The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Fresh Harvest, LLC: Fresh Harvest for June 2
Contact Info
Our Website:
On Facebook:
John Drury [email protected]
John 615-838-0428
Market News
When speaking to my fellow farmers, I try to avoid talking about the weather, but what else is there to talk about? Sure could use some rain or sure is hot, always generates very fascinating conversation. The good news is that most farmers have irrigation and we can withstand the semi-drought that we’re currently experiencing. Freshly harvested potatoes are so much better than what you can get at the grocery. Rocky Glade Farms has two offerings of potatoes this week. It seems to have been the perfect weather this spring for potatoes.
Other new veggie items include purple and green kohlrabi, daikon radishes and fresh basil. There are plenty of cucumbers.
Bountiful Blessings Farm has some beautiful bouquets and straight runs of Sunflowers and Forget Me Nots.
Henosis has listed Golden Oyster Mushrooms which coincides with this week’s Recipe.
Bear Creek Farms has Shish Kabobs, 35 day dry aged filet of sirloin, Hot Dogs and Merlot Steaks all at a reasonable price.
Wedge Oak Farms has a great selection of sausages including: Artisan Bacon Cheddar Chives Links which sounds delicious.
Dozen Bakery cookies and breads, eggs, granola, honey, and coffee are in abundance.
Hemp Honey and Sorghum are available under Honey.
You have until Tuesday night to place your order.
Thanks for your support, and I will see you on Wednesday!
If you need to text me, my number is 615-838-0428.
Sauteed Mushrooms with Mustard and Parsley
1 ¼ pounds mushrooms
¼ cup water
½ teaspoon vegetable oil
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
1 shallot, minced
¼ teaspoon table salt
¼ teaspoon pepper
1 ½ tablespoons cider vinegar
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
½ cup chicken broth
2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
1. Cook mushrooms and water in 12-inch non-stick skillet over high heat, stirring occasionally, until skillet is almost dry and mushrooms begin to sizzle, 4 to 8 minutes. Reduce heat to medium-high. Add oil and toss until mushrooms are evenly coated. Continue to cook, stirring occasionally, until mushrooms are well browned, 4 to 8 minutes longer. Reduce heat to medium. 2. Push mushrooms to sides of skillet. Add butter to center. When butter has melted, add shallot, salt, and pepper to center and cook, stirring constantly, until aromatic, about 30 seconds. Add vinegar and mustard and stir mixture into mushrooms. Cook, stirring frequently, until liquid has evaporated, 1 to 2 minutes. Add broth and cook, stirring occasionally, until glaze is reduced by half, about 3 minutes. Stir in parsley. Season with salt and pepper to taste, and serve.
Dawson Local Harvest: DAWSON MARKET IS OPEN!
Good evening!
The Dawson Local Harvest Market is now open.
A BIG selection of all-natural Beef Cuts is available right now, as is Chicken, Whole chickens, wings, breasts, super-delicious Eggs (you can taste the difference), and lots more.
Check it out NOW!!
Berea Gardens: Market open
It’s transition time on the farm as we move from our early spring plantings to early summer plantings. Not much to harvest right now, but we still have some good stuff.
Miami County Locally Grown: Get your Broccoli Here!
Fresh from the Grumpy Goat Experiment! They have large, beautiful heads of Broccoli to offer today (we’re open til 8pm!), and much more new produce to come this week!
Organically grown, just as with all of their products, and their farm will be Certified later this summer – we are so excited for them!! :-)
Russellville Community Market: Ordering Closes at 10PM on the Market!

To ensure your order is placed, make sure you click the “Place My Order” button once you have completed your shopping. You will receive a confirmation email.
Orders will be ready for pick from 4PM – 6:30PM this Tuesday at the Downtown Russellville Train Depot!

Ordering on the Market Closes at 10PM!
We still have fresh Blueberries, Green Tomatoes, Southern Poke Sallet, Turnip Greens, Beef Rib Steaks, Fresh Eggs, Local Honey, Pastries, and so much more available on The Market this afternoon. Don’t forget to grab your favorite local produce and goodies before 10PM!
Russellville Community Market

Suwanee Whole Life Co-op: Don't forget to Order by 6pm TODAY!
Just a friendly reminder, if you haven’t already placed your order, that market orders are due online by 6 pm TODAY. Order now so you don’t forget :-)
Click Here to Place Your Order For WEDNESDAY pick up in Suwanee
Thank you for placing your order and supporting local farms and businesses!
The Wednesday Market: Ordering Time is Here
Good afternoon.
The Wednesday Market is open for orders. Please place your order by 10 p.m. Monday. Orders are ready for pick up between 3 and 6 p.m. Wednesday. See the website for this week’s product offerings. Here is the link:
We hope you all have a great Sunday, and we’ll see you at the Market.
CLG: Opening Bell: Squash, Potatoes, Cucumbers, Pork!
Good afternoon!
It’s been a wild and emotional week with flood waters rising in Faulkner County and beyond. Cedar Rock Ridge is located in the same Treasure Hills subdivision that you may have heard about in the news. Carissa and I are not having water issues but several of our neighbors have lost their homes. Hopefully the water will crest Monday or Tuesday, but it will still be several weeks before all the water recedes and the heavy work of clean-up and rebuilding begins. Arkansans are resilient and together we will return to normalcy.
Near-perfect springtime weather has brought on a bounty of delicious, locally grown vegetables. Try to incorporate yellow squash, zucchini squash, potatoes, garlic, lettuce and others in every meal this week. Our growers work very hard every day to bring you the most nutritious food around.
Two words: Wickles. Friday.
Bradford Valley Farm has whole chicken, chicken tenders, drumsticks, and … PORK: bacon, chops, ham, ground, and roasts. Time to plan something grilled for dinner one night soon. Great food, produced locally!
Be sure to SEARCH for your favorite items using the search field. We have over 650 items available now!
Most items are listed by 6pm Sunday, but check back again before the market closes Tuesday night to see if any other items are ready to be harvested for you! Eat fresh! Eat local! Eat for better health!
And save your eggshells throughout the week for the laying hens! :-)
The market is now OPEN for orders. Click here to start shopping:
Please check your email a few minutes after you place your order to make sure you get an order confirmation. Thanks!
Green Acres Atkins: Good morning!
Good morning!
Tomatoes season is here!
Don’t forget to place your orders by Wednesday at noon so you don’t miss out on farm fresh vine ripened tomatoes
Have a great week
Tom and Kami
Four Seasons Farmers Market: Four Seasons Farmers Market-- June 2
Good morning,
The market is now open and ready for orders.
Your purchases will be available from 3-6 PM on Wednesday afternoon at our new pickup location in Fayetteville:
Berry Natural
3059 N College Ave
Fayetteville, AR 72703