The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Champaign, OH: Today’s Orders!
If you are a market customer, today, I will have all orders arranged for each customer, but you will need to grab your own orders, and pay at the desk, unless you keep a card on file!
Thank you!
Cosmic Pam
Independence,VA: Market is OPEN for June 19th pickup!
Good evening,
It’s time to place your Online Market order for the week! Read below for some fun events coming up over the next couple of weeks.
To Shop: Independence Farmers Market.
Upcoming Events:
Join us this Friday at the Market in Town Park from 9 am – 1 pm. The Kid’s Corner will be open for the season! Stop by from 10-11 am to make seed bomb lollipops! Activities are designed for all ages and always free.
Common Ground will be hosting a goat yoga on the farm fundraiser this Saturday June 15 from 11 am -2 pm. Move, stretch, & giggle with happy goats! A fun family yoga practice to feel good. All levels and ages welcome! Towel and yoga mat optional. Brunch refreshments will be served. Rain or shine! $20 suggested donation. 1795 Danville Pike, Hillsville, Virginia.
Sunday, June 23rd, please head over to the Grayson Landcare office for a good ol’ fashioned Ice Cream Social! We’ll shut down Courthouse St., have some lovely music and enjoy ice cream with the community bring a friend, or two, or three! All proceeds will go to support the Independence Farmers Market!
Thank you for supporting the Independence Farmers Market!
The Cumming Harvest - Closed: Weblog Entry
The Online Market is open for ordering from 8 AM Wednesday till 8 PM on Thursday.
Spring time is upon us again. The planting of vegatabels and flowers is in full spead as we work to provide an aboundance of fresh new products. Please feel free to make your selections from the great products available this week.
Remember the New Customer Referral Program
From March 20 through June 30
How it Works
1. Tell a friend about the CUMMING HARVEST farmers market.
2. Have them register at (the market managers will contact all new customers to ask who referred them)
3. After their third purchase (3 different weeks), your credit will be applied to your account.
Thank you for sharing your love of healthy food and for helping to support our local growers!
Stephen Daniels
Spa City Local Farm Market Co-op: The market is closed.
The Spa City Co-Op is now closed for ordering. Please plan to pick your orders between 3pm and 4:30pm on Friday. Should you be unable to pick up, please arrange for a friend to do so for you.
And don’t forget to look at the Volunteer Spot Program accessible thru the Market page, and sign up to volunteer for a Friday shift. It’s fun, you get to meet your fellow co-opers, and earn a couple of months extention to your membershop PLUS a $5 gift card.
See you Friday,
Karen Holcomb
market Manager
Miami County Locally Grown: We're Open for Orders!
Tonight the Buehler family is Back with several new Weekly Specials on their Pork and Beef, plus they again have eggs available to compliment those from Bair Trax Dairy!
Innisfree on the Stillwater now has Brazilian and Mexican coffee to offer once more! Yay!
Plus mixed Salad Greens, Fresh Herbs, Live Plants, and More this Week!
And we’re so glad Doc from the Pumpkin Patch is getting ready to list the first early Honey of the year!! Oh is Spring full of thrills :-)
RAF Buying Clubs : Last Call on Orders!
You still have plenty of time to get your order in and fill your kitchen this week with some of our area’s finest local foods!
CLG: Tuesday Reminder - Market Closes Tonight after 10pm.
Hello friends!
Check out all the varieties and flavors of coffee now listed. Roasted and ground just up the road in Rosebud, Arkansas! There’s still time to place your order for pickup this Friday, June 14th.
The market closes TONIGHT after 10pm, maybe even midnight! Come early on Friday for the best selection from the Extras table. See you Friday!
The market is now OPEN for orders. Click here to start shopping:*
How to contact us:
Phone or text: Steve – 501-339-1039
Email: Steve – [email protected]
Statesboro Market2Go: Order Before Midnight!
Remember to place your Market2Go order for this week before midnight tonight.
Lots of new items – fruits and summer vegetables!
Spa City Local Farm Market Co-op: Reminder
Don’t forget – The Spa City Co-op market is open at until 9 pm Tuesday evening. Please place your orders for our super fresh locally-grown products and plan to pick them up on Friday, the 14th between 3-4:30 pm.
Have a great week, and we hope to see you Friday.
Karen Holcomb
Market Manager
[email protected]
Champaign, OH: The Earth Laughs In Flowers!
And…fresh florals are back!
Flowers, and hey, flour!
We have gluten free flour! Or, if baking your own isn’t your gig, we have delicious gluten free products!
Cosmic Pam