The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Four Seasons Farmers Market: Weblog Entry
Dear Four Seasons Farmers Market Customers:
The market is open and orders will be taken through 12:00 PM on Tuesday. Pickup is Wednesday 3-6PM at West Luck Ridge:
335 West Wiles Road
Fayetteville 72701
Delivery options are available on Thursdays only.
*Happy New Year! Winter market is in full swing and there are leafy greens, broccoli, turnips and kalettes. Beyond organics still has tomatoes for sale! Chicken, beef, eggs, olives and olive oil and honey, browse the market and check it out! *
Available this week:
Vegetables—Swiss chard, kales, Chinese cabbage, spinach, collards, brocolli, lettuce and mixed greens.
Flowers- Seasonal bouquets.
Local honey
Pastured eggs.
Meat—Pastured beef and chicken.
Olives and Olive Oil—Direct from the organic grower in California.
RAF Buying Clubs : Time to Order!
Happy New Year to you!
After a wonderful Christmas and New Year’s break, we are ready to get back into the swing of Buying Clubs!
Head over to
to view our available products and place your order.
We have lots to choose from this week including
-Freshly Pastured Chicken and Eggs
-Forest Raised Pork
-Vegetables and Herbs from Great Day Gardens
-Handmade Pastas and Dry Rubs
Independence,VA: Weblog Entry
Good morning,
Please don’t forget to place your order before the Market closes Monday night at 8 pm. Orders placed this week will be ready to be picked up on Wednesday at the Grayson Landcare office (108 Courthouse St.) between 4 and 6 pm.
To Shop: Independence Farmers Market.
Thank you for supporting the Independence Farmers Market!
Green Acres Atkins: Good morning...opening bell!
Good morning from Green Acres
Hope your new year is off to a good start!
Please place your orders by noon on Wednesday
Thanks, have a great week
Tom and Kami
Stones River Market: Welcome to the 2019 Stones River Market!
HAPPY 2019 NEW YEAR, we are looking forward to a wonderful new year and a great market season. Market will open at 8am and close Monday evening at 10 pm.
Review the market listings and it’s time to restock.
News from our Growers:
Farrar Farms is running a special of 20% off of purchase of $50 or more. Discount will be applied at delivery on Wednesday. Great time to restock your freezer and prepare some winter soups or meals.
Flying S Farms has the last of winter carrots available and salad onions, also a new Friendship Bread – Dark and White Chocolate Marbel, quality control reports “it is very delicious”!
Rocky Glade Farm still has their wonderful sweet potatoes and winter squash available.
Botanical Harmony will be back on the market next week.
See you “On the Porch” at Quinn’s Mercantile Wednesday January 9th from 5:00 – 6:30pm, please contact me if you are unable to make delivery or are running late, please phone, email or text me so we can make arrangements to get your order to you.
How to contact us:
Email: [email protected]
Locations: Quinn’s Mercantile on Wednesdays: 307 North Spring Street, Murfreesboro
Middle Tennessee Locally Grown: Time to Order Fresh Local Farm Products!
Manchester Locally Grown market
To Contact Us
Our Website:
On Facebook:
Manchester Locally Grown Online Farmers’ Market
By e-mail:
[email protected]
By phone:
(931) 273-9708
Our pickup location is across the street from the Manchester City Schools administration building, at
216 East Fort Street, Manchester, TN
If you don’t see a map, click on the address link.
Good morning!
Welcome to this week’s offerings from your online farmers’ market. Everything you see on our website is the “cream of the crop” from local farmers, the best products picked and made with pride especially for YOU! When you place an order with our farms, you know you are supporting your friends and neighbors, most located within 30 miles of Manchester, Tennessee.
Please look around at various categories, since there may be some new things added to the market after I send out this message. Also please be sure to read the section of the page entitled “Important Ordering and Pickup Information.”
Farm News of the Week
From Hope Harrison of Hope for Health:
Just a reminder: I will be in vacation mode for a little while. We’ll have a baby sometime this week, it seems!
Our farmers are very busy preparing for spring, as farming is a year-round, never-ending cycle of work. No one has written me any “news” this week, but I expect to have plenty to tempt you with within a week or two. Meanwhile, please enjoy a few photos of various products, and scroll through all the categories to see what you’ve been missing.
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(Top, L to R) Oreo Balls from Kountry Vittles, Lip Balm from Solace Farm.
(Bottom, L to R) Chuck Roast from Triple T Cattle Farm, Cubed Ham Cutlets from Weaver Farm.
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(Top, L to R) Home-made Butter from Altamont Mennonites, Open-range Eggs from Wayne Diller.
(Middle, L to R) Painted Mountain CNG Cornflour from Solace Farm, Reversible Toddler Bib from Cheryl’s Neighborhood Garden.
(Bottom, L to R) Liquid Laundry Soap from Cindy’s Suds, African Violet from Dogwood Valley Greenhouse.
Important Ordering and Pickup Information
Ordering will be open until TUESDAY at 10 pm, and your order will be available for pickup on THURSDAY between 4:00 and 5:30 at the pavilion across from Manchester City Schools administration building, 215 East Fort Street, Manchester.
We can also deliver your order to your home (or other location) on FRIDAY afternoon for a small fee, if it’s more convenient for you. If you prefer to utilize this service, please place an order for it, same as other products, selecting your delivery area. Don’t forget to give us your location address in the comments section of the order. Also please text Linda at (931) 273-9708 for specific arrangements.
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible. Please encourage our local farmers by helping to spread the word about our wonderful market to everyone you know. We offer a great variety of local farm products, and our items will be in your hands in time to plan for the weekend. Wonderful local products are available for ordering from the comfort of your own computer.
More new farmers are considering joining our market, if they can expect enough sales to help pay their transportation costs. Please help us grow the market by sharing this e-mail with your friends and inviting them to give us a try. And if you haven’t ordered from Manchester Locally Grown for a while, please check out our wide variety of offerings this week. Also please let us know if we can improve our selection or scheduling in any way to better suit your needs.
Linda & Michael
Here is the complete list for this week.
Duette, FL: Villagio Marzano Tomatoes
Dear customers,
David and I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year holiday. This week our tomatoes have finally begun to ripen. We feature Villagio Marzano this week.
First grown 240 years ago in the rich volcanic soil in the shadow of Mount Vesuvius, San Marzano tomatoes were cultivated to perfection and became the gourmet tomato for culinary artists. Incredible sweet flavor unlike any other you have ever tasted, San Marzano tomatoes are a renowned cooking tomato—commonly used for sauce or ideal for roasting. Rich in vitamins A and K, this juicy bite-size morsel benefits eyesight and strengthens bones.
Thank you,
David and Betty
Duette Locally Grown Market
Dothan, Alabama: Happy New Year! January 5, 2019 M@D Newsletter

This Week’s Newsletter:
Welcome 2019!
You Can Help!
Market Chitchat
Grower Notes
I’m sure they’re still popular but we’ve quit watching all the “Year in Review” and “Top 10” type programs that have dominated network television for as long as I can remember. If you check any of the brower home page storys you’re sure to bump into them there as well.
Rather than look back, this year I choose to look forward to see what we can expect in health and wellness trends for 2019 . . . and had to laugh, because it’s mostly stuff we already know!
Like much of the research our Market family is involved in, this can get quite involved so we’re going to hit the high nutritional points. Links are included at the end if you wish to do more reading. Be warned, some of the trends are, well . . . not exactly dinnertime discussion material!

HEALTHY FOOD: Low Carb and Ketogenic Diets seem to have brought healthy fats back into vogue. Even pork fat is reported to be a nutritionally dense food. The Farm to Table movement (we’re part of that!) is gaining as more people seek clean fresh foods sources. As vegan-keto diets gain in popularity plant based proteins will gain in popularity.
CBD & Medicinal Herbs: Cannabis Oil and things made with it are on the rise as more people are gaining relief and demand is increasing. Both CBD and medicinal herbs are increasingly being added to foods. By way of an announcement, Market at Dothan has moved all our Medicinal Herbs into a separate category on the Market Page.
Fermented Foods: “In 2019, more individuals will seek their probiotics from fermented food and drink such as yogurt, sauerkraut, and kombucha tea. Since high-fiber foods act as prebiotics fueling probiotic growth, there are now more reasons to consume fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.” Dr. Mindy Karr, NYIT
Well it is 2019! We cannot believe it! We are looking to 2019 as a year of growth! I like the way Mr. James Cash Penny, founder of J.C. Penny stores, said it: “Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together.” You marketeers are a force to be reckoned with! Much of our growth has been a beautiful side effect of the Market at Dothan. Thank you for your support.
We hope you will stand beside us, Bain Home Gardens, & Hawkins Homestead Farm as we undertake a new venture. Both of our Farms have applied for the Cultivating Change grant. Funded by the Greener Fields Together network, this program is truly about helping small farms grow and further help their communities. To learn more about it click here .
Since we are not are not a Greener Fields Together farm, our winnings are based on a what is called a popular vote contest. This is where you come in Marketeers – we need your votes! You are allowed to vote for multiple farms daily after you register here . So if you can find the time between now and the end of the month, please vote as often as you can remember for both our farms! Voting closes January 31st. Your efforts are so appreciated. A big thank you from Bain Home Gardens & Hawkins Homestead Farm to you all & Roslyn for helping us find our voice!
Several Announcements:
Vivian B. Adams School in Ozark will be hosting a backyard garden workshop next Friday on January 11. If you have been considering getting your hands in the dirt to grow some of your own produce this is a fabulous opportunity, and if you’ve been with the Market 5 years or so you’ll be delighted to see what our own sweet Susan Owens is doing these days. More information is in this document.
And then . . . there’s HYDROPONICS! Virginia Schafer along with Clifford Judge will be teaching and demonstrating hydroponics at Dothan Nurseries on February 16 at 10am. They will remove the mystery from this form of gardening and show how you can produce as little or as much in the space you have. We hope you’ll join us.
Coastal Sharps has promised to join us in February for KNIFE SHARPENING. We’ll let you know as soon as the date is set. Amory was trained by some pretty sharp folks (no pun intended, seriously!) and can make your old dull blades cut like new. Word on the street is “good enough to skin an elk”.
DALEVILLE & ENTERPRISE CUSTOMERS – Regular Delivery this week.
New & Relisted Products
- Farmer’s Market Fun Kit– ages 6 & up
- Danny’s Greens are Relisted
We have the best Growers in the Wiregrass! Please learn more about them on our Grower Page.
We are happy to be back with you guys! Much of our break was rained out sadly. However, when it didn’t rain, we very were productive! From mulching to planting to planning – ah a farmers life!
New to the market this week are Collards Greens. We have had several losses with these due to the ground being so wet. So these are in limited supply. Also on the market we have Green Mustards, Premier Kale bundle, Kale Salad Blend, & Pepper Jelly. Peas & various Lettuce plantings are coming along nicely and there is a slim chance we will get more planting done on Monday. Till next week – from our family to yours!
Broccoli, being a cool weather crop, is loving these warmer temperatures a little too much. The florets that make up the broccoli heads are immature flowers. Every plants goal in life is to flower and produce seeds. Unfortunately, even though edible, those pretty yellow broccoli flowers just aren’t quite as tasty. Personally I love the stems best anyway, so I’ll be keeping all those flowering stems for me….the chickens get the flowers.

Cooked up some of the oldest and I assumed toughest, Senposai leaves. They were awesome! Even the “big old” stems cooked up tender and sweet in just a few minutes. These greens are very tender, but held up better than spinach. Will be using these as a spinach substitute in recipes.
Here’s 1 of our favorite spinach recipes. I’m going try use Senposai next time.
Creamy Chicken with Spinach and Chickpeas
1/3 cup chicken broth
8-oz. pkg. Cream Cheese, cubed
1/2 tsp. ground red pepper (cayenne)
1 can (15 oz.) chickpeas (garbanzo beans), rinsed, divided
1/4 cup Zesty Italian Dressing
8 small bone-in chicken breast s (3 lb.) (I use boneless, cut in bite size pieces.)
4 slices Baked Cooked Ham, chopped
2 pkg. (6 oz. each) baby spinach leaves
Blend broth, cream cheese, pepper and 1/2 cup chickpeas in blender until smooth.
Heat dressing in large skillet on medium heat. Add chicken; cook 8 min. or until browned on all sides, turning occasionally. Add ham and remaining chickpeas. Pour cream cheese sauce over ingredients in skillet; cover with lid. Simmer on medium-low 15 min. or until chicken is done (165ºF).
Add spinach; cook, covered, 5 min. or until spinach is wilted.
DANNY’S GREENS: Danny reports that ALL his beds are in production now and he’s able to list full weekly quanities of greens despite the slower winter growth. His garden is loving the recent spring like weather and all the bed covers are in place, ready for cooler temperatures. No matter what type farming one does, you can do everything perfect, yet remain at the mercy of nature’s forces. Last year a hard freeze killed ALL the lettuce beds and it took a few weeks to get back in production. We’re hoping that don’t happen again!
Viki shared some cute photos of her goat standing on a pig. The pig was ok with it for maybe 5 minutes!

We would love to hear from you! If you have a favorite recipe, want to write a product review, have an idea or request for an article or information, let us know! You can reply to this newsletter or write [email protected].
Order Saturday 5pm to Tuesday 5pm weekly for Pickup the following Friday
Dothan Pickup: Dothan Nurseries, 1300 Montgomery Highway, Dothan, AL 36303
Daleville Pickup: Daleville Chamber of Commerce Office
Our Website:
Our Email: [email protected]
On Facebook:
Join our Online Discussions!
Be sure to use our hashtag! #marketatdothan
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
CLG: 2 NEW GROWERS!: Beef, Kale, Radishes, Sweet Potatoes!
Good afternoon!
NEW GROWERS! Not just one, but TWO new Growers have joined the Conway Locally Grown market. Take a minute and read about Saint Joseph Urban Farm under the OUR GROWERS tab. One of the farmers at this operation is Bobby Burrows, formerly of Wylde Abandon Farm. They have 3 products listed right now, with a full lineup of vegetables coming this spring and summer. We are glad to have them join the Conway Locally Grown family!
Many of you have probably heard of the Flying C Ranch from Mayflower. It’s a family operation and they’re raising some amazing Beef right here in Faulkner County. Read about them, and then search for their products. They also have Pecans in season.
We have a unique opportunity for one lucky family to become backyard chicken farmers. We have a used chicken coop for sale, and we might even throw in a chicken or two. You could be growing your own food by Tuesday! It’s the innovation Farm House Coop available at Tractor Supply for $269. This one is only $150. Text me and I can text you pictures. Fits in the back of a pick up truck.
Be sure to SEARCH for your favorite items using the search field. We have over 600 items available now!
Most items are listed by 6pm Sunday, but check back again before the market closes Tuesday night to see if any other items are ready to be harvested for you! Eat fresh! Eat local! Eat for better health!
And save your eggshells throughout the week for the laying hens! :-)
The market is now OPEN for orders. Click here to start shopping:
Please check your email a few minutes after you place your order to make sure you get an order confirmation. Thank you!
Spa City Local Farm Market Co-op: The market is open.
The market is open for ordering
Please place your orders before Tuesday 9pm and plan to pick up your order at Emergent Arts this Friday between 3p and 4:30p. If you are unable to pick up your order at this time, please make arrangements to have your order picked up for you.
But remember to scroll all the way down and click to place this order.
The Spa City Co-Op Market has no paid positions, so we need volunteers to run every market. You receive a $5 gift card and your membership is extended by two months. You also learn about locally grown foods, crafts, and the farmers that produce them here in Arkansas.
Have a great week, a very Merry, and we will see you Friday.
This week’s manager
James Powell
The market is open for ordering
Please place your orders before Tuesday 9pm and plan to pick up your order at Emergent Arts this Friday between 3p and 4:30p. If you are unable to pick up your order at this time, please make arrangements to have your order picked up for you.
But remember to scroll all the way down and click to place this order.
The Spa City Co-Op Market has no paid positions, so we need volunteers to run every market. You receive a $5 gift card and your membership is extended by two months. You also learn about locally grown foods, crafts, and the farmers that produce them here in Arkansas.
Have a great week, a very Merry, and we will see you Friday.
This week’s manager
The market is open for ordering
Please place your orders before Tuesday 9pm and plan to pick up your order at Emergent Arts this Friday between 3p and 4:30p. If you are unable to pick up your order at this time, please make arrangements to have your order picked up for you.
But remember to scroll all the way down and click to place this order.
The Spa City Co-Op Market has no paid positions, so we need volunteers to run every market. You receive a $5 gift card and your membership is extended by two months. You also learn about locally grown foods, crafts, and the farmers that produce them here in Arkansas.
Have a great week, a very Merry, and we will see you Friday.
This week’s manager
James Powell
[email protected]