The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
CLG: Opening Bell: Apples, Potatoes, Okra, Squash!
Good afternoon!
We had two growers on vacation last week, but they are back now with lots of goodies. Check out the new baked items from Drewry Orchard.
I have listed my last batch of pickles for the year: bread-and-butter, or wickles. Either variety is only $4.50 per pint. Keep them in the refrigerator and enjoy some crunchy goodness every day.
It’s still grilling season. Pick up some pork chops, bratwurst, burgers, or chicken and fire up the barbie this week. Grilled zucchini is delicious! And you might as well throw some jalapeños on there too.
Be sure to SEARCH for your favorite items using the search field. We have over 625 items available now!
Most items are listed by 6pm Sunday, but check back again before the market closes Tuesday night to see if any other items are ready to be harvested for you! Eat fresh! Eat local! Eat for better health!
And save your eggshells throughout the week for the laying hens! :-)
The market is now OPEN for orders. Click here to start shopping:
Please check your email a few minutes after you place your order to make sure you get an order confirmation. Thanks!
Miami County Locally Grown: Enter to win our Gift Baskets!!
Remember to check out our 6 Gift Baskets in the MCLG category, that we’re giving away next month!
Full of a wide variety of Market products, the drawing for these Baskets has been a fun way to thank customers each year for eating local and supporting their area family farmers and producers.
This year we took the two themes, Breakfast and Grilling, that have been most popular in the past, and created 2 baskets for each theme! Plus a Homemaker’s and English Tea basket :-)
Just place a Market order on our website by September 15th, and select which Baskets in the MCLG category you’d prefer (or feel free to enter for all 6, although once your name is drawn for one basket, you’re ineligible to win the others, so we’re sure of 6 winners! We want to spread the winnings and Market goodness out!)
Good luck, Happy Sunday to everyone, and THANK YOU for your continued support :-)
Magney Legacy Ridge Farm: CSA #20
Dear CSA-ers,
This week’s preassembled bag will include Baby Beets with tops, Lovelock Head Lettuce, Spring Mix, Casper White Eggplant, Mixed Tomatoes, Baby Bell Peppers, and Oregano. Custom orders may be placed between now and Tuesday evening on the website at:
As the August heat drags on and the summer rains have abruptly ended, it’s never been a better time to have the water lines up and running again. We thank Ray Magney and his heroic effort, fighting mud, and at times dark, to get the system fully functioning. We cross our fingers for no further issues, and thus far have been able to irrigate (and use water in the house) all week. Consistent irrigation is of particular importance to our summer lettuces and germinating the late rotation of fall carrot seeds. If soil moisture for either of these crops drops below a certain point, they will fail. This has definitely been an important fix.
We’ve struggled with missing some of our team members this week. You never fully appreciate what people do until they’re not around to do it. This is beginning to place us a bit behind with Fall planting, but the transplant seedlings are looking strong, and we seem to have good establishment on our direct seed crops. Hopefully favorable conditions in the coming weeks will give us a chance to catch up. Everything in agriculture is timing, it is keeping time to a rhythm of rhythms.
This week’s featured vegetable is the beet. Beets are in the “amaranth” family, being most closely related to Swiss Chard and Spinach. The beet originates from Southern Europe and the Mediterranean region although it is featured most prominently in Eastern European cuisine. Beets are rich in folate and manganese and may help lower blood pressure. We grow many different types of beets, though the majority of this week’s share will be a traditional red variety called “Rhonda.” All parts of the beet are edible, including the tops which can be treated like Swiss Chard. A simple preparation for baby beets to cut the tops and bottom of the root off, boil them until they fork tender, then cool, peel, slice, and serve them on salad. In Detroit, boiled baby beets are a standard addition to most Greek Salads.
As always, we thank you for your support of our business. If you have great recipe ideas, or a dish made with our vegetables that turned out well, please tag us @magneylegacyridgefarm. We love hearing from our customers, and we look forward to bringing you more healthy local produce in the future.
The Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Team
This week’s recipe: Ratatouille!
2 zucchinis
2 yellow squash
2 small eggplants
3 slicer tomatoes
1 (26-ounce) jar of tomato basil pasta sauce
3 bell peppers
2 tablespoons fresh oregano
2 tablespoons fresh parsley
2 teaspoons fresh thyme
2 tablespoons fresh basil (about 7-9 leaves)
1 teaspoon of minced garlic
Salt and pepper, to taste
4 tablespoons of olive oil
Step 1: Prepare your veggies. Slice your zucchini into thin coins and repeat for each vegetable. Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
Step 2: Prepare your sauce. Saute diced bell pepper in a bit of olive oil over medium-high heat. Once heated (about 3-4min), add your sauce and reduce heat to low. Once warmed, pour sauce into the base of your cast iron skillet (I used a 12")
Step 3: Layer vegetable coins in a spiral pattern around the skillet until the entire pan is covered.
Step 4: Prepare your herb drizzle. Combine the minced garlic, chopped oregano, thyme, basil and parsley with 4 T of olive oil and salt and pepper. Mix well and evenly pour over the top of the veggies.
Step 5: Cover finished dish with tinfoil and bake for 40-45 minutes covered, and remove the foil for the last 15-20 minutes until the veggies are soft.
Step 6: Enjoy!
The Wednesday Market: Remember to Order
Good afternoon.
The Wednesday Market is open for orders. Please place your order by 10 p.m. Monday. Orders are ready for pick up between 3 and 6 p.m. Wednesday. See the website for this week’s product offerings. Here is the link:
Have a great Sunday, and we’ll see you at the Market.
Four Seasons Farmers Market: Market Open! August 18-20
Good morning, the market is open.
Vegetables, meat, eggs flowers and more!
Your purchases will be available from 3-6 PM on Wednesday afternoon at our new pickup location in Fayetteville:
Berry Natural
3059 N College Ave
Fayetteville, AR 72703
Independence,VA: Market closes Monday night at 8 pm!
Good morning,
Don’t forget to place your Online Market order for the week! As always, thank you so much for your continued support! Happy Sunday!
Remember, this is the last week to order Southern Exposure seeds!
To Shop: Independence Farmers Market.
Thank you for supporting the Independence Farmers Market!
Champaign, OH: Ramble On
Leaves are falling all around
It’s time I was on my way
Thanks to you, I’m much obliged
For such a pleasant stay
But now it’s time for me to go
The autumn moon lights my way
And I smell the rain and with it, came
And it’s headed my way
Oh, sometimes I grow so tired
But I know I’ve got one thing I got to do
Ramble on and now’s the time, the time is now…
Listening to a little Led Zeppelin, this morning, thinking about this market, this point in the summer season, and how gradual changes are coming on like the position of the sun, the length of the shadows, the shades of the trees, the way the wind blows, the slight duskiness of the garden rows…all beautiful, but all reminders that we are in late summer. That bittersweet time before the days of fall come to meet us, taking us off on the colorful season that offers us so much in a different growing season, but sad to see the browning of the strawberry leaves, and the crispness that is taking over the lush green of early June…
But, we continue to ramble on, sing our song, and thankful for all that our gardens, fields, producers all have to offer us, and this market.
It’s Sunday, feels like a sort of lazy start to the day, and what better way to get into the swing of the week, than to get your orders in?
Mine’s a tale that can’t be told
My freedom I hold dear
How years ago in days of old
When magic filled the air…
Cosmic Pam
RAF Buying Clubs : Time to Order!
Another Buying Club week is upon us and we are loaded with fresh, delicious, nutrient dense local foods for your family!
On the menu this week:
- Whole chickens, boneless/skinless breasts and tenders, leg quarters and wings
- Pork sausages, bratwurst, chorizo, pork chops, roasts, uncured bacon and ribs
- Lamb bones for broth
- Freshly pastured eggs
- Sourdough croissants and multigrain bread
- Tomatoes, carrots, squash, herbs, peppers, leeks, onions, and fresh flower bouquets
- And locally made pastas and dry rubs!
Head over to
To place your order for pickup THIS WEDNESDAY 8/21
Pick-up is quick and convenient – pull your car right up to our coolers, grab your groceries and go.
We hope to see you this week!
Green Acres Atkins: Opening bell!
Good morning!
Hope you are all having a great weekend.
We are busy here at the farm working on fall projects!
Please place your orders by noon on Wednesday
Tom and Kami
Suwanee Whole Life Co-op: Reminder - Don't forget to order!
Just a friendly reminder, if you haven’t already placed your order, that market orders are due online by 6 pm TODAY. Order now so you don’t forget :-)
Click Here to Place Your Order For WEDNESDAY pick up in Suwanee
Thank you for placing your order and supporting local farms and businesses!