The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Middle Tennessee Locally Grown: Just a Few Hours Left to Order!
Manchester Locally Grown Farmers’ Market
How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Facebook: Manchester Locally Grown Online Farmers’ Market
By e-mail: [email protected]
By phone: (931) 273-9708
On Thursdays: Here’s a map.
Good evening!
Don’t forget to place your order on Manchester Locally Grown market. The market will be open till 10 pm tonight. Delivery of your order, fresh from local farms, will be made on Thursday. Pickup of your order will be at Square Books, 113 E. Main St, Manchester, from 4:00 to 5:30 on Thursday. We can also hold your order in the refrigerator till Friday, if it’s more convenient for you to pick it up between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm. If you prefer to utilize this free service, please make a note on your order or call my cell at (931) 273-9708. Other pickup hours are available by appointment.
Remember that we are a year-round market, not subject to seasonal closings like the local farm stands and Saturday markets. You will find many items here year-round – beef and pork products; herbal & handmade products; plants for home & garden; milk, eggs, & honey, with seasonal items such as winter vegetables and holiday items when available. We can make you a gift certificate in any denomination.
Thanks for your orders last week! Please encourage your local friends and family to shop at our year-round market and support local farmers!
Russellville Community Market: RCM Order Reminder
Hey everyone! Just a quick reminder that we’ll be closing for orders tonight at 10:00 p.m. Get your orders in soon!
Happy ordering!
We hope to see you on Thursday for the market pick-up!
Check out our Facebook page for great info on local foods issues and upcoming events.
Be sure to click on the “Like” button at the top of the Facebook page to get automatic updates. Thanks!
Russellville Community Market
Market at Dothan
How to contact us:
Our Website:
Our Email: [email protected]
On Facebook:
Market News
The farm started when “Mama Roz” as some call her, started keeping honeybees fifteen years ago. Mama Roz has gone on to become a Master Beekeeper and is currently a board member of the Alabama Beekeepers Association. While all this was going on, the Mr. at the farm developed methods to successfully cultivate and produce the raspberries and rhubarb he missed from his childhood in Oregon. Sustainable fruit, berry and some vegetable production is now a standard part of the farm operation.
Farm to Table Recipes
Market At Dothan is a small group of niche growers and producers promoting sustainable agriculture and supporting our local economy. Each grower/producer is dedicated to providing the freshest, highest quality products to their customers. Our growers use natural growing principles without synthetic chemicals. Local products available include: fruits, vegetables, herbs, eggs, beef, chicken, lamb, honey, baked goods, jams, jellies, goat cheese, frozen casseroles, pottery, nuts.
All growers /producers believe in providing locally grown foods and goods seasonally to promote a strong, local community and economy. Our goal is 100% Customer Satisfaction…comments, questions or concerns are welcome!
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
Yalaha, FL: January 25-28 Ordering open
Please sign in at to put in your orders for this week. Ordering open Monday evening through Thursday evening for Saturday pick up.
Sign in and visit the Market Tab to place your orders. Remember to check out to make your order final and let me know what time on Saturday you want to pick up.
GFM : A break in the snow!
We have a break in the snow but the roads are still a bit slushy. So take advantage of the online market and get some of your shopping done.
Remember there’s never any shipping fees. And you can help the market by using to do your shopping when you shop Amazon. A small portion of your sales will go to help support the market
Orders placed today through Thursday can be picked up on Saturday at the fairgrounds parking lot under the trees.
Thank you for shopping with us!
The Vendors, Staff, and Board ofGreeneville’s Oldest, Established Farmers Market
Princeton Farm Fresh: Sorry the market is opened late.
Hello Everyone,
We are sorry about opening the market late. My mom has been fighting an infection and was hospitalized overnight due to low blood pressure from dehydration. She will becoming home sometime this afternoon after they finish running some tests to make sure she has fully recovered. Not to worry, the market is still on for Friday pickups. We will be there with all your favorite winter veggies.
See you Friday,
Conyers Locally Grown: Available for Friday January 29th
Hello. I hope this finds you all doing well. The market is open and ready for orders. We have lots of great pork, salmon and winter greens like collards, mustard, turnips and a few more. We also have loads of sweet potatoes. Thank you for all your support we will see you Friday between 5 and 7 at Copy Central.
Thank you,
Old99Farm Market: Old 99 Farm, week of Jan 23 2016
Eggs are back to regular price of $6.75/doz for extra large, $6.25 for large. Please bring in egg cartons, I’ve had to buy new cartons recently because we were sending out so many.
Special on ‘Bonny Red’ Chicken roasters, $1 off the per kg price.
As of Jan 24th, we can offer the following crops: sweet potato, cilantro, parsley, kale, fresh dug carrots, chard, collards, spaghetti and turban squash, whole wheat flour, red skin and purple potatoes.
Camelia is cooking prepared foods from our produce: apple sauce, stuffed peppers, cucumber relish, quiches (on order).
Why is the energy/climate consensus so durable, even in the face of compelling facts or logic? A persuasive analysis of this social phenomenon by Irish systems thinker, physicist and human systems ecologist David Korowicz can be found here.
He writes, “We are trying to comprehend our world within the world-views and economic orthodoxies developed over an extra-ordinary, two-hundred year period of compound economic growth. This growth was coincident with increasing wealth, complexity and globalized integration. Part of our dominant consensus is that this trend will continue. Much of what is important to us, how we live, our expectations, what we value and hold dear, was shaped by this process. And we, the global 10%, have done well out of it.”
“When the conditions that underpinned the consensus change, it can be very difficult to acknowledge and let go of our attachment. For acknowledgement means rejecting not only the familiar but something that may have embodied our status, past efforts, our hopes and even our collective mythology.
Defending the dominant consensus is always reasonable, confident and considered, for it is born out of the cosmology or world-view of the age. But world-views shape their own perceptions and contain the narratives of their own defence."
What consensus views do you share or refute? Where do you stand on the fringe (of conventional wisdom) looking in? Organic food? Limits to Growth? Grassroots democracy? Population overshoot?
Healthy eating,
Ian Cami and Kazlyn.
CLG: CLG Reminder: No Market this Week.
Just a quick reminder that we won’t be having market this week, but will return next Sunday night. Lots of great food being produced locally. Have a great week!
Athens Locally Grown: ALG Market Open for January 28
Athens Locally Grown
How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Twitter: @athlocallygrown
On Facebook:
On Thursdays: Here’s a map.
Market News
I don’t have much new to report this week. I’ve been spending my last few days getting ready to drive up to Lexington, KY tomorrow for the annual SSAWG conference, my favorite educational farming conference of the year. I’m on the staff, and they keep me busy, but I never fail to learn a ton of stuff and meet many wonderful people all the same. The very first SSAWG conference I was on the staff for was in Louisville, years ago, and it’ll be nice to see that part of the country again. Some of it is under considerable snow and ice, but it’ll be good to see it anyway.
While I’m away, I’ve left our Thursday market here in the hands of our many capable regular volunteers. There are a few things they can’t do, such as looking up account history and resolving old payment issues, so you can send those queries to me via email or wait until the following week. Also, Doug’s Salmon keeps his fish at my place in a freezer, and I bring his sales in to market for him. Since I’ll be gone, the fish will not be available to purchase this week. It’ll all be back next week, though.
I hope you all have a pleasant week. Looks like it should be both warmer and drier than the one we just had. And as much as I miss the occasional heavy snow (the Yankee in me hasn’t left completely yet), I’m glad we didn’t get the 30 inches some of my friends in the mid-Atlantic got. I know our growers feel the same.
Thank you so much for your support of Athens Locally Grown, all of our growers, local food, and our rights to eat it. You all are part of what makes Athens such a great area in which to live. We’ll see you on Thursday at Ben’s Bikes at the corner of Pope and Broad Streets from 4:30 to 8pm!
Other Area Farmers Markets
The Athens Farmers Market has closed for the winter. You can watch for news during the offseason on their website. The other area markets are also all closed for the season, I believe. If you know of any winter markets operating, please let me know. And they might all be closed, but we’ll be here all year round!
All of these other markets are separate from ALG (including the Athens Farmers Market) but many growers sell at multiple markets. Please support your local farmers and food producers, where ever you’re able to do so!
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!