The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Russellville Community Market: Ordering Closes at 10PM on the Market!

To ensure your order is placed, make sure you click the “Place My Order” button once you have completed your shopping. You will receive a confirmation email.
Orders will be ready for pick from 4PM – 6:30PM this Tuesday at the Downtown Russellville Train Depot!

Ordering Closes at 10PM on The Market!
We have tons of fresh produce available on The Market this Week, along with your favorite staples. Local Raw Honey, Fresh Farm Eggs, Top Sirloin, Honey Oat Bread, just to name a few. As always, thank you for choosing to shop and eat local.
Russellville Community Market

Suwanee Whole Life Co-op: Reminder! Don't forget to order - Carrell Farms on market t
Just a friendly reminder, if you haven’t already placed your order, that market orders are due online by 6 pm TODAY. Order now so you don’t forget :-)
Carrell Farms is on the market this weekend. They are on every other week so order today for this Wednesday’s pick up.
Click Here to Place Your Order For WEDNESDAY pick up in Suwanee
Thank you for placing your order and supporting local farms and businesses!
Four Seasons Farmers Market: Four Seasons Farmers Market--July 14-16
The market is now open! Tomatoes are here! Lettuce Mix! Beef and chicken!
There’s also eggs, cut flowers, olives and more.
Your purchases will be available from 3-6 PM on Wednesday afternoon at our new pickup location in Fayetteville:
Berry Natural
3059 N College Ave
Fayetteville, AR 72703
Green Acres Atkins: Opening bell!
Welcome storm Barry the watermelons, sweet corn and pumpkins could use some rain but just rain
Please place orders by noon on Wednesday
Tom and Kami
CLG: Opening Bell: Tomatoes, Honey, Ground Beef, Sausage!
Good afternoon!
Grilling season continues. Start with local ground beef or ground pork and add some zesty Beaverfork blend seasoning.
Then just pat out those delicious burgers and cook them on the grill, or pan-fry if it’s too hot outside. We hope to have cantaloupe on the extras table this Friday. Hopefully they won’t get too much rain and split. Come early on Friday for the best selection.
We have a good variety of vegetables in season now: potatoes, cucumbers, kale, tomatoes, peppers…
Be sure to SEARCH for your favorite items using the search field. We have over 650 items available now!
Most items are listed by 6pm Sunday, but check back again before the market closes Tuesday night to see if any other items are ready to be harvested for you! Eat fresh! Eat local! Eat for better health!
And save your eggshells throughout the week for the laying hens! :-)
The market is now OPEN for orders. Click here to start shopping:
Please check your email a few minutes after you place your order to make sure you get an order confirmation. Thanks!
Middle Tennessee Locally Grown: Time to Order Fresh Local Farm Products!
Middle Tennessee Locally Grown market
To Contact Us
Our Website:
Middle Tennessee Locally Grown
On Facebook:
Manchester Locally Grown Online Farmers’ Market
By e-mail:
[email protected]
By phone:
(931) 273-9708
Our Manchester pickup location is across the street from the Manchester City Schools administration building, at
216 East Fort Street, Manchester, TN
Our new Tullahoma pickup location is inside “Nature’s Elite”, in the Cherokee Square Shopping Center next to Dunham’s Sports, at
1802 N Jackson St, Ste 800, Tullahoma TN
If you don’t see a map, click on the address link.
Good morning!
The market is open for ordering this morning, as usual. Please remember to check for new items in all the categories. I haven’t checked through to see what’s new, but I will try to send out a real newsletter later tonight or tomorrow. Feel free to place your order early, and then add a second order if you see something else that you like in the newsletter. Thank you, and see you Thursday or Friday at your choice of pickup location.
Linda & Michael
Stones River Market: Market is OPEN -- New Growers and More Choices
Welcome to this weeks Market, Open now until 10 pm Monday. Order early before quantities available run out!
There is a lot of GREAT news in this weeks Weblog. Several new Growers have joined our Market. There will be more
Baked Items, Produce, Plants, RAW MILK, Honey, Beef, Pork, Lamb and Chicken to choose from.
We are excited to Welcome to the Market this week Crossing Creek Farms from Shelbyville. They will have available pasture raised, organic fed and soy free meats (Chicken and Beef), Pasture Eggs and Dairy Pet Milk and Buttermilk. Also available Cow’s Milk Soap, Ouch Ointments, Honey and much more.
Terry’s Treasures from Murfreesboro several had the opportunity meeting Terry during last weeks delivery ‘On the Porch". She has several ’one of the kind’ Succulent and Cactus arrangements available and she custom make items. She will be ‘On the Porch’ this week so be sure to visit with her and see some of her beautiful things.
The Sugared Spoon: Robert is a local confectioner and will have several varieties of cookies, brownies and chess bars available. Rumor has it you might meet him “On the Porch” sometime! You can find on the market this week Key Lime Chess Bars, Lemon Chess Bars, White Raspberry Cookies, Oatmeal Raisin Cookies, Chocolate Chip Cookies and Snickerdoodle Cookies. Perfect for snacks, dessert or gatherings.
Please learn more about the Growers on the Market in the ‘Our Growers’ section.
News From Our Growers:
Rainbow Hill Farm: FREE STONE PEACHES have arrived, Blackberries still available.
6R Farms: We have added Mountain Fresh Tomatoes available by the pound, basket or box, Sweet Corn, Okra, Green Beans and Jalapeno Peppers.
Caney Fork Farms: We now have Pork along with Lamb items on the market this week along with assorted produce.
Carole’s Herbs (CS3 Farms): We are back from Florida, where it is hot and humid — just like home! We have another ”traditional” tea available. We are adding Oolong tea because it, like many herbs and other teas, has been demonstrated to have antioxidant properties. It also tastes quite good. We may have some sweet potato greens available, but not a whole lot. If you haven’t eaten sweet potato greens, they are a mild leaf that can be substituted for spinach or a thin lettuce leaf and eaten raw or cooked.
We have more turnips available as well as our herbal honeys, shrub (drinking vinegar) concentrates, nut butters, and other deliciousness.
Sow’s Ear Piggery: will be updating pork listings in 2-3 weeks once a butcher date is set. We hope our customers will be patient for our new products, as this will probably be the best pork we’ve raised and offered for sale.
Flying S Farms: Assorted Cherry tomatoes are back! Ranging from Black Cherry, 2 Bites, Sungolds, Amy’s Apricot, Purple Bumble Bee and more! Sorry some of our Summer Squash and Zucchini have suffered from the heat and rains this past week. We are replanting and will be back on the market soon.
Mo’Scrubs by Toya: taking a brief break will return next week.
Reminder!!! There are 3 Markets remaining until our Market Celebration Drawing for my 1st year as Manager and the upcoming Markets 11th Birthday!!! During June and July your name will be put ‘in the hat’ when you place your order. There will be a 1-$25, 1-$10 and 2-$5 Gift Certificate drawing August 7th, be sure to place an order each week to increase your chances for our Gift Certificates.
Look forward seeing you “On the Porch” at Quinn’s Mercantile Wednesday July 17th from 5:00 – 6:30pm, please contact me if you are unable to make delivery or are running late, please phone, email or text me so we can make arrangements to get your order to you.
How to contact us:
Email: [email protected]
Locations: Quinn’s Mercantile on Wednesdays: 307 North Spring Street, Murfreesboro
Miami County Locally Grown: Organic eggs available!
Bair Trax Dairy has more organic eggs available!
And check out all the other local goodness we have to offer!
Enjoy this gorgeous sunshiny day :-)
Dothan, Alabama: July 13, 2019 M@D Newsletter

This Week’s Newsletter:
Diet, Weight Loss & Common Sense
Market Chitchat
Grower Notes
Diet – we’re involved in it simply by virtue of being a Farmer’s Market. We here at Market at Dothan count it a privilege to bring you Fresh, Local, Sustainable and Year Round foods made right here in the Wiregrass. It’s an honor we don’t take for granted! While all of our growers and producers embrace those four core values, we know that not everyone can and does eat the same way! For that reason this is the start of a series of articles examining diets and diet plans. One size does NOT fit all and our goal is to educate and encourage you as you make your own best wise choices. Thank you for being part of our Market Family – we appreciate you so much!
What follows is adapted from the Mayo Clinic along with information from other sources.
When it comes to eating plans, whether weight loss, blood sugar or something else, there’s no shortage of advice. Magazines, books and websites all promise that you’ll meet your goals, especially weight loss, using diets that eliminate fat or carbs or those that tout superfoods or special supplements. With so many conflicting options, how do you know which approach might work for you? Here are some suggestions for choosing a health or weight-loss program.
1. Involve your doctor in your weight-loss efforts. Before you start a health or weight-loss program, talk to your doctor. Your doctor can review your medical issues and medications that might affect your weight and provide guidance on a program for you. And you can discuss how to exercise safely, especially if you have physical or medical challenges, or pain with daily tasks. Tell your doctor about your previous efforts to lose weight. Be open about fad diets that interest you. Your doctor might be able to direct you to weight-loss support groups or refer you to a registered dietitian.2. Consider your personal needs.There’s no one diet or weight-loss plan for everyone. But if you consider your preferences, lifestyle and weight-loss goals, you’ll likely find a plan you can tailor to your needs.
Before starting a weight-loss program, think about:
- Diets you’ve tried. What did you like or dislike about them? Were you able to follow the diet? What worked or didn’t work? How did you feel physically and emotionally while on the diet?
- Your preferences. Do you prefer to do a weight-loss program on your own, or do you want support from a group? If you like group support, do you prefer online support or in-person meetings?
- Your budget. Some weight-loss programs require you to buy supplements or meals, visit weight-loss clinics or attend support meetings. Does the cost fit your budget?
- Other considerations. Do you have a health condition, such as diabetes, heart disease or allergies? Do you have cultural or ethnic requirements or preferences regarding food?
New & Relisted Products – Woo-Hoo!
- Roselle Hibiscus Leaves from Mayim Farm
- Pecan Pie from Laura’s Confections
- Raspberry Walnut Torte from Laura’s Confections
- Mocha Torte from Laura’s Confections
We have the best Growers in the Wiregrass! Please learn more about them on our Grower Page.
MAYIM FARM: This is our last Market cycle before we go on vacation for a few weeks, so if you need any herbals before the first or second week in August they will need to be ordered this week for delivery on Friday, July 19. We are planning on being back for the August 10th market. A trip to Maine to visit some awesome biodynamic farms and see the sites is in order! Greg and Carole
MARTIN TEAS: No orders week July 16-20. Vacation Thanks!
DANNY’S GREENS: Danny is giving his plants a break this week to catch up. Even with the welcome rains they grow much slower in the summer heat. Thanks for your understanding.
We would love to hear from you! If you have a favorite recipe, want to write a product review, have an idea or request for an article or information, let us know! You can reply to this newsletter or write [email protected].
Order Saturday 5pm to Tuesday 5pm weekly for Pickup the following Friday
Dothan Pickup: 10am – 12pm, Dothan Nurseries, 1300 Montgomery Highway, Dothan, AL 36303
Daleville Pickup: 11am – 11:30am, Parking area behind Daleville Chamber of Commerce
Enterprise Pickup: 12pm – 12:30pm, Grocery Advantage, 1032 Boll Weevil Circle, Enterprise
Our Email: [email protected]
Join our Online Discussions!
Be sure to use our hashtag! #marketatdothan
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
Shelbyville, TN: The market is NOW OPEN - July 12
Hey there,
Your Shelbyville Locally Grown Market is now open. Please browse and select your items between now and Wednesday at noon.
Here is the link to the market:
Eat healthy, shop local.