The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Foothills Market: Market Reminder
The Foothills Market is open until 5:00 today, if you want to place a last-minute order! We’ll have the order ready for pick-up tomorrow afternoon.
The Cumming Harvest - Closed: A Cold Morning March 6 2019
*The Markets open at 8 AM *
In the comming weeks growers will give me announcements about their products that I can share with you. Announcements and information about their products that they are excieted to share. In the meantime please send me suggestions for products that you would like to see in the market, i would love to share that information with our growers. The market email is Cumming [email protected] .
Click here for Vegetables
Click here for Eggs
Click here for Probiotic and Fermented Food
Click here for Microgreens and Sprouts
Click here for Bakery Goods
Click here for Meats
Click here for Seafood
Click here for Bath and Beauty Products
For many other products sold on the market, including honey, sauces, jams, and essential oils, click HERE
Spa City Local Farm Market Co-op: The market is closed
The Spa City Co-op is closed for ordering. Please plan to pick up your orders between 3 and 4:30 on Friday. Should you be unable, please arrange for a friend to do so. Don’t forget to sign up to volunteer for a shift Friday. It’s fun, and you will earn a five dollar gift card from Kroger and a 2 month detention on your membership.
See you Friday!
James Powell
This week’s market manager
[email protected]
Miami County Locally Grown: We OPEN with Congratulations to Michael Bair!!
We’re thrilled to share this happy news from Michael Bair of Michael’s Pastured Poultry…
Michael is offering all his Certified Organic Chicken for $1 off this week as a THANK YOU to everyone who has supported Michael’s Pastured Poultry!! He is excited that he has placed in the TOP 4 in the STATE for his high school FFA proficiency!
He couldn’t do it without the support of the loyal customers at Miami Country Locally Grown! He’ll find out in May if he qualifies for Nationals! Thank you!
Congratulations Michael, and Best of Luck!! I just love this incredible Community we’re building!! Thank you all :-)
Statesboro Market2Go: Order Before Midnight!
Remember to place your order for this week before midnight tonight.
Last Chance on pre-orders for Doug’s Wild Alaska Salmon. The pick up date for salmon will be on March 14th. He doesn’t come all the time, so make sure you don’t miss this!
Ma’s Country Pantry is running a March special on their Jams and Fruit Butters.
Remember we have changed locations for our Statesboro pickup to the Statesboro Convention & Visitors Bureau at 222 S. Main St. Hours will remain the same, and our Sylvania pickup will remain the same at Victory Garden General Store.
Click to read about our exciting changes. We are eliminating the annual membership fee and in its place — because we have to maintain support for the market — we’re instituting a surcharge of 7% on each order, beginning on March 1st.
Middle Tennessee Locally Grown: Reminder: Ordering Closes at 10 pm
Manchester Locally Grown market
To Contact Us
Our Website:
On Facebook:
Manchester Locally Grown Online Farmers’ Market
By e-mail:
[email protected]
By phone:
(931) 273-9708
Our pickup location is across the street from the Manchester City Schools administration building, at
216 East Fort Street, Manchester, TN
If you don’t see a map, click on the address link.
Good morning!
This is just a friendly reminder to place your order online for this week. Market ordering will close tonight at 10 pm. Please don’t forget to place your order soon! But if you do forget to order, give me (Linda) a call Wednesday morning. I will most likely be able to get hold of the farmers and place a late order for you.
Remember to hit that last “submit” button. I really dislike disappointing a customer who comes to market, only to find no order in their name because they didn’t hit the last button. When your order is placed, you will receive an email confirmation. If for any reason you fail to receive this confirmation, please contact Linda as soon as you realize it’s missing.
Also please go to our Facebook page and like, comment, and share this week’s post. Facebook isn’t allowing me to post on multiple sites, or sometimes post multiple photos. So please help us spread the word. Surveys indicate that word of mouth is the most effective form of advertisement. Please help us advertise our fantastic growing market!
Thank you, and see you on Thursday!
Michael & Linda
Dawson Local Harvest: REMINDER - Dawson Local Harvest Orders close tonight at 9 PM
Hey folks, there is still time to get your orders in! The Market closes at 9pm tonight.
Local honey, eggs, meats, fresh veggies, baked goods and more
CLG: Soup! Tuesday Reminder - Market Closes Tonight after 10pm.
Hello friends!
Fate has smiled upon us again, as Maria has agreed to set up a table of her delicious homemade goodies at pickup this Friday. She will be making homemade chicken tortilla soup, hot in a crockpot, ready for you to take home and enjoy. It can also be refrigerated for several days to enjoy later. And, (where does she find the time), she will also be sampling her new popcorn, with amazing flavors to delight your palette. Prepare for something amazing!
There’s still time to place your order for pickup this Friday, March 8th.
The market closes TONIGHT after 10pm, maybe even midnight! Come early on Friday for the best selection from the Extras table. See you Friday!
The market is now OPEN for orders. Click here to start shopping:*
How to contact us:
Phone or text: Steve – 501-339-1039
Email: Steve – [email protected]
Champaign, OH: Right Time Of The Night...
Sun goes down on a silky day
Quarter moon walkin’ through the Milky Way…
Jennifer Warnes-Right Time Of The Night
Anyone now in a sappy 70s mood for music? Well, I was singing this, in my head, as I started writing my weblog, to tell you that it is the perfect time of the night, to get your orders in…
We are here for you, and ready to take your orders up until Wednesday at 8am!
Your market manager is leaving on vacay, tomorrow, and your co-manager will be so sad if he doesn’t see all of your happy faces, at market pick up!
Come on…show your local market, a big dose of love!
Cosmic Pam
Champaign, OH: Right Time Of The Night...
Sun goes down on a silky day
Quarter moon walkin’ through the Milky Way…
Jennifer Warnes-Right Time Of The Night
Anyone now in a sappy 70s mood for music? Well, I was singing this, in my head, as I started writing my weblog, to tell you that it is the perfect time of the night, to get your orders in…
We are here for you, and ready to take your orders up until Wednesday at 8am!
Your market manager is leaving on vacay, tomorrow, and your co-manager will be so sad if he doesn’t see all of your happy faces, at market pick up!
Come on…show your local market, a big dose of love!
Cosmic Pam