The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Heritage Farm : Wednesday Farm Truck and Market!!!
Just a reminder that farm truck runs tomorrow and we will be doing a Wednesday night farmers market at Peachtree Road this week!!!
Peachtree Road market is closed Saturday for Easter Celebrations so we will be selling there on Wednesday night 4:30 till 8:00…..come by and get stocked up on some great pasture raised and grass fed meats and eggs for your holiday and weekend celebrations!!!!
We will be taking orders for weekend delivery to ALL Saturday locations!!
Store closes Thursday night at 11:00 pm for Saturday delivery….
Place your orders here>>> The Store
The Hutchins Family
Heritage Farm
[email protected]
Fresh Harvest, LLC: Fresh Harvest - Last Call
Contact Info
Our Website:
On Facebook:
John Drury [email protected]
John 615-838-0428
Market News
Rocky Glade has added more veggies to the Market including some spinach and lettuce. Go Preds!
The Market will remain open until Tuesday evening for you to place an order for this week.
Here is some information on how Fresh Harvest works.
*If you see an item as Sold Out, write in the Comment section at check out that you would like that item if more becomes available. We’ll try our best to add it to your order.
• If you recruit a new customer to Fresh Harvest and they open an account with a $50 deposit, we will credit your account $10 for each new customer who signs up. They will need to tell me your name, so that I can credit your account. Word of mouth has been our best advertising. Any help that you can provide is greatly appreciated.
• Every week, we leave orders at the church for customers who cannot arrive at Trinity before 6pm. This has worked well for those who have difficulty with the 4-6pm window. Please let me know if you need me to leave your order at the church.
• The bag that you receive each week is to be brought back with your next order. We have been negligent in telling new customers how this works. Don’t feel bad if you return multiple bags, it happens all the time.
• We’re into reusing and recycling. Our clean egg cartons, honey jars, paper and plastic bags, berry containers are some of the items that we can reuse. If we can’t reuse the returned items, we’ll recycle them.
• We do guarantee everything that we sell. If you ever have a problem, please let us know and we will credit your account.
• If there are other products or growers that you think should be a part of Fresh Harvest, please let me know.
Thanks for your support, and I will see you on Wednesday!
If you need to text me, my number is 615-838-0428.
McColloms Market: April Order is Closed
Hi All:
The April order is now closed. Pick up will be on Wednesday. Thanks so much.
Statesboro Market2Go: Just Added!
Just added – items from Scratch Made Catering.
Pot Roast- cooked in a gravy with celery, carrots, onions, sweet potatoes and peas served with green beans
Chicken Tortilla Soup – chili rubbed chicken in southwestern style broth with crispy tortilla
Cobb Salad – Iceburg Wedge + Boiled Egg + Bacon + Avocado + Red Onion + Blue Cheese
New vendor this week – H.L. Franklin’s Healthy Honey! Look for their creamed honey as well as an extended range of honey types.
McColloms Market: April Order Closes This Evening
Hi All:
If you haven’t yet placed an order for this month’s market and want to do so, please place it by this evening.
Thanks so much.
Siloam Springs, AR: Weblog Entry
Opening Day was a success! Thank you to all who came out and shopped despite the cold temps. It was great to see everyone.
The online market will continue to be open during the outdoor season. Pick up will be at the outdoor market each Saturday.
Raised Rite Poultry will continue the 2 for $20 March Madness sale until that size of chickens are sold out.
Have a great week and see you Saturday!!
GFM : Gifts of Love
Just a few of the items we have had so generously donated for our “Gifts Of Love” for the Hope Center Mother’s Day Celebration.
Thank you each and everyone.
Winnsboro, TX: Market is Open!
Good morning,
The market is open once again this week, so be sure & stock up!
Schedule is the same for the next two weeks, but in May we will change it up a bit. Now that Saturday market has started back up, it is more difficult for some of our growers to deliver online orders on Thursday. So, the pickup will be changed to Saturdays during market hours 8 am to Noon. Shopping time will be the same, but extended an extra day. We hope this will give you all opportunity to shop market goods that aren’t online, while still having the luxury of pre-ordering to be sure you get what you need.
Again this change doesn’t go into effect UNTIL MAY, so I will see you this Thursday & answer any questions you may have.
Have a great week!
Champaign, OH: Rainy Days and Mondays...
No need to let the combination get you down!
We’ve got all that you need to bring the sunshine back into your soul! And, what better way to spend a gloomy morning, than to make a list of items you need, and then instead of going out into the elements, you can order right from the comfort of wherever you are!
And…don’t forget that Easter is this coming weekend!! We can make it easy for all of your food prep needs. Or, still looking for items to put in Easter baskets? Why not make baskets full of local products for our market? We have so much to make up a Foodie Easter Basket!
However you want to use our market, we are ready to take the dreariness out of the rainy day!
And…Old Soals has now added fresh basil along with their lovely lettuces!! Arugula is on vacation, at the moment, as they wait for the next production of it, but will be back, soon!!
And…Kennedy Farms is on a short break while they plant, and plan for the markets they are involved with, in the coming season! They should be back in mid May!!
Rainy days and Mondays are actually really goods for getting things done, and getting your orders in…
Cosmic Pam
Athens Locally Grown: ALG Market Open for April 18
Athens Locally Grown
How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Twitter: @athlocallygrown
On Facebook:
On Thursdays: Here’s a map.
Market News
The average last frost date for Athens falls this week, but you never know when a weird cold front will blow through, wreaking havoc on the little plants. It may be that tonight and tomorrow will be the last cold nights for the year, but ten days from now we might have to crank up the heaters again. If you’ve put out summer plants like tomatoes, peppers, squash, and eggplants, keep an eye out on the forecast for the next week or two, just in case you need protect them. The average last frost date for some of our growers won’t come for another month, further up in the mountains, but that just means more variety for our market.
It’s really never too late to put something in the ground, and it’s prime planting season now. I was one of the founding farmers of Athens Locally Grown, back in 2002, but these days I’m living back in the city of Athens and lucky enough to have a rental house with a few raised beds right outside my back door. Springtime weather makes me want to throw seeds in every bit of dirt I can find, wherever I find it, so maybe this week I’ll also make some more native wildflower seed bombs for use in bare patches I run across while walking through the neighborhood.
If you’ve been preparing your garden, or just thinking about starting one, be sure to check out all of the live plants offered by our growers through Athens Locally Grown and the other area farmers markets. Sure, you could run off to Home Depot and buy some mass-produced seedlings soaked in synthetic fertilizers and sprayed with fumigants, but you can also get hardy seedlings grown by the same people cultivating plants for their own vegetable beds, free of synthetic chemicals, for the same prices.
Why am I encouraging you to grow your own food when I’m in the business of helping growers sell you food they grow? For one, studies have shown (and my own experience confirms) that people who grow their own gardens tend to actually increase their yearly purchases at their local farmers markets. Once they take an interest their food so strong that they begin growing what they can, they find that they can rely even more on their local growers for things that they used to get at the grocery store. And besides, my goal for writing the software behind our market was for every community to become less reliant on food grown elsewhere and shipped in from long distances. And you having your own little patch of garden in your yard is a big step in helping Athens do just that.
And a repeat from last week because I could still use some more folks: We’ve got a consistent crew of volunteers every Thursday filling your orders, but sometimes one of them catches a bug or needs a week off. When that happens, I start calling the backup crew to take their place. I’d love to add a few more people to that list, so if you’re generally free on Thursdays from 3pm to 8pm and would like to earn an occasional market credit in exchange for filling orders for fellow customers, please let me know! We’ll get you all trained up (this Thursday, if you’re able), and then you’ll be on my go-to list when one of the regulars needs a week away.
Thank you so much for your support of Athens Locally Grown, all of our growers, local food, and our rights to eat it. You all are part of what makes Athens such a great area in which to live. We’ll see you on Thursday at Ben’s Bikes at the corner of Pope and Broad Streets from 4:30 to 8pm!
Other Area Farmers Markets
The many other area markets are starting to return! The Athens Farmers Market is open on Saturdays at Bishop Park, and Wednesday evenings downtown at Creature Comforts. You can catch the news on their website. The West Broad Farmers Market is closed for the season, and you can watch for their return here: The Comer Farmers’ Market is open on Saturday mornings from 9am to noon. Check for more information. Washington, GA also has a lovely little Saturday market, running on winter hours now on Saturdays from 1-4pm. Folks to the east can check out the Hartwell Farmers Market, which starts bright and early on Saturday morning from 7am to noon, and Tuesday afternoons from noon to 4pm. You can learn all about them here: If you know of any other area markets operating, please let me know.
All of these other markets are separate from ALG (including the Athens Farmers Market) but many growers sell at multiple markets. Please support your local farmers and food producers, where ever you’re able to do so!
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest, and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!