The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Champaign, OH: Afternoon Delight
Sky rockets in flight
Afternoon delight
Afternoon delight
Afternoon delight…
(Afternoon Delight-Starland Vocal Band)
The music of my preteen summers…transistor radio, sitting poolside, soaking up the rays….
And, here we are, a summer afternoon, and I am feeling so delightful because…
The seasonal delightfulness continues thanks to Champaign Berry Farm!
Cosmic Pam
Old99Farm Market: Old 99 Farm, week of June 16, 2019
Lots of rhubarb, asparagus, lettuce, green onions and chard this week. Kale and collards are at end of harvest but still available.
Meats: special on beef: 15% off posted prices. Pork and stewing hens in good supply. No bacon left. Lamb boneless leg roasts available.
Eggs: buy two dozen get one free.
Active compost by the yard or bushel ready to go.
Tomato transplants, potted, ready to plant.
climate news for just one day this week: go here.
Don’t believe the Liberals are really serious about declaring a Climate Emergency. Read Leading the Public Into Emergency Mode: Introducing the Climate Emergency Movement to understand what the mobilization would mean for you and me.
Healthy eating,
Ian and Cami
Statesboro Market2Go: Order Before Midnight!
Remember to place your Market2Go order for this week before midnight tonight.
Lots of new items – fruits and summer vegetables!
Champaign, OH: Hey Now!
It’s Tuesday, and that means you have until tomorrow, at 6am, to make your orders happen!
Let’s get groovy!
Cosmic Pam
Sounds Great, Doesn’t It? But Time is Running Out for this week’s Dawson Market!
You can still Order great Coffee, pastured Beef, Red Onions and Snow Peas for stir-fry, yummy Cinnamon Rolls for dessert, and lots more until Tonight at 9pm. But You Have To ORDER NOW!
Four Seasons Farmers Market: REMINDER--Four Seasons Farmers Market Ordering--
Good Morning, ordering concludes at noon today (June 18). If you do place an order, it will be available for pickup at Berry Natural from 3-6 PM on Wednesday June 19.
But don’t worry, if you missed a chance to place an order this week, we will re-open on Sunday, June 23.
Thank You!
Yalaha, FL: Not much left now, almost down to our summertime low.
Order now through 5 pm Thursday June 20th for Sat June 22nd Pickup, or tell me when you want to pick up and we may have some flexibility.
Remember to tell me when you want to pick up!
If you have any particular requests, let me know I’m happy to grow to order. Also, we have cultures; water and milk kefir as well as kombucha, let me know if you are interested.
Sign in to order.
You have to sign in to see the add to cart button. Then set the number and click the add to cart button on the items you want to buy (it is the little picture right next to the quantity box.) Remember you need to check out before your order will be placed.
Remember to let me know when you want to pick up on Sat or maybe even Friday late afternoon or on Sunday. (If I don’t send you an e-mail confirmation of your order and pick up time, please make sure you checked out and completed your order.)
Fresh Harvest, LLC: Last Call - Fresh Harvest
Contact Info
Our Website:
On Facebook:
John Drury [email protected]
John 615-838-0428
Market News
There are 16 quarts of blueberries added to the Market. We could have more if Blue Honey Farm has time to pick them.
This is the first time that we’ve offered Leeks in many years. They are not the easiest veggie to grow, but Bountiful Blessings has some large ones available.
The Market will remain open until Tuesday evening for you to place an order for this week.
Here is some information on how Fresh Harvest works.
*If you see an item as Sold Out, write in the Comment section at check out that you would like that item if more becomes available. We’ll try our best to add it to your order.
*PayPal payments have to be manually added to your account. There will be a delay to crediting your account due to me needing to take time to do the bookkeeping. I also have to go to each account with cash or check payments. These are sometimes delayed by procrastination or being busy. You can still place an order even though it may cause your account to be “overdrawn”. There is no penalty for going into the minus column. Sometimes I’m a little slow in getting to the bank to make deposits, but it eventually happens.
• If you recruit a new customer to Fresh Harvest and they open an account with a $50 deposit, we will credit your account $10 for each new customer who signs up. They will need to tell me your name, so that I can credit your account. Word of mouth has been our best advertising. Any help that you can provide is greatly appreciated.
• Every week, we leave orders at the church for customers who cannot arrive at Trinity before 6pm. This has worked well for those who have difficulty with the 4-6pm window. Please let me know if you need me to leave your order at the church.
• The bag that you receive each week is to be brought back with your next order. We have been negligent in telling new customers how this works. Don’t feel bad if you return multiple bags, it happens all the time.
• We’re into reusing and recycling. Our clean egg cartons, honey jars, paper and plastic bags, berry containers are some of the items that we can reuse. If we can’t reuse the returned items, we’ll recycle them.
• We do guarantee everything that we sell. If you ever have a problem, please let us know and we will credit your account.
• If there are other products or growers that you think should be a part of Fresh Harvest, please let me know.
Thanks for your support, and I will see you on Wednesday!
If you need to text me, my number is 615-838-0428.
Pan-Steamed Kale with Raisins and Almonds
1 cup chicken broth
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided
1 1/4 lbs. kale, stemmed and cut into 2-inch pieces (14 cups)
1/4 cup golden raisins
1/4 teaspoon garam masala
1 teaspoon lemon juice, plus extra for seasoning
2 tablespoons slivered almonds, toasted
Vegetable broth can be substituted for the chicken broth and regular raisins can be substituted for the golden raisins, if desired.
1. Bring broth and 2 tablespoons oil to boil in Dutch oven over high heat. Add kale and raisins, cover, and reduce heat to medium-high. Cook until kale is tender with some resilience, about 7 minutes, stirring halfway through cooking. While kale cooks, combine garam masala and remaining 1 tablespoon oil in small bowl.
2. Uncover, increase heat to high, and cook, stirring frequently, until liquid has evaporated and kale starts to sizzle, 2 to 3 minutes. Push kale to 1 side of pot, add garam masala mixture to empty side, and cook until fragrant, about 30 seconds. Stir garam masala mixture into kale. Off heat, stir in lemon juice. Season with salt and extra lemon juice to taste. Sprinkle with almonds and serve.
Middle Tennessee Locally Grown: Lots of News!
Middle Tennessee Locally Grown market
To Contact Us
Our Website:
On Facebook:
Manchester Locally Grown Online Farmers’ Market
By e-mail:
[email protected]
By phone:
(931) 273-9708
Our Manchester pickup location is across the street from the Manchester City Schools administration building, at
216 East Fort Street, Manchester, TN
Our new Tullahoma pickup location is inside “Nature’s Elite”, in the Cherokee Square Shopping Center next to Dunham’s Sports, at
1802 N Jackson St, Ste 800, Tullahoma TN
If you don’t see a map, click on the address link.
Good morning!
Welcome to Middle Tennessee Locally Grown online farmers’ market! The market opened for ordering before 8 AM on Sunday, as always. Sorry I didn’t have time to send out a newsletter till now!
But remember: you don’t have to wait till you receive the newsletter to place your order. The market is open.
If you have already placed your order, we thank you. But if you missed any of these new additions, feel free to place a second order. At checkout the software will automatically combine the two for us.
As always, everything you see on our website is the “cream of the crop” from local farmers, the best products picked and made with pride especially for YOU! When you place an order with our farms, you know you are supporting your friends and neighbors, located in Middle Tennessee.
Please look around at various categories, since there may be more new things added to the market after I send out this message. Also please be sure to read the section of the page entitled “Important Ordering and Pickup Information.”
Pick up your order in either Manchester or Tullahoma, and let us know via the drop-down menu which location you prefer for pickup. Your location may change from week to week as you prefer.
Farm News of the Week:
More Vegetables – and Honey!
And Plants! And Healthy Snacks!
Albert Lynn says the spring broccoli and cauliflower are finished, but he has added two types of zucchini:
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Dogwood Valley Greenhouse has added a few new items, and made several available again after an absence:
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(Top, L to R) African violet with ‘girl’ foliage; white Balloon flower.
(Middle, L to R) Creeping Rosemary in Terracotta Pots, Bright Pink Coneflower.
(Bottom, L to R) Orange Daylily with Red Throat, Rex Begonias.
Knottynuffacres has added some new items in a couple of categories:
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(L to R, top) Granola with Dried Cranberries; Honey (spring is lighter, fall is darker because of different pollens available.)
CS3 Farm has added several new items:
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(Top, L to R) Cinnamon Infused Honey, Black China Tea.
(Middle, L to R) Herbal Power Balls, Ginger Fig Shrub Concentrate.
(Bottom, L to R) Pecan Thyme Hummus, Pumpkin Seed Butter.
Altamont Mennonites have added “Trust” variety tomatoes!
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Important Ordering and Pickup Information
Ordering will be open until TUESDAY at 10 pm, and your order will be available for pickup at your choice of the following:
- Thursday afternoon between 4:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.* under the big pavilion on Fort Street with signs that say “Coffee County Farmers Market.” It’s behind the Farm Bureau building on Main Street, and across the street from the Manchester City Schools administration building, 215 East Fort St, Manchester.
- Or on Fridays between 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. inside “Nature’s Elite”, next to Dunham’s Sporting Goods, in the Cherokee Square Shopping Center on North Jackson Street in Tullahoma.
We can also deliver your order to your home (or other location) on FRIDAY afternoon for a small fee, if it’s more convenient for you. If you prefer to utilize this service, please place an order for it, same as other products, selecting your delivery area. Don’t forget to give us your location address in the comments section of the order. Also please text Linda at (931) 273-9708 for specific arrangements.
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible. Please encourage our local farmers by helping to spread the word about our wonderful market to everyone you know. We offer a great variety of local farm products, and our items will be in your hands in time to plan for the weekend. Wonderful local products are available for ordering from the comfort of your own computer.
More new farmers are considering joining our market, if they can expect enough sales to help pay their transportation costs. Please help us grow the market by sharing this e-mail with your friends and inviting them to give us a try. And if you haven’t ordered from Manchester Locally Grown for a while, please check out our wide variety of offerings this week. Also please let us know if we can improve our selection or scheduling in any way to better suit your needs.
Linda & Michael
Here is the complete list for this week.
Stones River Market: You have until 10:00pm Monday to order
Good MONDAY Afternoon…There is still time to order, Market will close at 10pm tonite.
Here are a few things I forgot to mention in yesterdays Weblog.
BB’s Gourmet Pretzels: has add GLUTEN FREE Peanut Butter cookies (2 large cookies or 12 large Cookies). If you came to the Meet and Greet few weeks ago, Brenda was sampling them and has they on the market now.
Dogwood Valley Greenhouse: Rosemary Herb Plant, Fresh Cut Russian Sage, Balloon Flower Plant and beautiful African Violets. Still have several vegetable plants available.
Meadow Spring Farm: Be sure to order their delicious Strawberry Jam.
Remember we are having a Market Celebration Drawing for my 1st year as Manager and the upcoming Markets 11th Birthday!!! During June and July your name will be put ‘in the hat’ when you place your order. There will be a 1-$25, 1-$10 and 2-$5 Gift Certificate drawing August 7th, be sure to place an order each week to increase your chances for our Gift Certificates.
Look forward seeing you “On the Porch” at Quinn’s Mercantile Wednesday June 19th from 5:00 – 6:30pm, please contact me if you are unable to make delivery or are running late, please phone, email or text me so we can make arrangements to get your order to you.
How to contact us:
Email: [email protected]
Locations: Quinn’s Mercantile on Wednesdays: 307 North Spring Street, Murfreesboro