The Weblog

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CLG:  Tamales: Tuesday Reminder - Market Closes Tonight after 10pm.

Hello friends!

Free Jam offer is still available! There’s still time to place your order for pickup this Friday, December 7th.

Maria will be set up Friday with Wassail, Chocolates, and Spinach Dip.

If you want to order Tamales, just text me what you want. 5 freshly made Tamales for $7, Chicken, Pork, or Jalapeno & Cheese. Sold in packs of 5 of the same type.

The market closes TONIGHT after 10pm, maybe even midnight! Come early on Friday for the best selection from the Extras table. See you Friday!

The market is now OPEN for orders. Click here to start shopping:

How to contact us:


Phone or text: Steve – 501-339-1039

Email: Steve – [email protected]

Dawson Local Harvest:  Festive Holiday Get-Togethers!!

Dawson Harvest for December 7th

Festive Holiday Get-Togethers!


’Tis the Season for family gatherings, block parties, social shindigs, office celebrations, and so forth. We can’t help with the drinks, and you don’t want to hear me sing, but when it comes to food, DAWSON HARVEST has excellent choices! Hostess Gift? How about delicious Eggnog Poundcake with Streusel. Supposed to Bring a Dip? Yummy Beer-Buzzed Cheese Dip or Buffalo Blue Cheese Dip (or both!) will really hit the spot. Also a great alternative is the dreamy Hot Pepper Peach Cheese Log. Need to Bring a Dessert? Christmas Cookie Platters with Chocolate Gingerbread, Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal, and Toffee Almond Sandies are always a crowd-pleaser. And if you’re cooking an entire meal, you’ll find all-natural Beef and Chicken, Challah bread and Yeast Rolls, Sauerkrauts and Fermented Cherry Tomatoes, Turnip Greens and Salad Mix, and a whole lot more!


AND YOU CAN STILL PLACE AN ORDER (or a second one!) TONIGHT until 9 pm!

Thanks, Alan, Market Manager

Middle Tennessee Locally Grown:  Reminder: Ordering Closes at 10 pm

Manchester Locally Grown market

Our pickup location is across the street from the Manchester City Schools administration building, at

216 East Fort Street, Manchester, TN

If you don’t see a map, click on the address link.

Good morning!

This is just a friendly reminder to place your order online for this week. Market ordering will close tonight (Tuesday) at 10 pm. Please don’t forget to order! But if you do forget, give me (Linda) a call Wednesday morning. I will most likely be able to get hold of the farmers and place a late order for you.

Remember to hit that last “submit” button. I really dislike disappointing a customer who comes to market, only to find no order in their name because they didn’t hit the last button. When your order is placed, you will receive an email confirmation. If for any reason you fail to receive this confirmation, please contact Linda as soon as you realize it’s missing.

Also please go to our Facebook page and like, comment, and share this week’s post. Facebook isn’t allowing me to post on multiple sites, or sometimes post multiple photos. So please help us spread the word. Surveys indicate that word of mouth is the most effective form of advertisement. Please help us advertise our fantastic growing market!

See you on Thursday!

Michael & Linda

V.I Prime Produce locally Grown:  Market open

Good morning Prime Produce Market is now open and accepting orders.

Miami County Locally Grown:  Brand new vendors and Honey!!!

Today’s the day!!

More vendors than ever before at tonight’s Holiday Farmer’s Market!

The newest vendors to the Virtual Market, Mucci’s Sweet Treats and The Farmhouse Bakery, will be here with their incredible sweets and baked goods as well as plenty of Samples!!

Plus new addition, the Grumpy Goat Experiment, with an Awesome variety from their small family farm, including HONEY!!! Woohoo!!!

We’ll be ready for you from 4-7pm TONIGHT at
First Place Christian Center in Troy!!

GFM :  Check out New Things for Christmas


Check out the new Items that Vendors have placed on here for Christmas.

Thank you to all who are helping us with Christmas for the Five Children the market is sponsoring, through the Hope Center.

Place lots of orders this week so I will be busy saturday..

Judy and Vendors

Champaign, OH:  Tis The Season...

…to welcome back old friends!!

We would like to welcome back, Freshwater Farms!!

They are in the process of listing their products, so keep looking for them to add to your weekly order!!

Cosmic Pam

Siloam Springs, AR:  Online Market is Open!!

Make plans to let our bakers do some of your Christmas baking for you! From rolls to pies or specialty breads and cookies they are ready to help you create a beautiful holiday meal!

Speaking of holiday meal, you can get eggs and bacon for a nice breakfast during the week when the kids on are on break or for Christmas morning. Tired of turkey? How about a beautiful, pastured chicken or some pork ribs? You can also purchase a Holiday Ham from Dos Locos Farms.

Our farmers have lettuce in the green house so it should be available soon, weather permitting. Lack of sun and cold temps causes crops to grow at a much slower rate. Butternut squash and fingerling sweet potatoes are still available.

Stay warm this week! See you Saturday!

Champaign, OH:  Rainy Days and Mondays

Hanging around,
Nothing to do but frown.
Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.
(Carpenters-Rainy Days and Mondays)

Jump in your way back machine, take yourself to the year, 1975, and find me, with one of my very first albums that my mother let me pick from her Columbia Records Club, and then find me, the album playing on my little turn table that opened up like a little case…not to be confused with the now Crossley turntables…this was the original, then put a hairbrush in my hand, place me in front of my mirror, see my Marcia Brady hair, bell bottoms, and listen to me belt out this tune…

Fast forward to the now…Mondays always get me down, and add in the rain, and there you have it…

So, why not put on this song, take a bit of time, and put a smile into this rainy day Monday, by placing your market orders…

Cosmic Pam

Winnsboro, TX:  Market is Open!

Good morning,

The online market is open for business once again. I hope you all had a fabulous holiday! We will close a couple weeks for Christmas as well, so please stock up this week & next.

Pick ups remain the same: Thursday 4:30-5:30 pm at the depot.

See you then!