The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Independence,VA: Market is OPEN for Feb. 6th pickup!
Good evening,
We hope you all are staying warm. When you have a chance, be sure to get your Market order in. Sending a huge thanks out to all of our vendors for still working in these frigid temps! You guys are the best! Also, where in the world did January go? I don’t know about you guys, but this month has absolutely flown by.
To Shop: Independence Farmers Market.
Join us for the 2nd workshop of the season February 23 from 9 am to noon at the GLC/IFM office on 108 Courthouse Street. Cost is $10 and includes light refreshments. Learn to use the handy fertilizer calculator, how to set up a worm bin for making your own compost, and planning for likely diseases and pests so you can catch things early when they are easier to control. We’ll bring our favorite tools and control measures. Space is limited so be sure to let Michelle know if you plan to attend ([email protected]).
Thank you for supporting the Independence Farmers Market!
Foothills Market: Market Reminder
Foothills Market is open until 5:00 today. We have a new addition to the market offerings – Sheepy Hollow has listed lamb. If you’d like some lamb meatballs or Irish lamb stew (or other tasty options), check it out!
Cross Timbers Food Cooperative: CTFC Market Open for February 13 Pick-up
Ordering for the first February delivery is OPEN.
PLEASE NOTE THE NEW DELIVERY DAY. We’ll be running Wednesday evening deliveries on a trial basis for at least the next few cycles. Lately, delivery space and volunteer time are both easier to come by mid-week than on weekends. Feedback on how this change works for you is welcome and encouraged!
Orders can be placed through Thursday, February 7.
Delivery is Wednesday, February 13, from 6:30 – 7:30 P.M.
for Cross Timbers Food Cooperative
Champaign, OH: Good Day, Sunshine!
Good day sunshine,
Good day sunshine,
Good day sunshine.
I need to laugh, and when the sun is out
I’ve got something I can laugh about,
I feel good, in a special way.
I’m in love and it’s a sunny day.
Good day sunshine,
Good day sunshine,
Good day sunshine.
We take a walk, the sun is shining down,
Burns my feet as they touch the ground.
Good day sunshine,
Good day sunshine,
Good day sunshine.
And then we lie, beneath a shady tree,
I love her and she’s loving me.
She feels good, she knows she’s looking fine.
I’m so proud to know that she is mine.
Good day sunshine,
Good day sunshine,
Good day sunshine.
Good day sunshine,
Good day sunshine,
Good day sunshine,
Good day sunshine.
(The Beatles)
So, I am trying my hardest to put a song in your head, and sunshine in your thoughts, and some warmth to your day!!
The market will be closing, in one hour, at 8am, today! You guys are knocking this market out of the park, and we are loving you for it!!
I’ll see you, at 8am, when I close out the orders. Why not use our little local market of love to grab the sunshine…even if it’s just all in our heads…
Good day, Sunshine…
Cosmic Pam
Middle Tennessee Locally Grown: Reminder: Ordering Closes This Evening
Manchester Locally Grown market
To Contact Us
Our Website:
On Facebook:
Manchester Locally Grown Online Farmers’ Market
By e-mail:
[email protected]
By phone:
(931) 273-9708
Our pickup location is across the street from the Manchester City Schools administration building, at
216 East Fort Street, Manchester, TN
If you don’t see a map, click on the address link.
Good morning!
This is just a friendly reminder to place your order online for this week. Market ordering will close tonight (Tuesday) – but I will leave it open a little later this evening, since this message is late. I will definitely close it by midnight, so please order soon! But if you do forget to order, give me (Linda) a call Wednesday morning. I will most likely be able to get hold of the farmers and place a late order for you.
Remember to hit that last “submit” button. I really dislike disappointing a customer who comes to market, only to find no order in their name because they didn’t hit the last button. When your order is placed, you will receive an email confirmation. If for any reason you fail to receive this confirmation, please contact Linda as soon as you realize it’s missing.
Also please go to our Facebook page and like, comment, and share this week’s post. Facebook isn’t allowing me to post on multiple sites, or sometimes post multiple photos. So please help us spread the word. Surveys indicate that word of mouth is the most effective form of advertisement. Please help us advertise our fantastic growing market!
See you on Thursday!
Michael & Linda
Miami County Locally Grown: We are OPEN with New Winners!!
First, Congratulations to our next Refer-A-Friend program Winner…
Karen Hackett!!
Remember to keep those referrals coming… anytime someone shops on the Market and drops your name as the person who told them about us, you’re entered in the drawing for a
$10 Market Gift Certificate!!
Good for ANY purchase :-)
It’s going to be another comfort food kind of week – Brrr!
Whether it’s a big pot of Beef and Noodles, soothing herbal tea, or an easy Chicken crock pot dinner, we’ve got you covered!
All those tender greens are just sleeping, awaiting a bit of warmer weather so we’re brave enough to harvest without damaging the plants – or our stress levels!! ;-)
Statesboro Market2Go: Order Before Midnight!
Remember to place your order for this week before midnight tonight.
Don’t miss the January special from Ma’s Country Pantry for a $1 discount on their 4 salad dressings- Bacon Ranch, Roasted Garlic & Parmesan, Strawberry Poppyseed, and Vidalia Onion & Cucumber Dill! Makes a great salad with fresh produce available from 24/7 House – hydroponic tomatoes and Bibb lettuce.
You can Pre-order your fresh Gourmet Dipped Strawberries from Hardcore Apples and Sweets for delivery on February 14th! Available by the dozen and half-dozen.
CLG: Tamales: Tuesday Reminder - Market Closes Tonight after 10pm.
Hello friends!
Stop what you’re doing right now and make your CLG order! New Coffee varieties listed! And don’t forget Maria’s wonderful Spinach Dip! If I was hosting a Super Bowl party, I would definitely stock up on this crowd-pleaser!
There’s still time to place your order for pickup this Friday, February 1st.
If you want to order Tamales, just text me what you want. 501-339-1039. Five freshly made Tamales for $7, Chicken, Pork, or Jalapeno & Cheese. Sold in packs of 5 of the same type.
The market closes TONIGHT after 10pm, maybe even midnight! Come early on Friday for the best selection from the Extras table. See you Friday!
The market is now OPEN for orders. Click here to start shopping:
How to contact us:
Phone or text: Steve – 501-339-1039
Email: Steve – [email protected]
Champaign, OH: Shelter From The Storm
Come in, she said, I’ll give you shelter from the storm…
(Shelter From The Storm-Bob Dylan)
This weather!! We’ve got it all coming at us…and, while it is crazy, outside, our market can offer you the happy shelter that you need! Shelter as in we can make this cold, this wind, this ice, this oncoming everything, easier, because you can place your weekly order while staying cozy warm, and then our market, our vendors, your managers, and the Y staff takes it from there…just for you!
And, while we know that you could pick up, curbside, many places, you cannot get that local love, from your lovely market, at a big box pick up place…
Come in…we’ll give you shelter from the storm…
Cosmic Pam
Siloam Springs, AR: Online Market Open!
If you follow us on Facebook or Instagram you know we had a great week at the Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group conference. There were so many great sessions. If you’re not following please go like us on Facebook at Siloam Springs Farmers Market and on Instagram at siloam_farmersmarket. It’s a great way to keep up with what’s happening!
New this week is mustard greens and collards. There is some broccoli, spinach, kale, lettuce, butternut and all the meats.
Thank you for shopping online and see you Saturday!