The Weblog

This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.

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Siloam Springs, AR:  Online Market Is Open!

Good morning!

The Online Market is open and ready for you to start shopping!

Thank you for supporting our farmers, vendors, and downtown businesses through your purchases online. We appreciate you so much!
A friendly reminder that due to the current concerns with COVID-19 and the recent spike in cases we have implemented a specific process for picking up orders to continue to provide limited contact:

1. If you need to pay for your order at the market please prepare it before you arrive by putting the exact amount of cash or a check payable to Main Street Siloam Springs in an envelope with your name on it. If you are paying with SNAP market staff will process your transaction when your order is brought to you. If you paid online, thank you and your payment will be processed at the close of market. If you are paying with Senior Vouchers please leave a comment for the market when you check out. The process for using these for payment needs to be communicated to you and market staff and we want to make sure and have your Double Dollars ready so you can use them for future purchases.

2. If you walk to the market pick up location we now have a table that will be set up where we will bring your order.

3. For those who drive to the market pick up location – No need to text any longer. There will be someone at the driveway entrance to take your name and assign you to a numbered parking spot. Market staff will be using radios to communicate and deliver orders to you in your vehicle.

4. The Arkansas Health Department advises everyone to wear a mask in situations where you are unable to maintain 6 foot social distancing. Market staff will be wearing masks to deliver orders to customers

See you Saturday!

Champaign, OH:  Monday Flourish Notes

This weeks bouquets is called the summer solstice and will feature beautiful locally grown bells of Ireland, sweet peas, dill heads, yarrow, luscious lillies and garden roses.

We will have bunches of lavender available now too for $12 – would that be ok if I added it to the market?

Athens Locally Grown:  ALG Market Open for June 25

Athens Locally Grown

How to contact us:
Our Website:
On Twitter: @athlocallygrown
On Facebook:
On Thursdays: Here’s a map.

Market News

Well, that first week back didn’t go too bad. We had a number of rough spots on our end of things, some that we’re really going to have to give some thought to before we know for sure that this new location is a good long-term fit for us. We fell behind from the very beginning, and some of you had to wait longer than I wanted you to for your items. In the end, though, we managed a near-record turnout and mostly got everything we had to the right people.

We do need some more people in the back filling bags, and another couple sets of hands will make a huge difference. If you’d like to give up five hours of your Thursday (3pm – 8pm) helping growers unload and then filling bags with food, please let me know. Volunteers do get a food credit every week they work, and the labor can be a bit demanding of late. If you’ve told me before you’d like to help, let me know again. Things change so quickly these days, I probably shouldn’t assume that what was true six weeks ago is still true now.

One change we’ll be making that you should see is we’ll be adjusting the locations of the two tents we have set up. With a few tweaks, I think we can manage to get quite a few more cars in and off the road, should we fall behind you you all come at once. We had people arrive early last week and wait, and shortly after five we already had 40 cars come through, and there was just no way we could handle that many all at once. We still won’t be able to this week, so if you don’t arrive at the very beginning of your times lot (or early, even) that’ll help.Making more room for those of you that do will help a little too.

We have some challenges on the inside, too. We were just so spoiled with how perfect the facilities were at the Y that it’ll take getting used to having things spread out to every room of that old farmhouse. I do think this week should be better all around.

So, anyway, welcome to summer! This is peak farmers market season, with plenty of spring greens still around and all the summer goodies starting to come in. I’ve been gorging on the blueberries I bought last week, and will have to get even more this week. If you’ve been wondering about The Comedian, firing they were a casualty of our hiatus, never fear. They’re taking some time off for renovating the bakery, and should return to us in a couple weeks.

Finally, here are the weekly reminders of things that have changed for ALG since the before times:

  • Don’t arrive at the beginning of your pickup window if you’ve got that flexibility. We fill the bags alphabetically (because it’s easier on us that way), but your arrival time or last name has no bearing on what items you get. The growers fill orders based solely on the time you placed your order, so that’s all been long decided by Thursday. Take your time getting there and that’ll naturally spread things out a bit. Flatten the curve, if you will.
  • I’m bad with faces as it is, and masks make it even harder to recognize you and even hear you when you give your name. Many of you had papers with your name written in big letters we could read through the window, and that is wonderful. If you think to do that same, it’ll make things even smoother.
  • The pickup loop does have a fair bit of room, but we don’t want you backing up into Tallassee. If you arrive faster than we can deliver orders, we may ask you to pull ahead into the loop and circle around. That may mean that some people who arrived after you may get their food before you, but as I said above, that doesn’t affect at all what items you get when things run short.
  • We’ve still got three pickup windows, and it’s totally ok if you come later than the slot you chose. If you come early, odds are high that we haven’t filled your bags yet and we may ask you to come back. Tallassee is a pretty drive, and I recommend taking it to the county line and back, just for the scenery.
  • We’re not accepting in-person payments unless absolutely necessary. We’ll have a drop box for checks or labelled envelopes of cash, but we greatly prefer Venmo payments to @athenslocallygrown or online payments through a card tied to your account. Venmo is free, and card payments have a 3% processing fee.
  • We can not accept any recycling just yet, though that may change once we get settled.
  • We cannot take your own bags or bins out of your car and fill them up
  • If you’d like to go through your items before you leave to make sure you’ve got everything, or that we didn’t mix up people’s items, feel free to pull into the lot and have a look.

I hope everything will go smoothly but since this is new to all of us, there may be some weirdness. Bear with us, and I’m sure we’ll be settled in in no time.

Thank you so much for your support of Athens Locally Grown, all of our growers, local food, and our rights to eat it. You all are part of what makes Athens such a great area in which to live. We’ll see you at our brand new home on Tallassee Road!

Other Area Farmers Markets

If ALG doesn’t have everything you need, please support our growers at the other markets that are now back up and running, or at their own locations. The Comedian takes online orders for Saturday pickup at the bakery here: The Athens Farmers Market is holding their Saturday market once again in Bishop Park. It’s not anything like it was before, so you’ll want to read up on all the changes on their website, The West Broad Farmers Market is back too, holding a drive through market just like us (and using my software too, so it’ll be nice and familiar). You can join them at And of course Collective Harvest is going strong over at

All of these other markets are separate from ALG (including the Athens Farmers Market) but many growers sell at multiple markets. Please support your local farmers and food producers, where ever you’re able to do so!

We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!

Falls Park Farmers Market:  Online Farmer's Market is OPEN!

The Online Falls Park Farmer’s Market is open again this week. We have 17 vendors bringing over 600 products online this week for your first look.

Be sure to scroll through your favorite categories as a number of new products have been added this week. New vegetables like shelling peas, All American sweets and more lamb options are just some of the new items this week.

Pickup as always is 8-10am in front of the market structure.

Thanks for checking us out this week!

Dawson Local Harvest:  It's Sunday night, the Dawson Market OPENS at 8 pm!

Wild Caught Gulf Shrimp Joins the Market, with Ground Beef, Chicken Sausage, and Lots of Vegetables.

Place Your Order on Dawson Local Harvest!

Martin's Farmstand:  U-pick update for Monday June 22

We are opening for u-pick strawberries tomorrow morning (Monday June 22) starting at 7 AM. This heat is ripening them fast. Picking conditions will be very good with an estimated 3,000 + lbs of berries ripe. If I am reading my patch right this week will be the peak week and it looks to me like the conditions are set to have an intense, short strawberry season.
Will we have picked berries on the stand tomorrow? We will be picking what we can and I expect intermittent availability of picked berries at the stand.. The chances of having lots of picked berries at the stand for purchase is much higher on Tuesday afternoon when we are not dealing with u-pick. The price for picked berries is $6.50 per quart or $40 for 8 quarts (when supply allows)

There are some changes to allow for better social distancing-* read this information all the way through.* During busy times there will be an outside express checkout option for berries that are being bought by volume.
Hours for u-pick are Monday starting at 7 AM; Wednesday, start 2 PM (no morning picking on Wednesdays); Saturday, start 7 AM. This repeats through out the whole season. The patch closes when the berries are all picked or at 6 PM.
When you arrive you do not need to stop at the stand to weigh your containers if you know the empty weight already. Also you do not need to stop if you are picking into standard Quart or gallon containers.
You have the option of bringing your own containers or buying empties from us.(Quart boxes 25 cents each or $20 per hundred. Gallon buckets$2.50 each.)
As you walk out to the patch you will be expected to walk on the right side of the field roads. Same when you are returning. We will do our best to spread groups apart in the field. I expect family/friend groups to stay together as much as is reasonable to allow for social distancing where it matters. NO DOGS in the field or stand areas.
Pricing (u-pick) $3.50 per Quart; $24 for 8 quart tray and $10 for 4 liquid quart buckets, water pitchers, bowls and other similar sized containers. All containers are expected to well filled but not heaped. We will adjust prices up or down as needed for over or under-filled containers. By the pound price is $2/# (limited to bigger containers or larger amounts); By using volume rather than weight when it makes sense we can bypass the stand for most of the berries and reduce congestion. Daniel

Wholesome Harvest Farm WV:  Online Market Open - Time to order.

We’re opening our online market for the week, and we’ve got both red and yellow bell peppers on the online market now.

Orders need to be in by 10:00 AM on Tuesday, so make sure to order in time.

Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday!

Russellville Community Market:  The Market Closes at 10 Tonight!

To ensure your order is placed, make sure you click the “Place My Order” button once you have completed your shopping. You will receive a confirmation email.

Orders will be ready for pick-up from 4PM – 8:00PM this Tuesday outside the Downtown Russellville Train Depot. Your order will be brought to your car in full-service fashion!

NEW – Chocolate Sprinkle Grape Tomatoes! Fresh Cucumbers, Squash, Swiss Chard, Turnips, Delicious Artisan Breads, Decorated Cookies, and PEACHES!! We still have Fresh Peaches for sale. ATU Agri’s plants are now HALF PRICE (except for the hanging baskets)!! Prices are already adjusted.
Check back frequently as our farmers regularly update what they have available.

Russellville Community Market


Foothills Market:  The Market is Open!

Yesterday marked the first day of summer, and just looking at the listing on Foothills Market would be enough to let you know. We’re seeing things like green beans and yellow squash, and I believe I even saw a few tomatoes during the market pick-up day last week. As long as we keep getting some rain, the summer bounty should continue and maybe increase!

Browse the listings on the market between now and Wednesday at 5 p.m. Be sure to click the button to place your order; that will activate your order in the system. We’ll get everything picked and packed and ready for you to pick up between 4:30-5:30 p.m. Thursday. It seemed to work well to have pick-up on the east side of the square, so we’ll continue with that this week.

Eat something fresh this week!

CLG:  Opening Bell: Mushrooms, Onions, Jam, Honey!

Good afternoon!
We’ve been enjoying some nice weather lately, and the gardens are really producing! This is the time of year where you can put back some of the season’s bounty to enjoy the rest of the year. We made 18 jars of delicious peach jam this morning in just a few hours. Check out the chicken and pork listings, and get it while you can. Eat local!

Our market will continue to meet in the lobby every Friday. Our volunteers will be wearing masks. Your order can be brought to your car in the parking lot by one of our dedicated volunteers. Just text me when you are parked, and we will bring your order to your vehicle. 501-339-1039.

Let’s do this again: Authentic Tamales!
Pork, chicken or jalapeño & cheese.
Five for $7.
At market this Friday, June 26th.
Text me your order.

Be sure to SEARCH for your favorite items using the search field. Four instance, type in the word “sale” and see what pops up. We have almost 500 items available now!

Most items are listed by 6pm Sunday, but check back again before the market closes Tuesday night to see if any other items are ready to be harvested for you! Eat fresh! Eat local! Eat for better health!

And save your eggshells throughout the week for the laying hens! :-)

The market is now OPEN for orders. Click here to start shopping:

Please check your email a few minutes after you place your order to make sure you get an order confirmation. Thanks!