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Middle Tennessee Locally Grown:  Time to Order Fresh Local Farm Products!

Middle Tennessee Locally Grown market

To Contact Us

Our Website:
Middle Tennessee Locally Grown
On Facebook:
Manchester Locally Grown Online Farmers’ Market
By e-mail:
[email protected]
By phone:
(931) 273-9708

Our Manchester pickup location is across the street from the Manchester City Schools administration building, at
216 East Fort Street, Manchester, TN

Our new Tullahoma pickup location is inside “Nature’s Elite”, in the Cherokee Square Shopping Center next to Dunham’s Sports, at
1802 N Jackson St, Ste 800, Tullahoma TN

If you don’t see a map, click on the address link.

Good morning!

The market is open for ordering this morning, as usual. Please remember to check for new items in all the categories. I haven’t checked through to see what’s new, but I will try to send out a real newsletter later tonight. Feel free to place your order and then add a second order if you see something else that you like in the newsletter. Thank you, and see you Thursday or Friday at your choice of pickup location.

Linda & Michael

Here is the complete list for this week.

Dothan, Alabama:  July 6, 2019 M@D Newsletter

Market at Dothan is open to accept orders.
Orders close Tuesday at 5pm
We use the word “Sustainable” over “Organic” because you can grow organic without being sustainable, but you cannot be sustainable without utilizing organic practices.

This Week’s Newsletter:
No Cook Meals
Market Chitchat
Grower Notes


Today, June 6, is supposed to be 7 degrees hotter than yesterday.

This is the time of year I begin the annual mind games to deal with summer heat . . . “only x weeks till mid September.” I choose mid September because the transition between August 31 and September 1 is usually indistinguishable.

With food being a necessary part of our lives there’s no getting around meal prep, BUT, you don’t have to heat up the kitchen! We hope what follows inspires you to enjoy summer’s bounty a little easier.

Market ingredients for each recipe are listed with the descriptions.

Top Left: Blueberry Spinach Salad with Honey Balsamic Dressing: Spinich, Blueberries, Honey
Top Right: Parfait Breakfast Popsicles: Blueberries
Center Left: Avocado Egg Salad Sandwich:Lettuce or Spinich Greens, Eggs, Fresh Baked Bread
Center Right: Italian Sub Salad: Danny’s Greens, Tiny Tomatoes
Bottom Left: Vegan Broccoli Salad with Blueberries: Red Onion, Blueberries
Bottom Right: Chicken Caesar Wrap: Chicken, Lettuce or Spinich


New & Relisted Products – Woo-Hoo!

  • Rice Plus II from Hortons Farm
  • Tomatillos from Smart Doc Resources
  • CBD/Tumeric Salve from Mayim Farms
  • Apricot Meringue Bars from Laura’s Confections
  • Baklava from Laura’s Confections
  • Willimsburg Orange Cake from Laura’s Confections
  • Queen of Sheba Cake from Laura’s Confections
  • CBD Medicinal Cream from Smart Doc Resources
  • Baby Yellow Tomatoes from Smart Doc Resources


We have the best Growers in the Wiregrass! Please learn more about them on our Grower Page.

Grier Acres: The past weeks has been a tough one.  Still combating bugs on our plants combined with the struggles of no water source.  We do have large totes and a church allowed us to fill our containers but is labor intensive.  We are missing a lot of the rain that others are getting. Our squash plants are green but just not producing.  Our chickens and woodpeckers have been eating a lot of blueberries. Jeannie did snag about 1.5 cups last weekend for pancakes.  But we are GRATEFUL. Last year we didn’t get any. Must always see the silver lining.  

AVALON FARMS: It’s good to be back! It was great not having market responsibilities last week, but it seemed so weird. Most of the time I wasn’t sure what day of the week it was or what I was supposed to be doing. On a normal market week tasks are divided up over certain days to keep me on track. No market meant no market related tasks which confused things. Ha ha

Fresh garlic is SO MUCH easier to peel. I didn’t know that. It makes life so much easier. You can actually peel them with your fingers. No knife or peeler required. And there is no hard bit of seed plate on the end! The cloves come out shiny and very tender. If you smash one of these with the flat of your knife it is FLAT.
Working on the plan for the fall and winter garden. I’m open to suggestions. Anybody hungry for anything in particular?

MARY’S PEEPS: Mary sends greetings and that she misses her Market friends. She’s been occupied with taking care of family needs these last few months and asks that if anyone needs anything special to let her know.


We would love to hear from you! If you have a favorite recipe, want to write a product review, have an idea or request for an article or information, let us know! You can reply to this newsletter or write [email protected].

Market Schedule
Order Saturday 5pm to Tuesday 5pm weekly for Pickup the following Friday
Dothan Pickup: 10am – 12pm, Dothan Nurseries, 1300 Montgomery Highway, Dothan, AL 36303
Daleville Pickup: 11am – 11:30am, Parking area behind Daleville Chamber of Commerce
Enterprise Pickup: 12pm – 12:30pm, Grocery Advantage, 1032 Boll Weevil Circle, Enterprise

Our Website:
Our Email: [email protected]

On Facebook:
Join our Online Discussions!
Be sure to use our hashtag! #marketatdothan

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!

Spa City Local Farm Market Co-op:  Market Open

The Market is open for ordering. Please place your orders before Tuesday 9pm and plan to pick up your order at Emergent Arts this Friday, July 12th, between 3p and 4:30p. If you are unable to pick up your order at this time, please make arrangements to have your order picked up for you.
Remember to scroll all the way down and click “Place this Order”.
The Spa city Co-Op Market has no paid positions, so we need volunteers to run every market. You receive a $5 gift card and your membership is extended by two months. You also learn about locally grown foods.
Have a great week and see you Friday.

Barbara Schuette
Market Manage
[email protected]

Northeast Georgia Locally Grown:  MARKET IS OPEN FOR ORDERS!

Good Evening Locavores, Northeast Georgia Locally Grown is open for orders!
Go to the market >>
Fresh Vegetables
Clean Meats
Baked Goods with Organic ingredients
Pastured Eggs
See all products

Market stays open from Fridays 9 p.m. until at least 9 p.m. Mondays!

Thank you for choosing Northeast Georgia Locally Grown as a way to support your local producers. This online farmers market allows you to buy directly from multiple farms committed to chemical-free and local produce all year long! CHEMICAL-FREE means produce and pastures grown without synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, or insecticides. LOCAL means within 80 miles from the market pickup locations (usually much much closer). Do you know someone who grows chemical-free food in the area? Get them in touch with us. Know someone who wants fresh food? Spread the word. Put the two together, and that’s growing organically!

PICKUP TIME is Wednesday from 5-6:30 p.m.

If you do not get an email ORDER CONFIRMATION right after you order then your order is NOT complete. Log back in and your order might still be there waiting for you to check out! If you have any trouble or questions at all, we are here to help; simply reply to this email or call Andrew at 770.530.3287

Statesboro Market2Go:  The Market is Open!

Thanks for shopping with us and supporting your local farmers!

We are back from the holidays with lots of delicious summer fruits and vegetables like squash, zucchini, carrots, bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumber, peppers, sprouts, okra, potatoes, onions, garlic, blueberries, nectarines, and peaches!

Don’t miss the ice cream from Southern Swiss. There’s a wide variety of flavors of online made with local peaches, strawberries, and blueberries, as well as classic vanilla and chocolate!

We also have fresh herbs, honey, eggs, coffee, bread, milk, butter, cheese, seafood, shrimp, beef, pork, chevon, garden supplies, candles, soaps, lotions, as well as items that are already prepared and ready to eat, made from local ingredients.

Bootleg Farm and Southern Swiss Dairy both have their products online on Market2Go. They are no longer regulars at the Saturday Market, so look for them here!

Did you know that Market2Go has items for your pets? You can find pet food, bones, Wagz Dog Treats, and pet grade raw goat milk from Bootleg Farm.

Don’t miss Prosser’s Seafood first fresh-caught Georgia shrimp of the season!

Remember we have changed locations for our Statesboro pickup to the Statesboro Convention & Visitors Bureau at 222 S. Main St. Hours will remain the same, and our Sylvania pickup will remain the same at Victory Garden General Store.

We eliminated the annual membership fee – read about the changes here. To maintain support for the market, we added a surcharge of 7% on each order, beginning on March 1st.

Our Vendor of the week is Jacobs Produce, a family owned and operated farm in Rocky Ford. They are a long-time member of the farmers market with a wide variety of fruits and vegetables that can be found at their farm stand, the Saturday market and on Market2Go.

Visit the Statesboro Main Street Farmers Market this Saturday for Corny Days. Our Vendor of the week, Jacobs Produce, will have sweet corn at their booth! Also, free corn on the cob will be given out at the seasonal eating booth! Canning and freezing demos will be held at Ag South Kitchen across the street from the market with techniques for putting up sweet corn.

Growing Together :  Availability for July 6th!

Can you believe we are already into July?
We have been blessed with plenty of rain so far this season, and the summer crops are loving it. We have tomatoes, beans, and peppers of all kinds coming coming in slowly but surely. Next up should be okra and bitter gourd. The greens are mostly done for now, but will return with the cooler temperatures of Fall.
A green we will continue to have is Lamb’s Quarters, what the farmers call “Bhetu” in their Nepali. This is a common wild edible in Tennessee. It is related to spinach and swiss chard, and can be used in similar ways. Try is sauteed on the side, in a frittata, or in this spread recipe below!

Lamb’s-quarters Spread
adapted From THE WILD VEGETARIAN COOKBOOK Eat it with cucumbers, crackers, or as a sandwich spread or a pasta topping.

2 cloves garlic, peeled
1 small red or white onion, peeled
2 cups lamb’s-quarters leaves
1 ripe avocado, peeled and pitted (I didn’t have one so I used 1/3 cup olive oil)
1/2 cup toasted nuts (I used almonds, the original called for 1 cup walnuts)
1/3 cup pitted kalamta olives (the original called for: One 6-ounce jar low-sodium pitted olives, drained)
2 tablespoons mellow (light-colored) miso
1 tablespoon chili paste or 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper, or to taste

1. Chop the garlic in a food processor or by hand.
2. Add the onion and chop.
3. Add the remaining ingredients and process or chop until finely chopped.

Lamb’s-quarters Spread will keep, tightly covered, in the refrigerator for 5 to 7 days.
Makes 2 1/2 cups

The farmers appreciate all the wonderful support!
We always appreciate feedback or questions about the produce, so we can do our best to get the highest quality products to you! Please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Happy weekend!
The Growing Together team


Augusta Locally Grown:  The Market is Open!


We have moved in to our new “Downtown” market location and we couldn’t be happier. We can only dream that our deeper partnership with Buona Caffe, one of our long-time market vendors and supporter of all things local, will flourish for many years (and then a few more for good measure).

Our new downtown pick up location is at their Reynolds St Roastery, Training and Showroom. Customers who select “Downtown” as their location should pick up at 520 Reynolds Street between 5pm-7pm.

So much gratitude to Pat & John Curry Buona Caffe for opening a new door full of future opportunity for Augusta Locally Grown!!

For more information about our full menu of delicious summer local food events, visit our other website at

Questions? Please text Kim at 706-288-7895.

Russellville Community Market:  The Market Opens at Noon! - Three New Growers on The Market

To ensure your order is placed, make sure you click the “Place My Order” button once you have completed your shopping. You will receive a confirmation email.

Orders will be ready for pick from 4PM – 6:30PM this Tuesday at the Downtown Russellville Train Depot!

The Market Opens at Noon!
We are excited to welcome growers New Woodlands Farm, Allesafe, and The Cake Smith to the Market! We also have quite the variety of locally grown and produced items on the Market this week, so check out whats new, place your order, and enjoy your weekend! As always, thank you for choosing to shop and eat local.

Russellville Community Market


Patchwork Online Market:  Online Market Open for Ordering!

The market is open for ordering. Please have your order in by Sunday evening.

We are working to make the Patchwork Online Market grow this season, and we need your help!

We’re finding that many of you are registered in the market, but haven’t been shopping, and we would like to get your feedback so we can offer something that better fits your needs.

In return for your feedback, we’ll give you $7 of credits in the online market if you fill it out before July 12th
It will only take a few minutes, and your input is much appreciated!

Please fill out the survey here

If you have been shopping with us, thank you! It really means a lot, and is vital to accomplishing our mission to create the foundations of a just, secure food system in Asheville.

Thanks so much for your support

CLG:  Samples! CLG Pickup TODAY 3:30-6pm. Bring eggshells, glass jars, & egg cartons please.

Good morning!

Wendy from Momma Mytar’s Desserts will have samples of her fresh-baked treats this afternoon. As always, we will have a good selection of eggs and vegetables from the garden on the extras table today, so come early for the best selection.

If you ordered plants, please bring a box to put them in.

This is a pickup reminder for those of you who ordered this week. Thank you for your order! You can pick up your order from 3:30 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. today at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church at 925 Mitchell Street in Conway.

If something comes up that you cannot personally pick up your order today, please contact someone to pick up for you.

Remember to bring your EGGSHELLS, glass jars for recycling, egg cartons, and bags for ordered items. Reduce, reuse, recycle! See you this afternoon.

Come early for the best selection from the EXTRAS table! Even if you didn’t make an order, you can come by to shop the EXTRAS table.