The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Yalaha, FL: Weblog Entry
Basil Plants available.
We have lots of Shoots and microgreens available this week and minimal lettuce, kale and celery left.
I’m not bringing in outside stuff this week. If you really want me to bring in the outside stuff you will have to let me know ahead of time so I can make the arrangements to go pick up next week. Currently the timing doesn’t seem to work out that well and I don’t want to pick up extra just in case and not have it get sold.
If you want to place and order and pick up before the standard window, just let me know.
Standard Ordering window below.
Order now through 7 am Friday June 29th for Sat June 20th Pickup, or tell me when you want to pick up, we usually have flexibility.
We Are Flexible, TELL ME if you want to make special arrangements for produce, I am open and willing especially now. I just need to know the day before so I can harvest anything that needs early morning handling and I like to know when to expect people to show up.
Remember to tell me when you want to pick up! (and if I don’t reply to confirm within a day, bump my e-mail or text me 407-342-8515. Though I have cleaned up my e-mail so hopefully I won’t Miss Anyone.)
Sign in to order.
You have to sign in to see the add to cart button. Then set the number and click the add to cart button on the items you want to buy (it is the little picture right next to the quantity box.) Remember you need to check out before your order will be placed.
Remember to let me know when you want to pick up on Sat or maybe even Friday late afternoon or on Sunday. (If I don’t send you an e-mail confirmation of your order and pick up time, please make sure you checked out and completed your order.)
Wholesome Harvest Farm WV: Time to order! Wholesome Harvest Farm online market is open.
We have enjoyed meeting all of you when you’ve come to the farm stand and are looking forward to seeing you this week.
Orders need to be in by 10:00 AM on Tuesday, so make sure to order in time.
Martin's Farmstand: Info for 2020 u-pick strawberry season
The strawberries are growing nicely. This cooler weather is really good for them as it slows ripening and allows time for sizing and for the plants to make sugars in the leaves which then move to the berries as they ripen. We are faithfully watering them as there has been way to little rain to please strawberries. At the moment I am seeing a bit of color on a few berries. I judge that we should be ready for the first u-pick day on Monday June 22. There is a slight chance that I can open a few limited spots in the patch on Saturday for a moment.
There are some changes to allow for better social distancing- read this information all the way through. During busy times there will be an outside express checkout option for berries that are being bought by volume.
Hours for u-pick are Monday starting at 7 AM; Wednesday, start 2 PM (no morning picking on Wednesdays); Saturday, start 7 AM. This repeats through out the whole season. The patch closes when the berries are all picked or at 6 PM.
When you arrive you do not need to stop at the stand to weigh your containers if you know the empty weight already. Also you do not need to stop if you are picking into standard Quart or gallon containers.
You have the option of bringing your own containers or buying empties from us.(Quart boxes 25 cents each or $20 per hundred. Gallon buckets$2.50 each.)
As you walk out to the patch you will be expected to walk on the right side of the field roads. Same when you are returning. We will do our best to spread groups apart in the field. I expect family/friend groups to stay together as much as is reasonable to allow for social distancing where it matters. NO DOGS in the field or stand areas.
Pricing (u-pick) $3.50 per Quart; $24 for 8 quart tray and $10 for 4 liquid quart buckets, water pitchers, bowls and other similar sized containers. All containers are expected to well filled but not heaped. We will adjust prices up or down as needed for over or under-filled containers. By the pound price is $2/# (limited to bigger containers or larger amounts); By using volume rather than weight when it makes sense we can bypass the stand for most of the berries and reduce congestion.
Foothills Market: The Market is Open!
Foothills Market is open!
In case it has slipped up on you, next Sunday is Father’s Day. If you’re stuck for an idea about a gift that doesn’t involve going into a crowded store, Foothills Market is here for you! We have a variety of baked goods that the man in your life might enjoy. We have the regular fruit breads that would make a good addition to a Father’s Day brunch, but this week we also have specialty cookies made and decorated by Lily from Happy Horseshoe Farm. These sugar cookies will have homemade Royal Icing with one of two dad-related designs, a mustache or a bowtie. If you’d like to treat Dad to a little something for his sweet tooth, check out these cookies.
Shop the market between now and Wednesday at 5 p.m., fill your cart, and click the “Place your order” button. We’ll have your order ready for pick-up between 4:30-5:30 p.m. on Thursday.
One important change this week – we are going to set up on the east side of the courthouse square to take advantage of the shade on that side as the weather gets hotter. I’ll remind you of this on Thursday when it’s time to pickup your order.
Eat something fresh this week!
Magney Legacy Ridge Farm: CSA #16
Dear CSA-ers,
This week’s Preassembled Bag will contain Cucumbers, Mixed Squash, Cherry Tomatoes, Red Mist Head Lettuce, Spring Mix, Cilantro, and Carrots. Orders may now be placed on the online market at:
Long, bright days tell us we are speeding towards Summer Solstice, (next Saturday, June 20th) the longest day of the year. This celestial event signifies the official beginning of Summer. In Princeton, Kentucky, Solstice clocks in at a whopping 14 hours 46 minutes of daylight. From an office, it might be easy to miss the big 4 celestial events that demarcate the seasons, but on the farm, it’s hard not to notice their significance. These long sunlight hours mean that our plants will grow their fastest, provided they have the water and nutrition that they need.
Nutrition is taken care of at planting with a careful mixture of organic amendments we craft based on a soil test which tells us what needs to be bolstered. However, water can be challenging this time of year. Pursuing our broad goals towards sustainability, we utilize water efficient drip irrigation on the overwhelming majority of our plantings, with overhead wobbling only for seedbed establishment and lettuce production. Nevertheless, weeks without any forecasted rain can be kind of scary. Currently we are working on establishing Sweet Potatoes for the Fall and are going to try to heal-in some winter squash plantings as well. It’s incredible how quickly a cool, wet Spring can flip to a hot, dry Summer.
For this reason, our featured vegetable this week is the cucumber, which hails from the arid climate of India. With its crisp, cool interior, one might not think of cucumbers as a crop that thrives in deserts and areas of extreme seasonal dryness, but it very much is. Observing the plant itself, this climbing vine is covered in tiny hairs (formally “trichomes”) that protect it from sunlight, herbivores, and losing too much water to evaporation. The rind of the cucumber protects the delicious fruit itself as it accumulates moisture and nutrition. Cucumbers are mostly water, but they also contain a near perfect blend of electrolytes for humans. They are the perfect snack if you are feeling dehydrated or have been outside in the heat. We get asked a lot about “burpless” cucumbers, which is a complicated and misunderstood topic. There is a compound in cucumbers called “cucurbitacin” that protects the plant itself from insects and herbivores. Some plants accumulate this compound in fruits and others only produce it in foliage. At one time, this chemical was thought to induce burping in people who ate the bitter cucumbers. Plants with low fruit bitterness were selected for and bred. The link between cucurbitacin and burping has never been substantiated, and more likely burping is caused by eating any cucumber too fast. Yet the term “burpless” stuck as a marketing thing, and functionally means a low-bitter cucumber. We selected out cucumbers varieties to be resilient and delicious. Not all of them are advertised as “burpless” but so far they all taste great. So next time you think about asking a vendor if their cucumbers are ‘burpless’, instead, ask them “are they delicious?” We hope you find the answer for ours is “yes!”
As always we thank you for supporting our farm through our CSA and market presences. We are still very much a growing farm and are working perpetually to improve your experience. Yet we are still human, and subject to err. Should you have an issue with our produce, please let us know, and we will try to make it right for you. Customer feedback is an important part of improving our service, and being the best farm we can be, for you, our community.
The Magney Legacy Ridge Farm Team
Berea Gardens: Market open
We have some very nice Broccoli again this week with the last of the harvest until our fall crop comes in. Nice, large and tender heads. Tom, Melody and Kenny will join us again and there should be some lettuce, summer squash, specialty plants, and other great stuff. Hope to see you!
Bob and Lynnita
The Wednesday Market: We're Open for Orders
Good afternoon.
The Wednesday Market is open for orders. Please place your order by 10 p.m. Monday. Orders are ready for pick up between 2 and 4 p.m. Wednesday. See the website for this week’s product offerings. Here is the link:
Have a great Sunday, and we’ll see you at the Market.
CLG: Opening Bell: Garlic, Shiitakes, Squash, Honey!
Good afternoon!
Lots of excellent local food available this week. Shiitakes are back! We still have some freshly cured garlic and elephant garlic, along with a full assortment of coffee. And chicken from Bradford Valley Farm! They also offer ground up chicken frames for pet food your dog will love! Cucumbers are coming in strong so you might consider making some pickles.
Congratulations to Sandra, Shawn and Izzy. Baby Emilia arrived after market on Friday!
Ratchford Farms has a limited amount of beef listed. Due to processing limitations, this may be all that’s available for 4 weeks. Stock up!
Our market will continue to meet in the lobby every Friday. Our volunteers will be wearing masks. Your order can be brought to your car in the parking lot by one of our dedicated volunteers. Just call or text me when you are parked, and we will bring your order to your vehicle. 501-339-1039.
Be sure to SEARCH for your favorite items using the search field. Four instance, type in the word “sale” and see what pops up. We have almost 500 items available now!
Most items are listed by 6pm Sunday, but check back again before the market closes Tuesday night to see if any other items are ready to be harvested for you! Eat fresh! Eat local! Eat for better health!
And save your eggshells throughout the week for the laying hens! :-)
The market is now OPEN for orders. Click here to start shopping:
Please check your email a few minutes after you place your order to make sure you get an order confirmation. Thanks!
Green Acres Atkins: Good morning ??
Good morning from Green Acres
We are out and about this morning early enjoying the cool weather!
Making sure to get the tomatoes tied up, the okra hoed for weeds and the corn tilled!
Lots of produce growing!
Come shop at the farm on Tuesday and Thursday from noon to 6pm or Saturday 8am-2pm
Or simply place an order at
Thanks so much for being great customers
Have a great week
Tom and kami
Washtenaw Organic Collaborative: Ordering Open for June 20th Pickup for Washtenaw Organic Collaborative
Summer solstice is coming! On our farms we are busy as bees putting all that we can in the ground now for the harvest later this summer and fall. Thank you for your support of our farms and a stronger local food system!
HOW IT WORKS : Order Sundays-Tuesdays for Saturday pick up/delivery.
1) CREATE AN ACCOUNT Enter your contact info & pick-up location or delivery option – this can be adjusted later. Here is a map of the current pick-up locations: Brines Farm and Slow Farm.
2) ORDER Select “The Market” and begin placing items in your cart. When finished, select “proceed to check out.” There you can verify the quantity of items ordered, leave notes for your growers, and choose your pick up location or delivery option, and pay. You’ll receive a receipt by email. All submitted orders are considered final on Wednesday.
3) PICK UP & ENJOY Every Saturday, pick up your individually packaged order. The Slow Farm pickup location is a no contact pickup – please stay in your car, we will place items in your trunk. The Brines Farm pickup location is self-service off of farmhouse porch. Paid delivery option will arrive at your doorstep about midday. Pick up will be at either:
Brines Farm: Saturdays 9am-5pm (self-serve porch), 6384 Walsh Rd., Whitmore Lake, MI 48189. OR
Slow Farm: Saturdays, 9am-12pm (no-contact pickup, items placed in your car), 4700 Whitmore Lake Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Final Notes:
- Double check the pickup location noted on your receipt/invoice – and remember it for Saturday.
- Delivery to your location is created by adding the $10 delivery item to your order basket.
- If we cannot fulfill an item it will be refunded.
- We cannot accommodate late pick ups or changes in pick up locations.
- Missed Pick Ups will be donated or returned to vendors.
- REGARDING SEEDLINGS AND TREES: We are at the very end of tree and seedling sales: “6/20 Pickup” is the last date.
We appreciate your support! See you Saturday!