire Hodgson
Program & Market Manager