The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
CLG: Chicken Tortilla Soup! CLG Pickup TODAY 3:30-6pm. Bring eggshells, glass jars, & egg cartons please.
Good morning,
Maria will have a big pot of her soul-warming Chicken Tortilla Soup and other goodies today. Come early!
If you ordered PLANTS, please bring a box for them. There will be more PLANTS on the Extras table.
This is a pickup reminder for those of you who ordered this week. Thank you for your order! You can pick up your order from 3:30 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. today at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church at 925 Mitchell Street in Conway.
Usually our awesome volunteers have the market ready for customers to pick up before 4pm. If you are out and about and want to know if we are ready, just text me to see: 501-339-1039.
If something comes up that you cannot personally pick up your order today, please contact someone to pick up for you.
Remember to bring your EGGSHELLS, glass jars for recycling, egg cartons, and bags for ordered items. Reduce, reuse, recycle! See you this afternoon.
Come early for the best selection from the EXTRAS table! Even if you didn’t make an order, you can come by to shop the EXTRAS table.
Old99Farm Market: Old 99 Farm, week of Mar 3 2019
Posted Friday am, just in case some of you are wondering if I sold out last week!
Another cold front hit us this week, normal temp range is -2 to -10 and we’re registering -20 this morning.
The greens are growing, now that we have 10hrs+ sunlight a day, the plants are waking up. Fresh greens on the menu, local and tender: kale, spinach, collards, chard, lettuce. See the online store for all items.
The beef special is held over, still offering 15% off the price of 20lb pack and the quarter.
Pork halves and quarters are available now to place your order, pork born and raised here, fed organic, no medications or GMO. Deposit $50.
Eggs, we will hold over the three for two deal again. Please consider helping your farmer get some local profile: give a dozen eggs to a friend or neighbour and tell them where they come from!
I’m doing a talk on Climate Emergency at the Westdale Library tomorrow Saturday at 11am with discussion at 12 about the Extinction Rebellion movement worldwide. You can register at Eventbrite by clicking the link above.
Artists for Climate Action Apr 13-12 at Spice Factory
AFCA is a group of local Artists makers and creators who have come together compelled to stop and reverse this senseless destruction. Creating awareness and creating action to motivate Hamilton to play its part in tackling the greatest existential threat humankind has ever faced.
It feels appropriate to end with this quote from former Justice Minister and truth-tell, Jody Wilson-Rambo-uld at her testimony on the Lavallin bribery scandal hearing:
“I will conclude by saying this. I was taught to always be careful of what you say — because you cannot take it back — and I was taught to always hold true to your core values and principles and to act with integrity. These are the teachings of my parents, grandparents and community. I come from a long line of matriarchs and I am a truth teller in accordance with the laws and traditions of our Big House — this is who I am and who I will always be.”
Suwanee Whole Life Co-op: Market is Open for ordering!
Happy Friday! It’s time to order for this week’s market!
Click link to order:
Order before 6pm on Sunday!
If you don’t get an email right after you order then your order is NOT complete. Log back in and your order will still be there waiting for you to check out.
Pick up is on ***WEDNESDAY*** at 1300 Peachtree Industrial Blvd. Suite 1104, Suwanee at Cultured Traditions from 1 pm to 6:30 pm.
We take checks, cash, Zelle, PayPal, and credit cards online. Credit cards can not be swiped at pick up location b/c there is no Wi-Fi.
To pay by credit card on file click “Pay Now” button at the bottom of the check out page. I don’t run credit cards until after pick up on Wednesdays.
If paying by DWOLLA or PayPal, please pay by Wednesday! I pay our vendors on your behalf before you pick up so I need all payments initiated by Wednesdays.
Champaign, OH: Greetings From Florida!
Hello, little market of love customers!
I’m in FLA, enjoying the sunshine vibes, so it’s short and sweet, tonight, but I need you to listen up!!
We will now need to close out the market on Tuesday evenings, at 8pm!
Old Soals needs extra time to process orders, so we are going to accommodate that! Also, in the coming weeks, they are adding basil, and spinach!!
What I now need from you….order, order early, and let’s make this work as a group effort!!
Thanks, so much, and you know I love you!
See you, soon!
Cosmic Pam
Miami County Locally Grown: So glad The Farmhouse Bakery is Back!!
Whether you’re looking for Gluten Free, Sugar Free, or just a good old-fashioned dessert, we are so Happy to have The Farmhouse Bakery back on the Market this week!
And check out our Facebook page to see the most darling pictures of their recent vacation to Mexico – glad they had a fantastic trip, and grateful they shared some photos that make me remember how beautiful summer temps can be!
Speaking of sweet treats, have you seen the new Cookie Dough Fudge from Mucci’s Sweet Treats?! Marinda sure knows how to make you say Mmmmmm!!
And don’t worry – 6635 Studebaker will return next week with all your favorite fruit bars, pastas, crackers, and other assorted organic goodies ;-)
Independence,VA: Market is OPEN for March 13th pickup!
Good evening,
The Market is open and ready for your orders. I’m excited to tell you all that we now have composting worms and worm composter bins available to purchase on the Online Market from Our Farms! How cool is that? Seeing as today is the first day of the Worm moon cycle, I think I must have worms on my mind.
We still have a wide variety of organic seeds from Southern Seed Exchange available on the Online Market!
We also have a variety of live strawberry and blueberry plants from the 4-H program here in Grayson County that you can now pre-order. Pre-orders must be placed by March 20th and payment is due upon ordering.
To Shop: Independence Farmers Market.
Thank you for supporting the Independence Farmers Market!
Foothills Market: Market Reminder
The Foothills Market is open until 5:00 today, if you want to place a last-minute order! We’ll have the order ready for pick-up tomorrow afternoon.
The Cumming Harvest - Closed: A Cold Morning March 6 2019
*The Markets open at 8 AM *
In the comming weeks growers will give me announcements about their products that I can share with you. Announcements and information about their products that they are excieted to share. In the meantime please send me suggestions for products that you would like to see in the market, i would love to share that information with our growers. The market email is Cumming [email protected] .
Click here for Vegetables
Click here for Eggs
Click here for Probiotic and Fermented Food
Click here for Microgreens and Sprouts
Click here for Bakery Goods
Click here for Meats
Click here for Seafood
Click here for Bath and Beauty Products
For many other products sold on the market, including honey, sauces, jams, and essential oils, click HERE
Spa City Local Farm Market Co-op: The market is closed
The Spa City Co-op is closed for ordering. Please plan to pick up your orders between 3 and 4:30 on Friday. Should you be unable, please arrange for a friend to do so. Don’t forget to sign up to volunteer for a shift Friday. It’s fun, and you will earn a five dollar gift card from Kroger and a 2 month detention on your membership.
See you Friday!
James Powell
This week’s market manager
[email protected]
Miami County Locally Grown: We OPEN with Congratulations to Michael Bair!!
We’re thrilled to share this happy news from Michael Bair of Michael’s Pastured Poultry…
Michael is offering all his Certified Organic Chicken for $1 off this week as a THANK YOU to everyone who has supported Michael’s Pastured Poultry!! He is excited that he has placed in the TOP 4 in the STATE for his high school FFA proficiency!
He couldn’t do it without the support of the loyal customers at Miami Country Locally Grown! He’ll find out in May if he qualifies for Nationals! Thank you!
Congratulations Michael, and Best of Luck!! I just love this incredible Community we’re building!! Thank you all :-)